Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 277: God of war!

"Master, he ... is he dead?"

Shirakawa Sakura stared blankly at the sky and lost her soul.

The surviving passengers also watched the battle from below, as if mortals looked up at the stars and looked at the battle between the gods.

"That man is no less powerful, and it is difficult to support him under this kind of near-rival opponent." Ren Xuetao also raised a trace of regret. Although they had just met, the godlike gesture of the latter made her helpless.

Just mortals ... how can they compete with real gods?

Ren Xuetao's heart suddenly felt empty, and it seemed that after something was taken into the subject, that thing was patted on the **** and left.

"You think that the owner is dead wrong." Yujin Jingyi stared firmly and said softly: "The owner will not die, let alone in the hands of these gods. He can kill Nozawa Sword God. Famous gods won't succeed so easily. "

"If you want to kill your master, the four gods will destroy three of them."

The corner of Yujin Jingyi's mouth tilted a radian.

"I hope." Shirakawa Sakura calmed down, staring at the sky without blinking.

At this moment, a dazzling light suddenly burst into the sky, and Meiji God's face changed drastically, and he suddenly drank: "Yasaka God, flash away!"

The Yasaka God was baffled, but still realized that something was wrong, and now he was about to dodge. It was just too late, a sword of consciousness falling from the sky split him in half.

Yasaka's body, which was tens of meters high, collapsed immediately, turning into ash between heaven and earth.

A sturdy figure walked through the air, his shirt was already burnt to gray, showing angular muscles, and his body was red and hot, just like the steel bar that had just been calcined.

Kasuga Shrine's pupils shrank: "How is it possible that my flame can melt even steel, how can you?"

Lin Lang didn't answer, but frowned again.

In the place where Yasaka God had just died, a gust of wind struck, and the wind rose suddenly. The fragments of Yasaka God scattered all over the air are now condensed again and turned into a perfect Yasaka God.

"Hahaha, Lin Youye, you thought you could kill me by a sneak attack. That was a big mistake. I am a god, I have near-immortal power, and I am not resurrected like I am Waste is also a loss of strength. "Yasaka's voice turned into a rumbling sound, echoing in the sky.

Lin Lang frowned, and this time the Yasaka God resurrected was still in full condition, and his combat power was still worse than just now. This is really different than selling God.

Lin Lang fell into thought, his eyebrows tightened and tightened. Suddenly, he suddenly realized, looking at the four gods with a smile: "If I guess correctly, you can be born again because of that temple, it can give You provide the power of a resurrection, and you provide peak power. "

"But only this time, if I kill you again, you are facing real death."

Lin Lang looked at the temple, and the idol belonging to the Yasaka **** in that temple was already broken.

Sanshen's face changed suddenly.

For a long while, Meiji God laughed first: "Lin Youye, you are extraordinary, you are right. You were not able to understand this in the Ise Grand Prix, and found that we have the ability to regenerate. So much so that I was seriously injured. "

"However, you know how this can be. In the heyday of Ise, the priest of Ise could not break our idols. Similarly, you did not break the ability of my four to resurrect the gods."

Lin Lang's eyes glanced at the idol. The idol has long been united with the formation of heaven and earth, and it is a treasure that is forged and forged with thousands of hammers. It can't be broken with his power. Maybe releasing the fire can melt the idol, but I don't know how much time it will take.

By then, the three gods were given the opportunity not to say that he would also be in danger, and he did not intend to do so.

"It's really difficult for me to break the rebirth formation, but I can kill you for the first time, and then I can kill you for the second time!" Lin Lang's murderous surge, his sword sharp in his hands.

As soon as he raised his hand, a godly bell was disguised in his hand and tied to his waist. At the same time, he raised his hand violently to kill the three gods.

"Look for death!" The three gods roared together, and all the means attacked the past.

As for the Meiji God, he is still standing still, without showing mountains or water. The three deities did not complain about his actions.

Compared to the first collision, the three gods' attack power is obviously weaker, especially the Yasaka god, because there is only the last life left, and the battle is also tied, and he can only continuously attack Lin Lang in the rear.

This directly caused the three's attack power to decline slightly, but it was still full of threats to Lin Lang.

"The magic sound is impaired, and the gods are adjacent to the world. When the magic sound turns into feathers, the evil **** comes. The evil **** said that if you are pregnant, your sin cannot be forgiven."

The Otowa God opened his mouth wide with blood, and the dark bytes in his mouth came out, and behind it he opened a black wing in vain. Above the wing, there were barbs filled with black gas. Its body shakes, and these barb-shaped feathers shoot out like black raindrops.

If we say that the sound waves used by the Otowa God before are a kind of sacred attack, it can only be equivalent to the elementary sacred method. Now these feathers are the products of the sacred form.

Otowa God is extremely accomplished in deity!

However, Lin Lang had no intention of dodging in the face of these feathers, and let the barb attack them. Until the fastest quiver came to him, the small golden bell was shaking slightly at this moment.

God knows the secret law! Tian Xuan Qu!

A wonderful rhythm sounded, extremely soft, and could not help but feel a little sleepy. There was a hint of confusion in Otowa God's eyes, and he seemed to be intoxicated with half of it. The barb that had been shot in front of Lin Lang also lost control and stagnate in the air.


After all, Otowa is good at the spirit and soul. At this time, he is also the first to react. When he is clear, he only sees a flash of cold light in front of his eyes.

A long sword that ran between heaven and earth slashed at him.


It seemed that the sound of a broken balloon sounded, and the sound of God Otowa was like a leak. The god's body shrank sharply and eventually disappeared into the sky.

Otowa God, the second life was cut!

Lin Lang's face was a little pale, and without any consideration, he just fell over and killed the Kasuga great **** to the rear.

The Kasuga Great God has just recovered his mind, seeing that he was divided into two sections, and the body of the **** burst into pieces.

Kasuga, the **** of life, is broken!

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