Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 219: Photographed in the middle of death

The voice dropped, and everyone turned around and looked at the speaker.

This man is the bartender who has been sitting at the counter with a smile.

At this moment he became majestic, don't have a momentum, let a lot of people present to look at it.

"This is the big family behind the bounty list. The origin is unknown. It should be a member of a family in China, but one thing is certain, he is a master." A person familiar with the situation whispered.

"Guru ..."

The crowd swallowed. After all, the killer world is different from the martial arts world with a large number of masters. After all, there can be a great master who can be transformed into a realm.

Therefore, in the killer circle, a guru is definitely patting the table with countless scenes. There are even many people who can't even tell what the Grand Master is.

But what they do know is that the guru ... can't mess with it!

The old bartender is serious, but he is not indignant. He glanced at Lin Lang lightly and said, "Young man, I see that you are good at repairing and can easily suppress the existence of the warrior peak like Baisha Woman. Anonymous. "

"Come, report your name. Maybe I still know your adult."

"Do you deserve it?" Lin Lang glanced at him casually.

"Oh?" The old bartender smiled angrily: "It's been a long time since no one talked to me like this, you are the first one for so many years, and the afterlife is awesome!"

The old bartender sighed, his face was lonely, which was not pretended.

"It's not easy to read this, I will give you a chance, and I ask you, what are you doing here?"

"Revenge." Lin Lang said.

"Who is seeking revenge?"

"You put my name on the bounty list, I naturally came to kill you." Lin Lang said lightly.

The word fell and the scene was full of uproar.

Although they could have guessed that the kid had come to smash the field, what they didn't expect was that the master had the courage to speak out in front of him.

It's really bold!

"Look at it, that one is about to break out. I really don't know why he will always show mercy to this boy today. In the past, he was directly killed when he encountered a kick." Everyone looked at Lin Lang gloatingly.

How could the anger of a guru be easily extinguished.

"Is that it?" The bartender scalp smiled, but his face was colder and colder: "I wanted to leave you with me as an elite killer, but unfortunately, you did not cherish this opportunity. "

"Then I will also give you a chance to tell who the employer is to send someone to kill me, and in the future, if I run away from you, you will live or you will die." Lin Lang smiled.

The bartender's old man twisted a blue vein, and was already on the verge of rage.

"Look for the dead boy, it seems I should let you see how powerful the Master is, how terrible it is." The old bartender took a step forward and immediately shook the mountain. The entire underground space began to be unstable and a building would collapse Look like.

When he lifted his feet again, the wooden board on the ground subsided deeply, and pieces of stones buried deep underground collapsed and flew out.

The power of one foot can be so horrible!

Many timid, already running down the stairs, for fear of being buried underground in silence.

"Now you should know how great the Master is."

The bartender's old man's clothes fluttered and he was full of limelight.

"What about the master can still pat to death." Lin Lang said indifferently.

Everyone was shocked.

They also saw the strength of the bartender's old man. When he stepped down, let alone the ground and stones, even the armored vehicle would be trampled in front of him.

But when such a force reached Lin Lang's mouth, it was unbeatable, and he could pat to death at will, which was too mad!

"It's a good shot to death, then see if you have this ability."

The old bartender sneered and couldn't stand Lin Lang's repeated words.

At this moment he leapt forward and landed right in front of Lin Lang.

"You're right, even an ordinary guru can pat me to death, but I'm not an ordinary guru, I'm in the middle of transformation!"

"Before you're dying, I'll show you the true strength of the old man!"

The old bartender gave a low sigh, and an invisible momentum spurted out of his body. Under this pressure, even the weaker ones could not even kneel directly. This is a will that cannot be resisted.

And his cultivation is not the first master, but he is a strong man in the middle of transformation!

He waved his fist forward lightly, without fancy movements, but the violent force directly blasted many bottles out of the wine cabinet.

There was no change in color. Although they did not know the specific division of the master's strength, they knew that the bartender at this moment was more powerful than before!

This punch seemed to be oppressed by Tianwei, and no one could resist it.

"I don't know if this punch is more powerful than Xu Zhan, and there is almost the power of Bai Mu."

"It's just ... you're still vulnerable!"

Lin Lang made a faint voice, and when his fist fell and was about to hit his chest, he finally raised his palm slowly and grabbed it.

A silent collision came to an end.

I saw Lin Lang's palm tightly covering the bartender's old man's fist. The power that was enough to change the color of the heavens and the earth disappeared without a trace, and it was difficult to release it.

Everyone froze.

The old bartender's eyes were dull.

There was a dead silence in the audience, and the needle drop could be heard.

"I said, you're really vulnerable."

Lin Lang slowly made a sound, and at the same time, countless forces on his shoulders vented, and poured into the other's body.

It's stabbing!

There seemed to be something tearing forward, and the old bartender who was pulling his arms backwards flew backwards.

In Lin Lang's hand, he was holding an arm that was still dripping blood.

He ripped off the other's arm directly.

Everyone couldn't help but hold them. When, in their eyes, the Grand Master of the Realm as a giant engine was so fragile, not to mention the middle age of a realm like a bartender, it seemed like a piece of paper in front of the boy.

Just now he still has to deal with the white shirt women ...

Whoever looked at this scene couldn't help it.

"It can be said that this old guy has helped me, otherwise the efficacy of Zengyangdan lurking in my body would not be combed so quickly."

Only Lin Lang knew this. He didn't take the battle against the white shirt women at all seriously, but he could win with only a little use of body skills, but the bartender was different. Even against wrestling, Lin Lang had to use some real skills.

Spiritual power runs fast, which accelerates the absorption of medicine.

At that moment, he was no longer the early stage of foundation building, but the middle stage of building foundation!

In the middle of the transformation period, the dark master of the middle stage of the Shangxianji midwife, one is equivalent to the hard work of the three universities, the other is equivalent to the famous universities are still working hard.

The gap between the two is too much to call the world divide.

Switching to the previous revision, even if Lin Lang can defeat the opponent, it will never be as easy as it is now.

As for the current bartender, he is already a semi-abandoned body. Lin Lang stepped forward again and completely abolished him. Anyway, he took a breath and waited until he had questions to ask.

"As for you ..."

Lin Lang's eyes slowly moved away and fell on the other killers present.

"It's better to kill!"

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