Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 280: Bloodwashed SDF!

A few pills of the elixir entered the belly, Lin Lang's complexion finally improved slightly, and gradually became rosy.

But it's a lot worse to completely recover. After all, in the previous battle, neither consciousness nor aura had been consumed.

At this time, a Japanese infantry squadron was already on the run.

"Sansaki Kinoshita, there seem to be a lot of ordinary people in front." An officer frowned, seeing a train broken in front of him, and there were many doctors and nurses in white coats busy around to rescue the wounded.

"Regardless of them, destroying Lin Youye is our first priority." That is called Sansuke Kinoshita faintly, Sansuke is the rank of Japan's military rank, third-rank Lu Zuo, roughly equivalent to the major of China.

"But ..." The officer stopped talking, he was a soldier, and obedience to his boss's order was a heavenly duty.

"No, but ready to fire!"

Kinoshita Sasuke ordered.


In the distance, Lin Lang's closed eyes slowly opened.

Further afield, the civilians in Japan saw a rush of joy when they saw the mighty army that was coming over.

"It's our Japanese army! They're here to help us."

When the army approached, many people immediately recognized that this was their armed forces in Japan.

"Sir, we are here. Just now there were four demon gods in trouble, and they overturned the train. Fortunately, Lord Tianshen shot and rescued us." A young man beckoned.

However, their voices have not completely fallen. The saviors in their eyes attacked them!

The gunfire rang, and countless fire tongues swallowed.

Closer, an elite team of Army soldiers held SCK66 submachine guns and kept pressing forward. A little further away, a team of about dozens of people is holding a 64-type automatic rifle to cover it.

Further afield, armored vehicles and tanks slowly approached.

Countless fire tongues sprayed out, forming a dense net made of bullets, pouring down in the direction of Lin Lang.

The accident happened so suddenly that many civilians are still on the verge of surprise, and the **** of death has quietly harvested their lives.

No matter how close the submachine gun is, the effective range is two or three hundred meters, while the rifle is a little farther. Although the bullet has deviated from the track when it flew in front of everyone, the energy can still penetrate ordinary people.

In an instant, the civilians in the distance suffered a second injury again. After a wave of shooting, more than a dozen people were sieved into the sieve, and they were blown into the pool of blood. After the others hurriedly evaded the carriage, this saved them from being beaten into a horse honeycomb.

"Stupid in the army, big man, we are Japanese!"

"Stop, stop, we are our own!"

Ignoring the ear, Sanshin Kinoshita ordered his soldiers to withdraw their reloading ammunition, and the back row changed to the front row for a new round of shooting.

Lin Lang's face did not change color, and her palms were propped up. Suddenly, a glowing circle appeared on the top of the head, and the milky yellow light on it brightened brightly.

Ordinary bullets hit the light curtain only to make the light curtain tremble slightly, let alone break it, the warhead cannot even be embedded at all. This is because Lin Lang's spiritual strength is not as good as before. In the heyday, these bullet faces could not shake the light curtain.

Even if the bullets rain, it's hard to bear him!

"You monster."

Kinoshita Sansuke's face is a bit ugly, but fortunately he knows that there are such extraordinary people in the world, otherwise he would have panicked.

However, how could the ordinary soldiers under his command know this, seeing Lin Lang step by step, a little flustered in his heart.

"What kind of monster is this ..." The soldiers were shocked, and they were the first time they saw someone who could ignore the bullets. The theoretical rate of fire of the 64-type automatic rifle was about 500 rounds per minute. They fired more than 10,000 bullets.

However, there is still no need for that mask.

"The second squadron retreated, and the third squadron reloaded with grenades and was ready to launch!" Misato Kinoshita was still orderly in command.

The grenade launcher equipped by Japan is small in size and looks similar to an automatic rifle on the surface. However, the victory is fierce in firepower, and it has strong surface killing power and armor breaking ability.

Therefore, even a squadron is not equipped with many, only a few dozen.

At the same time, the rear tank finally arrived late, raising its thick grenade launcher and anti-aircraft machine gun, and suddenly fired.

At the sight of the army ahead, they were firing, and everyone panicked. Ordinary bullets may be difficult to penetrate the double-layered iron skin of a train, but armor-piercing bullets are different. Not to mention the power of scattered shrapnel, even if the shock wave caused in a short time is enough to tear the human body.

"Cease fire, cease fire! Call your sergeant out. I and Fujiwara Daisuke have been friends for many years. I called him!" A fat man with a big belly came forward. Just look at his dress, this should be a small successful person.

Indeed, this fat man has a lot of energy in the government departments of Japan, and can even mobilize to the top of the military. It's a pity ... The magistrate might as well manage it now. How could these soldiers manage him? The grenades poured out.

"Damn, if I can go back alive, I must find a friend to dismiss your post!" The fat man was furious.

Numerous artillery fires poured out, and after many years, these became an untestable black history.


Lin Lang was walking in the rain of guns and bullets, and the artillery was roaring around him. From time to time, grenades landed on top of his head. The light curtain shook, and the light faded.

It has to be said that compared to ordinary bullets, the power of armor-piercing shells is almost a hundred times more terrifying, and even Lin Lang's spiritual shield is somewhat unstable. Fortunately, there were only a dozen grenades on the opposite side, which were replaced by a hundred, and even more mortars were superimposed, which was enough to completely bury the powerful gods here.

"But ... only these firepower can't stop a quasi-god strong!"

Lin Lang gave a low sigh, and the speed at his feet suddenly accelerated, and numerous artillery fire landed in the air, blasting a huge deep pit.

However, Lin Lang's shadow is missing!

"What about people?"

Everyone looked at each other, but Lin Lang could no longer be found.

Suddenly, there was a riot in the crowd.

Lin Lang successfully rushed into the formation of the Self-Defense Forces and entered the flock.


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