Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 218: Enter the Bounty List Headquarters

The word fell, countless alcoholic drinkers stared at it.

They glanced at Lin Lang casually, and didn't take it seriously, turning their heads to continue eating and drinking.

For them, Lin Lang, the killer who has been in trouble here, is by no means the first, but most of them were carried out.

It is said that ... the man behind the creation of the bounty list is a true guru!

Over time, few people have taken the initiative to provoke the host here, because they know that they cannot afford to blame for the existence of such terror.

So they are not interested in turning back, expecting that the other party will not find any waves here.

Of course, not everyone is so indifferent.

Others turned back in anger and started to temper, thinking that Lin Lang had spoiled their drinking.

"Hey, boy, who are you, dare you bother to drink?"

A brave man stood up and yelled.

The person's muscles were squinted, and the over-shoulder dragon on his body was vivid. In addition, the scar-covered arm looked like a mess.

"It's Artest. He likes to find nothing. He once had a rich son in Kyoto who clashed with him. Later, this guy broke his head."

"It seems that this kid is in trouble." Many gloating eyes fell on Lin Lang.

The men and women at the same table with Artest turned the swivel chair and sipped their wine without any help.

"Atai was already a martial artist in his mid-terms before he became famous, and later went abroad to practice Muay Thai for a period of time. It is almost rare for us.

"It's not easy for me to deal with him."

Artest said lightly at the white shirt female killer at the same table.

Yes, anyone who knows Artest's strength knows that, by Artest's means, it is not yet possible to pick up a child whose hair has not grown up.

At this time, Artest has slowly stepped in front of Lin Lang, a huge body like an iron tower, looking down at Lin Lang.

"Little man, do you want to rebel?" Artest said in a sigh.

"Do you know what I hate the most?" Lin Lang frowned.

Upon hearing this, Artest laughed loudly: "I don't know, but what you hate must be my favorite."

At the end of his speech, Artest's voice stopped abruptly.

I saw Lin Lang's fluttering hand, holding Atai's head. That speed is simply unresponsive.

"Asshole, let go of Lao Tzu." Artest screamed angrily, and his heart was so loud that he was attacked by a kid.

He was trying to resist, but he suddenly found that he couldn't make a little effort.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Artest was held by his head and slowly moved half a foot off the ground. Artest kicked his legs wildly and struggled.

"Release Laozi ..."


There was a blast, and the rain was flying.

Everyone looked in horror at the planting of Artest's headless corpse. As for where his head had gone, it was just the **** rain.

He was actually pinched by Lin Lang's head.

Countless air-conditioning sounds sounded.

All the killers were present, and no one knew how many lives were being carried. Rao has experienced countless **** scenes, but today this cruel scene has made them slightly uncomfortable.

A living person witnessed his own head being pinched, this is how fierce a guy ...

Seeing this, Sun Bin in the distance spit out. A living person was smashed by his head, a normal person who can continue watching.

"Artest's strength is already among us in the middle and upper reaches, and even he can't stop this kid ..."

The crowd fought a cold war, and they could not help looking at the few people in the field. Although they could still maintain their calmness, their eyes were already serious.

These people are probably the top ones in the Chinese killer world.

"Perhaps only they have the ability to compete with this kid." Everyone thought silently.

At this moment, a few friends who made good relationship with Artest were furious, and they screamed at Lin Lang in anger.

One of them was the killer in a white shirt.

"The white-lined girl has a strange and changeable temperament. Her favorite task is to kill men. It is said that under her men there are a hundred miserable methods of death. The most refreshing method of death is probably to cut off the man ..." Said.

The surrounding people couldn't help it.

Artest and their table are also a killer group. The most powerful of them is the white shirt woman. The strength is definitely not weaker than the Nansha of the Black Shark.

At the same time they were talking, there was already a big hit there, full of the sound of lifting the table and the bottles and glasses falling to the ground.

Although she knew that Lin Lang was not easy to mess with, as the head of the Blue River Killer Group, she could not watch her subordinates die in front of her.

Moreover, it wasn't just herself who appeared on the scene, but also several weak killers who assisted in cutting off the kid. It shouldn't be difficult.

Silently thought in Baizai's heart.

However, her idea had not been put into practice, the first member of the Blue River Killer Group had flew upside down, hit the wall of the ship, and was hit into the next room.

"Be careful, this guy has a lot of brute force, don't fight with him," the white shirt woman whispered reminded.

Killers are not good at confrontation, but their assassination methods are enough to kill higher-level opponents.

After being reminded by the women in white shirts, the blue river killer team cooperated with each other, but there were some rules. Some people stabbed Lin Lang's throat, some hit Lin Lang's heart, and some others struck Lin Lang's legs horizontally.

At this moment, all the key points of Lin Lang were attacked and greeted.

Obviously, this is not the first time they have cooperated. There are rules and methods and mutual restraint, it can be considered to be able to stand still with Lin Lang.

But this ... is not enough!

"Rough assassination." Lin Lang shook his head in his heart. He is the night fairy king, the king of darkness. From the beginning, he was made famous by assassination and killed invisible.

The women in white shirts and others used assassinations in front of him, undoubtedly playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong.

He tried to avoid all these crude methods of assassination.

"How could it be?" Baizai's heart was even more surprised. They had performed the assassination move more than once, and they had never missed it.

But now ...

The time in the battle was urgent. Before she could return, two killer members had been brought down by Lin Lang.

"Oops!" The white veiled woman said secretly, and hurriedly sprayed a handful of powdery things.

Needless to know, the powder she spilled is definitely not the kind of sandy eyes, but highly toxic!

This thing is not a known poison in China, but a thing that she specifically looks for in the Indian poison division. As for the main poison, it is the cobra toxin.

The reason why cobras are called cobras is largely related to their means of attack. Once humans provoke them, they will spray venom in human eyes and want to catch them. Eyes are necessary protection objects. That's why they got their names.

Lin Lang's eyes narrowed, his sleeves flickered a little, and the poisonous powder around him flew to the side immediately.

This fan doesn't matter, the surrounding audiences can suffer, but anyone with open eyes or wounds on his body immediately twitches on the ground.

"White shirt, what are you doing!"

The surviving killers exclaimed.

The white shirt woman is also innocent, and she is not intentional.

However, Lin Lang didn't give her the opportunity to apologize and immediately bullied herself.

Without the support of teammates, the white shirt women are even more dwarfed. It is almost impossible to deal with Lin Lang alone.

Before waiting for two or three times, the white veil was shot by Lin Lang with a palm and smashed the table underneath. The white gauze woman vomited blood and dyed half of the red coat, and was trying to get up.

"Enough, stop me!"

At this moment, a cold drink spread throughout the underground space.

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