Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 299: Mo's second visit

"The hilltop villa used the combination of the second team of Juling Panlong, supplemented by the team of moon robbery, and the operation complemented each other. It is possible to kill and build monks in the base period."

"Now that I am making great progress, no matter whether it is Julingzhen or Panlongzhen, it is difficult to meet my needs. Improving the formation is an inevitable move."

After a little groaning, Lin Lang had a plan.

At that time, the defensive formation on the hilltop villa was the Panlong formation, which was one of the simplest several formations. However, the materials and repairs were lacking in both aspects, and the formation of the formation was not stronger.

In the afternoon of the same day, Mo Mo personally took some marijuana bags to Linlang House. Mo always liked to collect these weird things on weekdays, and these in front of him are basically all he has.

"Lin Shenyi, here are some of the materials you asked for, including several ghost goods unearthed from a large tomb on the Burma-Thailand border, because of this, nearly a hundred dead. Exile to us. "

Mo second obediently. Compared to those warriors who have been mingling in the world of the Transcendents all the year round, he has limited knowledge and only knows the identity of Lin Lang as a Lin Shenyi.

But even so, he now has to lower his posture completely when facing Lin Lang.

Lin Lang's eyes fell on the top of several sacks, and the younger brothers around noticed and opened the sacks and spread them out in front of Lin Lang. After a little inspection, Lin Lang's face could not help showing a touch of joy.

"These things are of great value. I will contact Mo Bingzhu later to remit the money to you." Lin Lang said in a voice.

"Lin Shenyi likes it, even though it is taken away, it's just something outside of me. I can't use it. It is a sword and a hero given to Lin Shenyi." Mo Lao second laughed.

Lin Lang shook his head. Although Mo's second child is backed by the Mo family, these things are not in vain. Moreover, now that he is not short of money now, there is no need to pull the door on this kind of thing and leave human feelings behind.

The two chatted for a few moments, but saw Mo's second babbling for a while, and finally pulled out a compass-like thing from his pocket.

"Lin Shenyi, this is the astronomical instrument displayed at this year's antique auction. In the end, it even sold more than 2 billion astronomical prices. It was also my luck. The last competitor was a business partner who asked for me. Otherwise, it would not be possible to get it with two billion dollars. "

"Slap your eyes and help?"

The compass is square and angular, with four circles at the center. The inner layer is etched with weird symbols, ranging from four to eight in the inner circle, sixteen to sixty-four in the outer circle. The parts are even, forming a wonderful battle.

"This is an ancient Chinese artifact?" Lin Lang was surprised. In his impression, this thing is similar to the shape of the Chinese Feng Shui compass, and the difference is only a pointer.

"No, although this instrument is similar to the Feng Shui compass, it is indeed a wizard's grave tomb produced in southern Thailand. According to historical research, it has been around 800 years."

"Seven or eight hundred years ago, the influence of the southern Thai royal family gradually weakened. Several monks disturbed the gangnat, and even the military power was taken down by them a lot. Later, a man named Meng Weimeng emerged to help the king calm down. The rebellion led the army to suppress four or five monks who tried to get in touch with the government. "

"After his death, the king set up a monument for him, and he has this large tomb. It is said that the Master Weimen has the ability to know the yin and yang. By the way, the first batch of downhill tombs met the Yin soldiers. By this strange thing, only one person escaped from birth, and now he has become crazy. "

Mo has always been very concerned about these things. When I started this compass, I investigated the matter.

"Yin Bing excuse me?" Lin Lang mentioned a little interest. It is not a rumor that the Yin soldiers excuse this.

The underworld is ruled by a supreme being. Under him, the ghosts and gods that dispatch troops are called the overlords. In addition, some cultivators of ghost cults, also known as psychics, can also summon necrotic battles for a short time.

"So, this compass is a little bit new."

Lin Lang played the compass for a long while, and then threw it back to Mo Lao: "This is a third-order instrument. Now that the internal damage is half done, the power of the second-order instrument has been burned. It has been burning for a long time. Putting it at home will only attract some ghosts and foul things. If there is no suitable means to drive them, let alone exert their strength, it is good not to be caught by the ghosts. "

The second child Mo was complacent when he heard the first half of Lin Lang's words. He said that it took him half of his family to finally press the right thing, but when he heard the second half of the words, he was scared. A clever man, almost throwing two billion to the ground.

"Mr. Lin, this thing is so scary?" Mo's second child swallowed a few saliva. Which one did he buy when heirloom? He clearly spent two billion on his own life.

Lin Lang nodded: "Leave it at home for more than a year, you will still be alive, but it is not you who may support your actions."

Not that he was alarmist, but the compass had this disaster, but he could resolve it, but Mo's second child is just an ordinary person, how can he bear this.

"Is there a way to resolve it?"

Mo's second child still did not give up, he really couldn't bear these two billions of water.

"You don't." Lin Lang shook his head. When the compass was refined, it had already been shaped in the way of exorcising souls and ghosts, and wanted to change this unless it was completely broken back into the furnace and rebuilt. Even if he just relies on his vigorous cultivation to make it difficult to get close.

As for Mo, the second child couldn't bear to throw it away ... it just had to die.

"Forget it, I still don't want this life-saving thing, I'll give it to Lin Shenyi." Mo's second child is extremely frustrated. Anyone who spends a lot of money to get a life-saving thing is estimated to be in a worse mood than him.

"I'm not trying to blackmail your treasures, but it's hard to keep the compass in your hands, or you'll have to die." Lin Lang smiled: "Since you gave the compass to me, I won't take it Your cheap, I will make you a second-class instrument for you. "

Hearing that Mo's second child suddenly swept away the haze, his face turned happy. Although he didn't know if Lin Lang had the ability to make magical instruments, he knew that the other party could even make the immortal, which was born and died.

Presumably making a magic weapon is not a problem.

"It's going to be troublesome for Lin Shenyi!" Mo Erbo bowed down.

"Let me get it three days later."

The delight on Mo's second face could not be concealed. Looking at the young boy in front of him, his eyes were slightly vacant.

At the beginning, his first contact with Lin Lang was due to an antique auction. At that time, Lin Lang was still a little fart in high school, and this year later.

Also just after the antique auction, standing in front of him are the two provinces of North, South, and Liao, holding the power of nearly 100 billion companies with market value, and countless wealthy Lin Provincial Doctors in both provinces.

"If Yuze had one tenth of his ability, I would be satisfied."

Mo second sighed.

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