Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 265: Hachimangu

In fact, there is not only one Hachimangu in the middle of Japan, but more than 400. They are responsible for defending the country, removing disasters, blessing production, and have a great influence in the local area. At the same time, Hachimangu was also the patron saint of the Genji clan, so they have also been used as samurai since the Kamakura period. Therefore, they worship Japanese people in Hachimangu. Too many to count in detail.

The Hachimangu Temple here is also the largest in the entire Japanese kingdom. If there is no single sacrifice to the **** here, you don't need to find it elsewhere.

"The main sacrifice **** of Hachimangu is to sell gods, to drive out misfortunes, and to pray for devotion to the gods, so it is also called a holy place." Shirakawa introduced, after all, she was also in the influence of Japanese culture from an early age. When he grew up, when he mentioned Hachimangu, his eyes were full of awe.

"Also, in the past few years, there have been records of the manifestation of the gods, and the master of the Hachimangu Shrine, as a holy shrine, has more strength than Shirakawa, and few people have the ability to cause trouble here."

Maybe she can guess some of Lin Lang's thoughts. As soon as she walked to the door, there was an inexplicable panic in Shirakawa's heart.

She always felt that she was followed by a killing god. When she first arrived in Japan, she first killed His Majesty Akasaka, then crushed the Nozawa family, and is now subject to the Shirakawa family.

Every time there is, the corresponding forces suffer. It would be strange if such a troublemaker could really worship God honestly.

"And recently there have been frequent inexplicable disappearances of pilgrims, and the details of Hachimangu are terrible." Shirakawa felt anxious.

To her surprise, Lin Lang didn't break into Hachimangu directly as before, but instead traveled around like a tourist, wandering around for a long time, looking cheerful.

The buildings are set back on both sides, the ground is surrounded by herbs, and there is a garden behind, which is green. I have to say that in addition to those tall and mighty idols, the scenery is really good.

But the more Lin Lang did, the more uneasy Shirakawa Sakura was. If trouble really happens here, it means that the Shirakawa family must completely fall out with Hachimangu.

Her worries were not unnecessary. When the two walked into the depths of Hachimangu, a cold voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

"My Lin You arrived, and the master of Hachimangu came out to tell!"

The sound of blessing caused by the spiritual force instantly caused the vibration of the surrounding air, which seemed extremely loud and clear, even outside the gate of Hachimangu.

On the side, many residents of the Japanese kingdom worshipped only deafening, and tinnitus only improved for a long time. They were all dissatisfied and looked at Lin Lang with hostility.

"Boy, noisy in Hachimangu, do you want to fight?"

A five big and three thick man stood up and scolded.

Lin Lang glanced lightly, then pointed forward and pointed out. The man fell to the ground and a blood hole was pierced at the eyebrow.

The pilgrims were stunned, not knowing who was the first to react, screaming, and the whole scene followed in panic.


"Hey, hey, police station. Someone's killed here, yes, it's in Hachimangu."

Countless people are clamoring, stepping back, and even pulling out their cell phones to report the alarm. For these small citizens, it is undoubtedly a terrible thing for a living person to die in front of them.

The crowd shoved each other, and a stomping event soon occurred. Even so, there were pilgrims who did not come out behind, and even opened the baffle by the door directly, and the scene was very chaotic.

Lin Lang stood in the door indifferently, and looked around, it seems that everything has nothing to do with him.


At this moment, from a distance, a middle-aged man in a loose kimono, with a somber face, walked slowly to the front. Behind him, a group of staff rushed forward to evacuate the crowd, and even the surrounding crowds were taken away. Drive away together.

Beside him, there were two masked men wearing bucket hats and dark gray uniforms. They were tied with twine ropes and holding cold and frightening armour hooks on the back of their hands, which looked a bit like Marvel. The 'Wolverine' is the same.

"It is the Lord of the Hachimangu Palace and the two Utsu families." Shirakawa Sakura reminded in a low voice.

"Lin Youye, you challenged Nozawa Sword God. It was the two of you. The decisive battle date has been set. Why do you want to find me today in Hachimangu? The water between you and me will come from the water well."

The middle-aged man had a low voice and stood at a distance of two meters from Lin Lang, his eyes full of fear. As for Shirakawa Sakura, he was automatically filtered out directly.

"You are the master of Hachimangu."

Lin Lang's eyes were like a torch. He raised his eyes and glanced up and down. He came with a magnificent appearance. He was very arrogant and aloof, and his cultivation in his body was also very good.

Hachimanguchi's heart was tight, only to feel that in the eyes of the other party, he was obviously wearing clothes, but he felt naked, as if the secrets of the whole body were seen through. This feeling was very uncomfortable.

He grunted coldly, and the surging lands turned into gushing, trying to use this to cover Lin Lang's visit.

After looking a little, Lin Lang couldn't help but be short of interest, shaking his head and saying, "It's still too weak. I thought Hachimangu could have a good heritage, and it turned out to be a flower shelf."

