"Lin Youye, Master Lin, look forward to it, and finally look forward to your return home safely."

Commander Kong laughed. It can be seen that today he is stunned and the whole person looks like a young ten-year-old. People are refreshed at every happy event.

"Commander Kong, it's a noble guest, please sit down." Lin Lang gave a slight greeting.

"Well, Suzaku are you here too?" Commander Kong glanced at Suzaku slightly, and muttered, "What are you?"

I saw Suzaku's face flushed, and the original green silk was winding like a waterfall. It seemed to have just experienced a war.

"It's nothing. I was in a hurry before. It didn't bother me." Suzaku couldn't hide her embarrassment. When Lin Lang looked cold, he simply stopped asking about himself, hummed, and found a seat.

"The dignified Suzaku can get tired like this on the road?" Commander Kong muttered in his heart, knowing naturally that it was the other party's excuse. Since Suzaku didn't want to say it, he didn't mention it again.

"Commander Kong, did you come to remind me this time?" Lin Lang sat on the sofa and suddenly spoke.

"Of course not, I'm here to congratulate you." Commander Kong Haha smiled, and he could see that he was full of energy and happy events today.

"Congratulations?" Lin Lang was surprised.

"Of course it is. Congratulations to General Lin for his triumphant return and to promote our country overseas." After a pause, Commander Kong Yan smiled: "According to the headquarters, he is preparing to promote Mr. Lin as a special operation agency, but General There is not enough meritorious service. At present, it can only be tentatively designated as a quasi-combatant. "

"What? He's going to fight!"

Suzaku Qiaoyan changed color. In the war, Huaxia only had four people named after the four beasts, but now there is a fifth person.

The special operations agency is an organization independent of the central government. The group of people in the central government serves as the "literature." The special operations agencies and the army, as ‘army’, represent the highest combat power that Huaxia has shown to the world. Both internal and external problems can be assured.

Huaxia does not have the title of quasi-combatant, Lin Lang is the first quasi-combatant. This shows that the headquarters has almost finalized his identity, but just a few merit, the future upgrade battle will almost be a matter of course.

"How old is he, a war general in his early twenties, not in ancient and modern times!" Suzaku was horrified. How many years was she born and died for the country, and now she is more than thirty years old and barely rises to the rank of war fighter?

War general, enjoy the treatment of the general level. When it comes to identity, he is on par with Commander Kong.

This is not the key. The focus is on a twenty-year-old war general. What level can he sit in in the future!

Suzaku was almost choking.

He Huaizhong looked at Lin Lang with jealousy: "I met him at the first time. He was just a guru in Nanliao Province. Now one year has passed and he can sit on par with Commander Kong."

He once negotiated with Lin Lang about the Holy Spirit. At that time, he still had a threatening tone, thinking that Lin Lang was just a junior with a lower status than his. Today, Lin Lang returns from Japan, and his status and status even meet foreign The head of the chaebol, the head of the small country did not hesitate to give up.

It is Commander Kong who is now facing him, and he must welcome him with a smile.

This is the majesty that came out after the First World War.

"I need to look up now when I see him."

He Huaizhong was desperate.

Lin Lang's eyes flickered, and the meaning he realized was totally different from that of Suzaku. Why did the headquarters not promote him directly to the general? What lack of merit is only a trivial factor. The place where the power of the gods is placed is not the standard of the general.

The most important thing is to hang his appetite, which is equivalent to letting him do something indirectly.

Merit is equal to the kind of people who want to pay back.

But these are all within his acceptance. It is true that Lin Lang did not want to have any conflict with the country. There was Chinese blood flowing in his body. Even if some things are cultivated to the sky, he must pay respect. Unless he completely stepped on Lin Lang's bottom line, he would not turn his face.

"Then I thanked Commander Kong and thanked the headquarters for the opportunity." Lin Lang expressed his gratitude in person.

"General Lin's young man got his will, and he was deserved to be earth-shaking. This is all he deserves. A strong man comparable to Divine Realm, as a warrior who serves the country, is not a captain." Commander Kong smiled.

"Commander Kong, don't brag about him anymore, he can't stand it." Suzaku snorted, and said, "Thank you for every step of the way you can achieve today's achievements. You have withstood the pressure of the Mengmen Massacre. It is not that he has spoken for you at the headquarters. You are also just a Lin Lin in Nanliao Province. "

Hearing that Lin Lang was in awe of reverence. At the beginning, he wondered which noble person was behind the scenes to help, and even transferred the director of the provincial department in charge. It turned out that Commander Kong had always been behind.

"Commander Kong, you have a promotion to me. If something happens in the future, I can promise you a condition." Lin Lang solemnly said. The reason why he did not say is the grace of promotion, but the affection, because these are far from reaching the standards that allow him to repay.

Although he didn't pay much attention to these false names, Commander Kong's silent help without asking for anything behind him was enough to respect him.

"It's nice to talk about. What is the condition? What do you think Commander Kong can still get you from the current generation, hypocritical?" Suzaku sneered coldly.

"Then you don't understand my weight." Lin Lang fainted. The immortal King of the Night Fairy promised, not to mention the true immortal in the realm of integration, even the Mahayana King of Emperor had to plead. Because he is not only a fairy king, but also a super strong who can fight against the fairy emperor.

Suzaku doesn't understand his weight, how can he know his ability?

"I can remember this feeling in my heart. One day I beg in front of General Lin and hope not to quit." Commander Kong looked very open and smiled.

"What you can do is right." Lin Lang's lips flapped lightly.

It was Commander Kong that looked at Suzaku and Lin Lang from the left and right, as cunning as he was, and naturally saw that the two seemed unhappy.

"Actually, Suzaku is not a bitter person. When General Lin was rumored to die, Suzaku found you in Japan for more than three months." Commander Kong laughed.

"I was ordered by the headquarters, and it has nothing to do with him." Suzaku spoke hard and turned away from Lin Lang.

"You, everyone has been in business for so many years, and I don't know the temperament of your knife and tofu heart."

Commander Kong shook his head.

After a few chats, Commander Kong saw that Lin Lang knew his good intentions, and then uttered a few other things, and then left with He Huaizhong.

Only Lin Lang and Suzaku remained in the room at this time.

"You said, if I abandon your body repair here and throw you out of the portal, what will the headquarters do to me?"

Lin Lang suddenly made a noise.

Suzaku froze, and then his whole body tightened. If she was abolished by Lin Lang here, although the headquarters would punish Lin Lang, she would not avenge him. After all, his pull value is far greater than its elimination.

"What do you want to do?"

Suzaku looked at Lin Lang nervously.

"Looking at your acceptance in Japan, I will not care about you today. If you repeat it, you will understand the consequences."

Lin Lang laughed and turned back to the house.

"You guy!"

There was a shudder on Suzaku's face, and his teeth felt itchy.

"Is this guy just to scare me!"

Suzaku stood at the door, stomping angrily.

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