Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 278: Once Emperor

Because of fear, Yasaka had always been far away from Lin Lang because of his fear. Therefore, he also responded very quickly. When he saw Lin Youye's great power, he even cut off two gods. Flee backwards.

So spared.

But at this time he was like a bird of surprise, every movement of Lin Lang made him nervous for a long time.

"It's a pity that Shi Tianxuan did not kill the Yasaka **** during the exhibition." Lin Lang shook his head, but his face became paler.

After all, Tian Xuan Qu is also a precious method of divine knowledge, and now he is still a little reluctant to urge him.

"However, the half-deity gods are not so troublesome to solve."

Lin Lang's eyes revived the war.

The large array of resurrection of the deities slowly runs, and the power of faith is extracted and integrated into the array. Suddenly, Kasuga and Otowa are resurrected from their original place.

At this time, the two gods in the spring day looked at Lin Lang with a little more fear, and hesitated. They have the same worries as Yasaka. If this life dies, then they will truly belong to death. No matter how delicate the resurrection array is, it will be impossible to pull them back from death.

"A good song, a rare good song, even I have been affected by you for a moment." Meiji God chuckled, and slowly said: "Just to show such a secret method, it should also exhaust your power, you There is no chance to use it a second time, right? "

Lin Lang smiled slightly, his face pale: "You can try it."

"Meiji God, don't help yet, we will all die here if we don't do anything!" Yasaka shouted angrily, even if he knew the identity of the Meiji God, he couldn't help getting angry.

"Of course I will help, otherwise I may also capsize in the gutter. This kid is no less difficult than the gods."

The Meiji God took a step forward, and a huge spirit energy swept the world, surpassing any of the other three gods, including the Otowa God known for his spirit.

"You may not know that, in fact, I am different from them. At that time, I was also a real realm of Divine Realm. I had Divine Realm cultivation and soul. However, over the years, no matter how outstanding Tianjiao was, it would turn into a pile of loess. "

"So I killed the original Meiji God and enjoyed the offering of incense, and now I am better than the previous Meiji God."

The Meiji God spoke softly, and there was also a small sword formed by the confusion in his hand: "The demonization is not only you will, I will also, and I can do much better than you."

The words fell, and the sword in the hands of the Meiji **** suddenly swelled, faintly showing signs of covering the sky, and finally drew in front of him, not much shorter than his god. And his body is thirty meters high.

"Hundreds of years ago, the nickname was Emperor Taisho." The Meiji **** fainted.

"Is that you?" Lin Lang was slightly surprised. The Emperor Taizheng was not very well-known in the history of the Japanese kingdom, but it was a household name to mention another famous person.

Emperor Taizheng ’s father is Emperor Mingren!

Who is Emperor Mingren? That was the most famous generation of emperor in Japan. It was his ascension that built a water conservancy vessel, and the national strength became more and more abundant. Later, it is the modern history of Huaxia that is familiar to Huaxia ...

The culprit of this, Emperor Ming Ren could not blame him.

"I am the real soul of the realm, plus years of sacrifice, my soul is no longer comparable to you." Emperor Taizheng said indifferently.

"Come on, if you can use a similar tune again, I will let you escape."

The Emperor Taizheng's long sword was crossed, and the other three gods were eager to try. This time, the emperor Taizheng was the main attack. The three of them only needed to assist them.

The three sacrifice gods and a former soul of the spirit state, the four gods join forces, and the real **** state comes. The powerful Ise priests who are already extraordinary in the **** state are not opponents!

And below, it is very unexpected that the surviving people are constantly praying to the sky.

Both Chinese and local residents of Japan.

"Evil can't bear justice. Please ask God to kill and destroy the four deities."

"My two sons both died in the hands of demons. God, please open your eyes and don't let the gods who are in our early days be harmed." An old man from Japan knelt on the ground tremblingly, facing Lin Lang in the sky The direction keeps nodding.

"Destroy the devil, save us, please!"

Somehow, these people regard Lin Lang as the **** they believe in, but the **** they once believed in is regarded as a demon by them.

Indeed, the appearance of the four oracles is really ugly like a demon, plus the smashing of the train, they accidentally hit the **** they believe as a demon.

Lin Lang's face was a little weird, and he smiled, "Your people have also betrayed you. This is the reason for those who get help and those who don't help."

"My people? They deserve it. A bunch of ants who don't know how to live or die."

Emperor Taizheng sneered, the sword was cut out arrogantly, and his might was even more scary than Lin Lang's before. Lin Lang's consciousness could directly kill a god, Taizheng Emperor.

The other three gods are also the strongest means of their respective exertions. They must defeat this defeat and completely kill Lin Lang here!

The mighty impact swept through the air, tearing the air, making deafening friction sounds, and even making the space tremble a little.

Under such a terrorist attack, it is enough to completely annihilate Lin Lang here!

However, in the face of such an earth-shattering scene, Lin Lang was not afraid at all, and he did not even move at all.

"It's time to end."

Lin Lang sighed lightly, the thunder arc flashed on his body, the stripped upper body, the same position of the front heart and the back, faintly had two blue "靁" characters flickering.

"Thunder comes!"

Lin Langpi loosened his hair, pointed to the sky, and the "靁" character on his chest suddenly became bright, as if it matched the dark clouds that pressed down from the sky.


Out of thin air, a silver thunder, Tianwei, wrapped in terror, descended!

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