Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 264: Shirakawa vassal

Immediately after Lin Lang's departure, the Shirakawa family set off a massacre. These people did not die by his own hands, but by their own rights disputes.

Although Lin Lang killed a lot, but it was some unimportant thugs and the like. It is naturally impossible for real high-level players to fight in person.

But when Shirakawa Sakura was here, she saw this scene on the spot. No matter her faction or the faction of her family, she was cleansed by her, **** means of suppression, support of her own faction, and exclusion of aliens. In the hands of the girl, and she does very well.

The next morning, the host of the Hachimangu Palace, which was invited by Mrs. Shirakawa, also arrived. This is a middle-aged man with a handsome face, but he just came to the gate of the Shirakawa family to prepare for the killing. No calamity.

The master of Hachimangu Shrine wandered for a long time at the gate of the Shirakawa family. After all, he didn't have the courage to rush in, but had to return home.

He knew he didn't have the confidence to defeat the Chinese man.

At this time, Lin Lang was sitting cross-legged beside a pond in the Shirakawa family. The aura here was relatively abundant, which was just right for him to make a breakthrough in the last step. The short period is a month or two, and the longest period is March or April. Breaking into the later period of foundation building is almost a matter of course.

Japanese people ’s surnames are not random. Each name has a special meaning. For example, the Shirakawa family was built along a river, and the name of the river is called Shirakawa. Close to nature, the aura content is relatively high, this is the so-called Lingxiu land.

He has unparalleled insights, but can give him the strength he has today, and the hard work behind it can be seen by several people. The reason why he has achieved the immortal king in previous lives is not because of the superhuman talents. Constant boring practice, how many times life and death can't be separated.

After suffering, Fang has always been, while others see only his glorious appearance.

Behind him, Shirakawa Sakura has completely settled the internal contradictions of the Shirakawa family. He is kneeling behind Lin Lang, gently pinching his shoulders on Lin Lang like a kitten, to relieve fatigue.

"Shirakawa Sakura, I have one more thing to ask you." Lin Lang closed his eyes and suddenly opened.

"Master, please." Shirakawa said softly.

"Let me ask you, Sun Mingze ’s soul strength has increased so much. Is this something to do with you?"

Shirakawa frowned, and said, "I don't know what happened, but recently people from Hachimangu sent some apple-like ones, but the fruits were gray in color and slightly different in shape. With a few ears, his father gave it to Sun Jun for food. "

"That is a necrotic fruit. Only tombs that can grow out of a tomb of more than a thousand people can grow." Lin Lang faintly said.

According to Shirakawa Sakura's description, Lin Lang has confirmed that Sun Mingze is eating the dead fruit. After taking it, his soul will be entangled with ghosts and become weaker and weaker. In this case, the Yin **** body is also the easiest to take away, and the body obtained is also the most suitable furnace for some old ghosts.

Obviously, someone has already paid attention to Sun Mingze.

"It seems that there is an old dead guy in Hachimangu who is making waves." Lin Lang murmured softly.

"You go down." Lin Lang turned and instructed Shirakawa Sakura. When he practiced, it was naturally impossible for her to move beside her.

"Yes, master."

Shirakawa Sakura bowed her head and said that she pushed it aside and stayed with Lin Lang for a while. Shirakawa Sakura also felt dull and took off her outer clothes, leaving only a bikini inside that was flush with the private area. Swimsuit.

Her figure was sloppy, and everywhere was an awesome capital, and her clothes couldn't hide the rough waves there.

On the railing on the sun, the blue waves of Tanjian are rippling, and the air is misty, like a fairyland on earth.

The beauties are playing in the water below, and their long, white legs are constantly beating the water, just like a mermaid swimming, a drop of naughty water drops rolled down, wet the beauty and ears, which is really charming and attractive.

Lin Lang was fortitude, and did not seem to notice the companions in front of them.

After a long while, Shirakawa finally stopped, unconsciously a little annoyed. It felt like she was giving a stupid look to the air.

"Master, don't you think about me, I'm still innocent." Shirakawa was ashamed, her upper body was floating on the water, and she was floating up and down.

Her face was crimson, like a ripe apple, but she still acted the same, picking like a renjun.

The shore was still silent, and the man looked like a rock, leaving the waves still untouched.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't hear the response, and Shirakawa Sakura felt very bad.

"He thinks, I don't deserve him."

Shirakawa Sakura could not help but look a little stunned, looking at the shore with a determined look, not getting frightened, his face like a knife-shaped figure, could not help but be stupid.


The night went by, Sun Mingze came to visit Lin Lang that night, and wanted to express his gratitude in person, but when he encountered Lin Lang's retreat, he had to look a few distances away and leave.

