"You don't understand Japanese, and you have no relatives and no reason, aren't you afraid you will lose yourself?"

Li Xiaoman gave Lin Lang a blank look, and handed the passport and other things to the front desk.

The Japanese woman at the front desk was also trembling and did not dare to take the procedure for a long time.

Lin Lang closed his eyes. He was here to kill, not to go on vacation. If he was going to learn a language, it would be a joke. This is the act of killing, so why do you have to do so much preparation.

What's the problem with the language being inaccessible? According to Lin Lang's idea, a Chinese-speaking interpreter who understands the Huaxia dialect was arrested on the street.

Had it not been for Li Xiaoman to directly pull him to the hotel door, I'm afraid I don't know which unlucky one would be hit.

Non-ethnic, human life is thinner than paper.

"Did you listen to me?" Li Xiaoman said unhappyly. She wasn't talking about Lin Lang, but the girl at the front desk, who had passed the formalities for a long time and still hid under the counter and did not dare to move.

Thinking about it, Lin Lang even gave Akasaka's men a beating, and when Akasaka found it, God knew if she would be angry with her.

"Forget it, let me change you to a hotel."

"do not."

After a long day, the hotel manager trot all the way to Chunguang's face, seeing Li Xiaoman, his face could not help but change, first scolded the front desk a few times, and then kept Lin Lang and the two to help him personally check in.

"Miss Li Xiaoman, what else do you pay when you come to live in the hotel? Today's consumption is mine. You can take the bank card back. Don't forget to say a few words of goodness in front of Lord Akasaka." The manager laughed with a smile on his face.

Obviously, Akasaka had already greeted the entire street in advance, and he could recognize Li Xiaoman with a little eyesight.

"Stop, I have nothing to do with that bastard, whether you do business or not, I will change houses if you don't."

Li Xiaoman grunted, his face darkened.

"How many presidential suites have you left upstairs? How many do you want?" The manager nodded.

"A few more rooms. I helped him make a reservation and remember to swipe his card."

Li Xiaoman said darkly.

The hotel manager looked up and down Lin Lang a few times, seeing the latter's correct features and transcendent temperament, the more he looked more like a small white face, he could not help but warn: "Little white face, Miss Li is an adult woman from Akasaka. I hope you pay attention to your size , You are likely to die. "

Lin Lang, if unheard of, could not understand what the other party was saying.

"Shut up for me!" Li Xiaoman was angry and furious, and just wanted to quickly finish Lin Lang's formalities and get rid of this nasty manager.

"Okay, okay, I'll do it."

Not long after, the manager handed out the house card and other things, and swiped the bank card on the machine at the insistence of Li Xiaoman, but the bunch of zeros popping up on the screen made him stay.

Li Xiaoman looked at the long dazzling balance and stunned.

How much is this? Counting it is totally over ten thousand!

"Who the **** is he and how can he carry so much money with him?"

Li Xiaoman looked at Lin Lang with amazement.

"Admiral Akasaka really loves her. For such a woman who has invested so much money, it is more than enough to buy a villa." The manager sighed.

"I've done your favor, and I should go back to school next time, and I'll have a chance ..."

Li Xiaoman hadn't finished speaking yet, but he felt a little light, his feet were off the ground, and he was gripped upstairs by his shoulders.

"She's the woman of Lord Akasaka."

The hotel manager's eyes were dumbfounded, and then he reacted quickly, chasing Lin Lang's sleeves repeatedly: "Boy, Miss Li is a woman of Lord Akasaka. If you don't want to die, you better let her go, or ...

Lin Lang looked expressionless, glanced at the manager below the steps, and turned around with a slap fan, grunting and rolling to the stairs.

The hotel manager got up in a panic, and was anxious. Li Xiaoman was regarded as imprisoned by Lord Akasaka, and he had raised the fruits of two or three years.

"You two can do it wherever you want, you must not be in my shop." The hotel manager was crying, returned to the front desk and received the news of Lin Lang's violent encounter with Akasaka from the reception, even more desperate.

"No, I have to inform Lord Akasaka as soon as possible, otherwise he will blame him and I won't be able to eat it."

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