He wanted to try to see some traces of sacrifices to the gods from the master of Hachimangu, but he did not expect to see any shadow of his inheritance, but instead took a look at his cultivation. This person's strength can only win first-line than Shirakawa Go, and is far worse than Nozawa Jiro, and not as evil as the outside pass.

"What did you say? You mean that you have enough confidence to beat me, and then you will be stubborn and weak." A trace of anger appeared on the face of the master of Hachimangu.

As a well-known grandfather in Japan, when he met Huaxia's famous grandfather, his heart was inevitable.

Lin Lang ignored him, and said lightly, "Let the gods of Hachimangu come out, you are not my opponent."

"A arrogant fellow, is it possible for you to see the Lord God? You want to see the Lord, please defeat me first." Hachimanguchi snorted loudly, and his heart of competition and strength rose.

He stepped back, shook his sleeves wide, and fought when he opened his stance.

However, Shirakawa Sakura heard the meaning of the words, and could not help but breathe in the air: "It turns out that the gods of Hachimangu are not rumors. No wonder Hachimangu has stood in Japan for hundreds of years, and Nozawa Sword God must be afraid of three points. "

The gods are alive, this is the essence of Hachimangu!

At this time, a cold voice came from a distance.

"Take him in. Far away is a visitor. Dazzling Huaxia's third master. I already wanted to see him."

The sound was ups and downs, suddenly far and near, making people unable to hear where the sound came from.

Hearing this voice, the master of the Hachimangong respected him, did not dare to neglect, and immediately bowed his head to say yes.

"Lin Youye, please!"

Even if he was dissatisfied again, the master of Hachimangu had to obediently lead the way. As for Shirakawa Sakura, she wasn't so lucky. Without being invited, she was naturally stopped by two ninjas.

"Don't worry, if they dare to touch you, Hachimangu will be buried for you."

Lin Lang fluttered off the sentence and turned away.


The head of the palace of Hachimanguchi was leading the way, while Lin Lang followed closely behind, probably after passing through a small inner hall, his eyes suddenly opened up.

This is a super-large shrine, about 100 square meters in size, surrounded by auspicious and wonderful strokes, which are brilliant in gold. Numerous slap-sized idols are scattered on the left and right sides. The action expressions of the idols are different. Each one is a strange action, but they are the same face.

In the center of the room, there is an incense case dedicated to several tablets. At the rear of these are a three-meter-high idol, tall and majestic, with a solemn face and relatively simple movements, just sitting calmly on a huge futon.

"Bibi sells gods everywhere in Japan to preach faith, thereby attracting countless believers, and here is the hub of the power of faith. Any power will eventually gather on the main statue of God. It is a good way."

Lin Lang's eyes flickered. There were lines of faith everywhere, like countless thin lines tied to puppets. The power of these beliefs was all linked to the body of the main deity.

He squeezed his hands and squeezed them to nothing, as if they were caught in the air, but they didn't catch anything. The power of faith is similar to that of aura. It cannot be grasped by the flesh alone.

"God, the man has arrived, and the ambassador has resigned in advance."

The Lord of Hachimangu salutes the deities respectfully, and from beginning to end he keeps his head down, afraid to look up, lest he see the appearance of the gods being punished by God.

This place, even if he is the master of the palace, has not been here a few times, let alone others.

"Stay back."

The idol slowly opened her mouth, and the corners of her mouth did not move at all. The sound came from inside the idol.

When the idler waited for a complete exit, Lin Lang said faintly: "Sacrifice to God, you don't have to pretend to be a ghost in front of me, show your true body, keep hiding in the idol and watch out for my ruin of your henhouse."

Hearing the words, the voice was silent for a while, then laughed loudly, shaking the room, and even the lines of faith were shaking.

"You are so bad, you even recognize my shrine."

A faint cloud of black gas floated from the idol, suspended in mid-air, and a human figure gradually emerged. The features were clear and legible, and looked like ghosts. However, his size is still the size of a deity, the top of his head is higher than the ceiling, so that the part of the phantom above the forehead is folded and printed on the roof.

This is the true deity of betrayal.

"You are Lin Youye. The foundation is very good. It is not the same as those Chinese masters I have seen. They are too ordinary. Even though they are secretly trained to reach the peak of the master, they are like one in my perception. Just a tiny firefly, and you are a sun. "

Than the God of Secret Wandering, sometimes appears to the left of Lin Lang, sometimes to the right.

"I have only seen this kind of fiery breath in one person, that is your Chinese Valkyrie, and that younger generation is also very good, so I told him the secret of becoming a god, maybe now, with his talent, it should have been Become a god. "

It's better to be appreciated than to sell God, his eyes are deep, and he seems to be remembering something in general.

At that time, a young man visited Hachimangu, but the Huaxia Valkyrie was already the peak role of the master, and the means were extremely difficult. After fighting with him, he told Zhao Zilong the secret of the realm collected over hundreds of years. .

However, there is one point that he would not say to Lin Lang when he was killed, that is, he was not kind, but he did not dare to waste the power of faith to compete with the other side, so he told the truth.

"Now you are also the pinnacle of Chinese people. Presumably this trip is also to seek God's method. You have worshiped idols, and I can give them all."

Than the temptation to sell God.

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