Modern technology focuses on firearms. The most effective attack is within a certain distance. When it is close, it is not effective.

Even if they were all wearing three layers of armor, they were still as papery in front of a guru or a strong man close to the realm.

When Lin Lang rushed into the crowd, he entered the flock. The formation was disrupted, and a massacre was immediately set off. A heavily armed soldier beside him was grabbed by his arms and torn in half.

"He came in, kill him!"

The soldiers were uproaring and messing up. Some are afraid of hurting their comrades, and they are afraid to shoot, while others are worried about their small lives, and they can't hurt Lin Lang at all with one shot, but they accidentally hurt their comrades-in-arms.

For a moment, the scene collapsed, and Rao was the next best effort to make effective resistance.

Kinoshita Squadron, almost a thousand miles away!

Lin Lang held the long sword transformed by spiritual power, and the long sword waved down. I don't know how many heads landed. Cut on the body, the armor is also as fragile as a piece of paper, and it is easily cut in half.


Lin Lang's men showed no mercy, and one soldier after another fell in front of him.

"Quick, use a tank, even if you can't kill him, he will run him to death!" Kisuke Sanzo hurriedly.

After all, the Kinoshita Squadron is only an infantry squadron. Compared to the Tank Wing, the number of tanks is simply poor. Only two or three heavy metal monsters rolled over.

Lin Lang stabbed his blade into the track and picked it up. He immediately overturned the tank. He raised his hand forward, and the slender cannon was cut off.

"What the **** is this!"

Finally, Misaki Kinoshita was trembling and turned to run. This time the soldiers have no morale. The chief officers are all deserters. What more do they need to stay here to die.

Almost at the same time, the surviving soldiers lost their helmets and armor, and even lost the weapons in their hands, so as not to affect the speed of the road.

"Now there may be a hint of vitality at the Magnesium Army base ..." thought Sansuke Kinoshita, but a long knife was quietly close to his back.

After beheading and killing Misaki Kinoshita, the long sword struck again, and continued to hide from other soldiers.

Not long after.

The ground is full of scars, bullet holes and shrapnel are everywhere, and the green grass is now scorched black, covered with corpses, and blood flows into a dark red stream.

Kinoshita Squadron is over!

This Japanese infantry squadron has so far been buried in Lin Lang's hands. One's strength can also exert unparalleled weight in the war!

A modern military arm is instantly broken in front of a grandmaster!

"God, you saved us!"

The surviving people fell to their knees reverently, from the heart of their respect. Even after many years, these people even erected a shrine for Lin Lang alone, which enshrines a naked idol ...

Lin Lang turned his back to them and did not look back, because he knew that the greater danger was actually not far from him.

That was what Emperor Taisho told him, the Magnesium Army Base in Japan stationed on the empty island. At that time, Japan was a defeated country. According to Japan ’s current peace constitution, there is no army in Japan. Because the army represents the meaning of external expansion, it retains only the necessary defense forces to protect its territorial security. "Self-Defense Forces."

And even the number and equipment of the Self-Defense Forces are under strict supervision. The number of people they have is still far behind that of modern magnesium.

The empty island, as the name suggests, is an island that is rarely visited by individuals. Only a small number of residents and the magnesium army in Japan exist. Even if it is overwhelmed by fire, it is only claimed that military exercises will not cause any disputes.

At this time, on a cruiser on the empty island sea, the waves were shining, the sea breeze was light, the parasols on the deck were erected, and a square table was set up.

A white officer in a high military uniform was tasting dark beer from Germany. Beside him, stood a burly black man.

"Lieutenant General Jefferson, according to your arrangement, the Third Brigade has been in direct contact with Huaxia Lin You Ye, and Colonel Garry is at this time mobilizing the artillery team to bomb the shore of Tatuowan. Tatuowan Railway Station has been razed. The strong man held a sorted out report and reported it truthfully.

The white chief, Lieutenant General Jefferson, nodded his head slightly, slammed the beer in the can, drank a beer, and pulled out a brand new can of beer from the table.

There was a little helplessness on the face of the black strong man, and he tempted: "Lieutenant General Jefferson, that China's Lin Youye is said to be a great master, I think we need to send more staff to increase ..."

"Anyway, I believe Colonel Carrie, letting him deal with a Lin Youye is as simple as drinking and eating." Lieutenant General Jefferson drunk. He is the commander in chief of this operation, and he has a whole force to strengthen the wing, all equipped with various foreign advanced weapons and equipment.

In addition, in order to deal with Lin Youye, the headquarters assigned him a fighter formation. This shows that the commander attaches great importance to this Chinese.

"But Lin Youye is the peak master of Huaxia. The combat master of Huaxia is very strong. A single person can compare the strength of a squadron or even a brigade." The black strong man was a little worried.

"Relax, I believe Colonel Carrie. It won't be long before Colonel Carrie will be victorious and return."

"Come, let's drink this glass of victory." Lieutenant General Jefferson took out a can of beer and handed it to the black strong man.

How can a black strong man dare to pick it up? Lieutenant General Jefferson has someone at the headquarters to take care of him and do whatever he wants. He who has the courage to be a subordinate has no courage.

There was a hint of discomfort in Lieutenant General Jefferson's face: "Do you think I'm drunk?"

"No, no, I just think that Master Huaxia's threat is relatively large, in case Colonel Garry can't stop it ..."

Lieutenant General Jefferson grunted, and stood up arrogantly. He stood on the deck with his hands on his back and looked into the distance.

"I'm really awake. What about Master Huaxia? How strong can he be, after all, how can he be compared to my 4,300 warriors?"

"If so many people can't stop even a Chinese person, I would rather blame and resign and send myself to a military court!"

The lotus leaves in the distance are endlessly green, and the scenery is magnificent. The black smoke billowed below, accompanied by the swell of fire, and the artillery fire roared.

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