Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 381: Stranded country T

"It's hard to find a life-saving grace. I don't know how to call it Emperor?" Lin Yu straightened her shirt and said calmly.

Lin Yu chased up with gratitude, but Lin Lang didn't seem to be relieved, he was still walking on his own, and there was no answer.

Lin Yu didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, she began to introduce herself: "My name is Lin Yu, my ancestor lived in Huaxia Kyoto, and later moved from my father's generation to country T, now I am a Chinese of T nationality."

"My father died early, and I had no choice but to fight by myself. Later, I broke through the Golden Triangle and supported my brothers with a group of people. Now I have also built a large foundation. Now there is a small reputation there, everyone will Sell ​​me some face. "

"If the benevolent doesn't hate it, you can move to the Golden Triangle, and the good wine and meat will not break in the future ..."

Perhaps he was annoyed by him, Lin Lang turned back lightly: "You don't need to thank me, I didn't have the intention to save you, it's a fate to meet right, just stop there."

Lin Yu paused. He said that it did not contain a little bragging. He was indeed a warlord on the other side of the Golden Triangle, and he was in charge of hundreds of thousands of subordinates. I didn't expect him to throw these identities, but he was directly rejected.

"What is the name of Engong? Maybe when you meet again in the future, please enunciate the well-known surname." Lin Yuyao shouted.

"Lin Youye."

The sound gradually dissipated in the air.

Looking at Lin Lang's distant figure, Lin Yu's face showed a little disappointment: "This is the Fang Waiman. If it can be pulled into my camp, it must be even more powerful."

Originally he wanted to recruit the other party into his own camp, even if it was a heavy sum, but the latter did not even give him the opportunity to speak. Mindful of this, Lin Yu's face was extremely lost, and suddenly he looked away and quickly left the place.

About half a minute later, the police of country T finally arrived late, listening to the statements of witnesses around them, and suddenly developed a sense of absurdity.

Can anyone really fear guns?

"Issue a warrant and temporarily block all the main roads. I don't believe you can escape and hunt." A senior police sneered.


Lin Lang was about to leave country T, but when he arrived at the airport, he was informed that a vicious shooting had occurred in the urban area, with countless casualties. Police suspected that the culprits were likely to leave by plane, so the flight was temporarily cancelled.

"No way."

Lin Lang walked into the ticket office lobby, his heart was extremely speechless, and it was unnecessary to know that the gangster in the mouth of the police was him. I didn't expect a random move, but now I was delaying my time.

Watching the police with live ammunition in the airport shuttle constantly, don't think about and know how much noise happened this time. Looking at the current situation of martial law search in the city, I believe that it will not be long before police from country T will find him.

But Lin Lang doesn't care much, anyway, it's not Huaxia here. If the truth doesn't make sense, why not make a big noise. He doesn't need to dread anything here, everything can be destroyed.

"After all, Mangu is an international metropolis, and it will be blocked for a few hours at most. It can't be delayed too long." Lin Lang thought in his mind. At this time wandering the streets outside the airport, waiting for the next plane to set sail.

However, the police of State T were not vegetarian. He found his whereabouts within half an hour, and several plain clothes hung behind him. Around him, several police officers armed with riot gear came around.

"Looks like a fight."

Lin Lang indifferently released his fist.

Just then, a cool Maybach buzzed, and a beautiful drift flick came in front of Lin Lang.


Sitting in the car was a **** and enchanting beauty, wearing a red dress at first glance, a white palm grasping the steering wheel, stepping on the throttle, and a heroic beauty.

Not others, it is Suzaku!

"It's you, you are even in country T." Lin Lang was surprised.

"Less nonsense. Get in the car." Suzaku glared at him and said, "Hurry up, I don't want to have another diplomatic incident tomorrow."

"This is the external response of the gangsters. Now they are shot and killed, regardless of life or death." Many nearby T country police saw Maybach stepping in, and immediately chose to fire, and the bullets were under rain.

Lin Lang glanced lightly, and suddenly laughed slightly, sitting in the back seat. At the same time, the surface of the car was covered with a transparent mask at this moment, and it was helpless to let countless bullets fall.

With an arrogant buzz, Maybach moved away.


"Oh my god, you sat in the car and even bulletproof glass was saved, how did you do it."

Suzaku frowned.

"You will naturally come to my realm." Lin Lang smiled. The foundation realm can be spiritually released, and the strength of the aura cover surpasses the steel plate, which can naturally resist bullets in a short time.

"Yes, you can kill even the **** realm now, there is nothing you can do." Suzaku nodded his head, but he hadn't seen it for half a year, Lin Lang's realm was already difficult to guess.

Even though she is now at the peak of the transformation, she thought she could be closer to the other side, but Lin Lang has already dumped her eighteen streets, and she is hopeless.

Suzaku's driving skills are very good. Driving a high-end car like Maybach is even more instructive. Even in the downtown area, she still can't beat her. Within a few long streets, several police cars behind him were taken by him. Shake off completely.

Especially at times, she seemed to show off intentionally, to a beautiful flick, and put the car into a lane.

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