Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 380: Street shootout

"The security of country T should always be good, especially the capital." Lin Lang frowned. As the face of a country, security in the capital must be top priority. In addition, there are basic guarantees for people's livelihood and medical care. Extreme people rarely appear in a comfortable environment.

The two who ran away were also experienced veterans, constantly changing their bunkers on the way to death, effectively avoiding many bullets. Rao was like this, one of them was also torn his arm, and dripped blood continuously in the direction of escape.

Behind them were a group of strong men carrying carbines, each of which seemed to be powerful and powerful. The firearms in his hands occasionally sprayed tongues of fire, and the road signs covering them were riddled with scars.

Seeing the hopeless escape, the two men only scored and fled. Unfortunately, one of them was sieved as soon as he showed his half body, and he died completely without screaming.

Another man was hiding behind the hawker's dining car and was about to rush into another alley and run.

It was just that he was about to act and was forced to retreat in the same way. I saw two strong men with guns coming out of another alley.

Lin Lang naturally disdains to hide. For him at present, ordinary bullets are basically difficult to cause him danger. Of course, he is not prepared to worry about this mess, provided that these people do not provoke him.

But he was intruded in the end.

Four directions, surrounded by strong men with live ammunition. The Chinese man stepped back step by step, and was surrounded by many people with Lin Lang around the center.

"Boss Yu, your loyal cadres have already finished their fight, and you can catch it." A man wearing a red beret separated from the crowd and walked out of the crowd.

Lin Yuru crashed into the ice cave. Even though he is a good man, he is a special soldier, but it is impossible to escape under the layers of a dozen guns.

With a final attitude, Lin Yu calmed down quickly and said, "Zhan Khan, you can be fair. I can treat you well, even if you take the goods channel to you to take care of, why do you want to react? Water. Isn't it enough for me. "

"I want to be the boss too," said the red beret with a smile on his face. "Not to mention that someone will buy your life at a high price, and who can't afford the money."

"So you can betray me and even take the lives of your wife and children. Don't forget, they are in the camp. If I have an accident in your hands, they will also be buried for me." Lin Yuhan Sound channel.

"Boss Yu, you have been fooling around in the Golden Triangle for so long, and your people are in charge of hundreds of people. Don't you still understand the principle of innocence and husband. There is no right or wrong in the rules of the Golden Triangle. Zhan sneered, full of irony.

Lin Yu was silent.

All of this was caused by himself. He should never have a hint of light confidence, even if he was always with him from nothing to start from scratch. What's more, people who believe in the Golden Triangle should have the love of husband and wife and the feelings of parents and children.

There are no friends here, only interests and lunatics.

"If you make a mistake, you lose." Lin Yu said suddenly, "Go ahead and be sharp, don't make me go too ugly."

So far, there is nothing left to say. Survival is impossible. Even if there is a hint of softness in sweating, today's things will not happen.

"I'll do it for you." Zhan raised his shotgun and aimed at Lin Yu's head to pull the trigger.

"Can you both stop for a while."

Just then, a leisurely voice sounded. Everyone stayed, turned around and looked at the young man who was unintentionally involved.

"Fang is inconvenient to make a concession, you are blocking the way."

The crowd was stunned again, even those brave men with guns couldn't help but burst out. Obediently, now you are involved in an armed conflict. If you do n’t go to the corner and tremble, even if you are daring, now you turn them back and think they are in the way?

"I'm afraid this person is crazy."

There was a sluggish street.

Even Zhan was stunned, and immediately said, "Bold and fearless Chinese, do you know who I am? Have you ever seen what I was holding?"

"I don't care who you are, it's not like participating in the grudges between you, give me a way. Also, in my eyes, the things in your hands are no different from burning sticks." Lin Lang said lightly.

Zhan is playing with the shotgun in his hand, shaking his hands up and down, the bullets loaded, and said loudly, "Amosy, let him see the power of burning sticks."


The strong man standing in front of Lin Lang nodded, suddenly sneered, and threw the **** directly forward. He was born with a body that looks like a bull, and his strength is amazing. Now he shakes up the **** to bring out the sound of whistling, and the power is amazing.

Instead, ordinary people are hit and the chin is light.

Everyone seemed to have foreseen the appearance of Lin Lang's bloodshed, and Zhan Khan's eyes were cold, sneer: "Let you be nosy."

However, at this moment, the change of life is not true!

Amoxi didn't hurt Lin Lang. Instead, he was taken out ten meters away by Zhen Zhen and lost it. He rolled on the ground a few times, and he didn't know if he was going to die.

"Mrs. Gan Lin! How dare you hit Laozi!" Zhan was furious. He never expected that the best of his own hands would be beaten down directly.

At a time, more than a dozen black hole muzzles were transferred, and they all aimed at Lin Lang.

"I hate people pointing me with a gun." Lin Lang frowned. He didn't want to gossip, but at least he couldn't be provoked.

"Labourers like to point you at guns. What can you do if you don't agree? Can you still eat a gun?" Zhan sneered, and raised his gun at Lin Lang's head: "You don't believe I will shoot?"

Anyway, he's already had a big fight in the capital of country T. Sooner or later, he has to run away. He doesn't really care about carrying an extra life on his body. In the future, he fled back to the Golden Triangle. The emperor was far away, and even the army of country T could not control it.

"Labour and capital will kill you now, let's die."

Zhan Khan is also a battlefield figure, saying that he would never hesitate when shooting. He aimed at Lin Lang's body and sneered, "Let me die."


Zhan pulled the trigger.

However, the next moment his face changed dramatically.

At this time, he was shocked to find that a transparent film was raised in front of the young people opposite him. The eight bullets hit the film as if they touched a layer of copper wall and iron wall. It was hard to get in. Not only that, Lin Lang also stretched out Hands, completely ignoring the high temperature, squeezed a few pellets in his hands.

"Who are you, how can you stop the bullet!" Zhan's face changed suddenly. He has been in the Golden Triangle for many years, and has heard of warriors who can avoid bullets, but it is still unheard of to those who ignore bullet attacks.

"I said that I hated other people pointing guns at me." Lin Lang said indifferently. He shook his hand, and the eight bullets in his hand blasted out. With a few sounds of stabbing into the flesh, eight strong men fell down, and one bullet was not wasted.

The surviving three or two shot at Lin Lang like crazy, but the power of the carbine was completely difficult to penetrate through the film. As Lin Lang walked, not only a warhead fell to the ground in front of him, sending out a clear, crisp cry.

Lin Lang looked indifferent, pointing a little at the past.

"How dare you kill me!"

A light beam of finger thickness was constantly enlarged in Zhan's eyes, and then his head burst and his headless body fell into a pool of blood.

A dozen gunmen were not spared, and within 30 seconds the entire army was annihilated. However, the original creators, after wiping out dozens of guns and sweating with their hands, didn't even care about it, and Enron continued to hurry.

Lin Yu looked aside for a while, looking at Lin Lang's eyes and seeing a few gods. After a long while, he finally exhaled slowly: "Huaxia has such a master!"

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