However, in the early morning of the next day, Lin Lang withdrew from the retreat, took Shirakawa Sakura out of the deep pool, and happened to meet Sun Mingze and his son who were going to have breakfast, and a few people stopped to chat at the gate of the Shirakawa family.

After expressing some thanks, Sun Mingze sighed and said, "I didn't expect that you are the famous Lin Youye. You have lived under the same roof for so long. I don't even know your details."

Now he finally knows what Lin Lang is doing every day in skipping classes, what kind of school do people still have, and just tinkering with something, even the school can buy it directly.

"I don't usually go to school. Of course you can't see it." Lin Lang laughed, chatted with Sun Mingze for a while, and asked to leave immediately.

He didn't tell Sun Mingze about the dead fruit. Even if he explained it to him, he had nothing to worry about. He simply didn't tell him.

And now the Shirakawa family has completely surrendered to him, Shirakawa Sakura is a smart man, knowing that Sun Mingze is his friend, so there is no need to tell him at all, Shirakawa Sakura will naturally find an alliance with the Sun family.

Looking at the figure of Lin Lang's departure, Sun Mingze also has mixed tastes. A friend who has always been ordinary, now he is transformed into the existence of Huaxia Pinnacle, which is really hard to believe.

"People are better than others. It's good for my son to have half the ability of someone's family." The grandfather sighed, and then remembered something: "I remember when you said you wanted to beat people in Japan. I didn't expect all of them to help us now. "

Sun Mingze shook his lips and refused to be convinced. He said, "Daddy, you didn't even look away, and said that people talk flatly, and they are a stupid kid with no brain."

"Your little king, eight lambs, when did I say that?"

The grandfather was furious and was about to repair Sun Mingze smoothly, but the latter quickly ran away.

After Lin Lang left, Shirakawa Sakura was close behind, and eventually stopped in front of a Lexus LFA. Shirakawa Sakura was the driver, while Lin Lang bowed his head in the back seat for a moment of contemplation.

The purpose of this trip to Hachimangu was not all to solve the worries of Sun Mingze, but also for himself. Whether the consciousness can be further improved depends on this trip.

He had also seen it before with a poor god. It was a small temple, but there were already signs of the birth of a sacrifice god. It was almost nailed to a very large shrine such as Hachimangu Shrine.

"Comparing sacrifices to gods is relatively easy to conquer, and the benefits are huge, but unfortunately this trip is a bit dangerous, and I don't know if it can be resolved smoothly." Lin Lang frowned, not even himself on this trip. Confidence.

In terms of the earth ’s cultivation system, there are masters who practice refining, and masters who specialize in dark energy, but he has n’t seen one who practiced consciousness. You need to know that these three are combined together to make a complete system of immortal cultivation.

Therefore, in terms of the strength of these people's souls, the birth of the gods knows nothing, not to mention that the spirits are so powerful that they can emerge from the body and take their lives to the next generation.

And now that someone has the idea of ​​playing the Yin Deity, then this person may have reached the Divine Realm, or it may be the two powerful types of worshipping God.

"The sacrifice of gods is born with the strength of the Jindan period monks. As long as the sacrifice is continuous, it is not a problem to survive for hundreds of years. They do not need to take the house, unless they also realize that the sacrifice of gods can only be furthered by reincarnation.

"It's just that this may be trivial. The sacrificial gods of the indigenous people have always been muddled. Without the support of the Taoist tradition, it is impossible to realize this. The only possibility is that they can feel the masters of God in Shouyuan Now. "

Thinking of this, Lin Lang's face has also become more serious. If his current strength meets the deity of the realm, he will not be able to counteract the secret method, and then he will only have a way to go.

"But if I can catch a sacrifice god, then the strength of my consciousness will jump to the level of the Jindan period, and the future practice will basically be smooth." Lin Lang measured it, and still felt that he had to go first. Explore.

Cultivation is an adventure, and a heart of refinement is essential. If you build a car behind closed doors and wait until you are 100% sure, the cucumber dishes will be cold. Moreover, if you really meet a master of Divine Realm, you may not be able to retain Divine Realm by fighting off the means.

Lin Lang was thinking so, the distance under his **** also soared.

Shirakawa Sakura ’s car skills are good, not as scary as the female driver in the legend, and they are driving very steadily, driving Lin Lang in the direction of Hachimangu.

In a blink of an eye, the vehicle stopped.

Lin Lang walked slowly down from the car, in front of them the tall and towering portal, red brick high ceiling, hundreds of steps, a majestic giant.

This is Hachimangu, near you!

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