Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 253: Li Xiaoman's difficulties

The two were talking, and from outside the hotel, they suddenly broke into a group of fashionable young men. The beauties at the front desk saw the faces of these people look scared, and quickly drew their heads below the counter. See.

The same is true of many guests around, avoiding one after another.

"It's them!"

When Li Xiaoman saw these people, he also changed his face slightly, twisted his face, and didn't want to show them.

These people obviously didn't come to stay at the shop either. Instead, they walked straight to Li Xiaoman's body and headed the bald-headed youth slightly out of sight. Let's pick you up. "

"I can go back to school by myself. I don't need you to send it. Also, go back and tell me that Akasaka will stop thinking about me in the future. I am now concentrating on my PhD and have no interest in him."

Li Xiaoman snorted and ignored them.

The bald man was not surprised at all, and laughed: "You misunderstood. We are not here to send you back to school this time, but to send you to the hometown of Lord Akasaka. Your good luck is here."

"What do you mean?" Li Xiaoman frowned.

"Adult Akasaka had expected this to be the case for a long time, so the adult has recently notified your father with an engagement gift, and he has agreed to the marriage, and the marriage period has been set, just early next month." Bald laughed.

Li Xiaoman's face changed drastically. When she was working as a waitress in a restaurant, she was fancy by a big boss who was eating, that is, Akasaka. Since then, she has been harassed. It is almost a year. The pursuit made her overwhelmed. Fortunately, she knew how to protect herself, so she was not defeated by the bad guys.

As for the disagreement at home, it was entirely her excuse. I did not expect that Akasaka would actually play this time and directly contacted her parents to propose a relative.

Is Akasaka rich? Very rich! There are more than a dozen properties in his name, and each one can be no less than this hotel.

Does Akasaka have power? Absolutely, half of the entire underground power in Kanagawa Prefecture is in his hands, and he is also inextricably linked to the notorious Yamaguchi formation.

I did not expect Akasaka to be obsessed with her so far, and hurried away to Huaxia to propose to her parents.

"He even talked about his parents. He must have offered a lot of gifts." Li Xiaoman was disappointed in his heart. For a young girl who advocates free love, this is not a great stimulus.

"Miss Bruce Lee, please."

The bald respectfully made an inviting gesture.

"I don't leave. My parents agreed to let them marry. I won't marry."

"The old man in Akasaka is well-known to everyone, and wants me to marry him and dream, and you go back and tell him that if he comes to harass me again, I would rather die."

Li Xiaoman sneered constantly, forcing death to make preparations for Ning Weiyu to be broken and not to be full.

"excuse me!"

The bald said sorry, looked at his companions, and a group of youths rushed forward. Li Xiaoman did his best, but how could a weak woman be stunned by three or four big men, and she was caught shortly Uniformly.


Li Xiaoman was struggling for help, but how could anyone dare to help, who doesn't know that behind these people is the master Akasaka.

Want to see volunteerism? A dead end is almost there!

The indifference of the people around him made Li Xiaoman feel deep weakness.

They dare not offend Akasaka, and no one wants to offend Akasaka for her.

In the past, Akasaka was able to stay calm, but this time, he used tough means to tell people to kick her back.

"and many more."

Lin Lang suddenly made a noise. Although he didn't understand Japanese, the actions of several people had already made him guess seven or eight.

"I have a reservation for this girl, you go." Lin Lang pointed at Li Xiaoman and pointed outside.

"Huaxia people?"

The bald young man looked puzzled, but even if he couldn't understand what the other party was saying, he knew that this man must have wanted to take the lead for Li Xiaoman.

"Baga, Huaxia, do you know who we are ordered to leave quickly, otherwise, die!"

Insufficient language is destined to become their biggest obstacle, and the other end is destined to ... And Lin Lang shot, and taught several dog legs a hard meal.

In the past, in Huaxia, because the blood of Huaxia's ancient Yanhuang descendants was left in the bones, they were often really angry and did not do too much.

However, in Japan, such a land, sea, and air three self-defense forces, as well as 40,000 actual soldiers in the reserve force, but only 240,000, even if Japan's foreign garrison is added, it is not enough to count More than 300,000 countries.

With such strength, one of the seven military regions in Huaxia just picked one out, which was more than enough for them to fall through.

Compared to the Japanese nation, Lin Lang's awe of Huaxia is beyond their knowledge. Here, he is the lawless demon king, what can he do if he kills the ring, who can stop him?

The bald head was abolished by Lin Lang's two arms, and he fled in haste. He didn't forget to say a few words of birds before leaving, presumably speaking ruthlessly.

Lin Lang was so impressed that Li Xiaoman was gazing at each other. After a long time, he slowly exhaled and said, "It's over, you're doing something important."

"It's okay, just clean up a few foolish people from Japan." Lin Lang patted the dust on his hands lightly.

"If they are just ordinary chubby, you know who is standing behind them?" Li Xiaoman said quietly. I couldn't help worrying, after all, Lin Lang evolved into the current situation because she helped her somehow.

"I don't want to know, but nobody can beat me anyway." Lin Lang didn't want to listen. If the existence behind these people dared to look for his obscurity, he could consider whether to open the killing ring.

"You guy, their master is Hideka Akasaka, who is in charge of half of Kanagawa Prefecture ... his younger brother is more than a few hundred, or you have to book a flight ticket to return home, yeah, Hideka Akasaka can not be too big Don't dare to pursue revenge against China. "

"Hey, are you listening to me!" Li Xiaoman stomped endlessly.

"No, you should book for me first."

Lin Lang smiled and groaned, handing over the bank card and visa.

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