These people outside the door are the security forces of the laboratory. As the country's research site for new weapons, how can it easily be without defensive forces.

Even though some parts of the experimental building are open to students, the defenders in these plain clothes will not relax for a moment. When Xiao Fengxiao entered the building, he did not know how many eyes were staring at him.

In this case, it can be said that it was hitting the muzzle!

"Some of the black sharks didn't meet far away, please forgive me."

"Ah? Hahaha ..." Feng Dexuan laughed.

Feng Dexuan is the person in charge of security here, the master of the warrior peak. He used to come out of the special operations team. Of course, he is familiar with the appearance of these fugitives.

He didn't even expect that the black assassin, the fiercely assassinated organization in China, would be stupid to take the net today.

It's so easy ... like catching a cat in a panic!

"Captain Nanting, do you want to resist or just obey?" Feng Dexuan looked at Nanting with a smile.

Nanting said nothing and leapt forward, making it clear that he must resolutely resist.

He forwarded a beautiful whip leg, sweeping down several team members.

"I will meet him!"

Feng Dexuan shouted and jumped forward, fighting with Nanting.

I have to say that the reason why the black shark has been maintained to this day can be said to be inseparable from Nanting. He alone is enough to meet the role of the others.

"Don't look down on me, why don't you come."

Nanting snorted coldly, revealing himself.

He is also the peak of the warrior!

Under the same state of repair, it is obvious that the two can't win the match so quickly. In addition, Nanting is determined to run, even if other security team members cooperate, it is more difficult to stop him.

This is destined to be a deadlock.

But ... the other four members of the Black Shark did not have the strength of Nanting, and they were almost useless of the surrounding martial arts. They were captured and handcuffed obediently.


I have to say that although this Nanting has many evils, there are indeed two brushes. Feng Dexuan teamed up with several martial artists, and he could not help him for a short time.

At this moment, Nan Ting turned back and threw out several billowing 'iron balls'. In the eyes of everyone, he actually lay down on the spot.

"No, it's a compression bomb!"

Feng Dexuan's face changed.

Compression bombs are compressed like explosives. Unlike normal gunpowder, they are filled with chemicals.

Don't look at this thing, but it is definitely not less powerful than a normal bomb. As for the specific power, it depends on the amount of explosives contained.

This kind of foreign goods are rare. I did not expect Nanting to carry a few.

"It happened, I knew I shouldn't let them in." Feng Dexuan was cold.

Although it is based on the cultivation of his warrior peak, maybe he can survive the explosion, but which other person here can compare with him?

It is estimated that after the explosion, only he and Nanting will be able to retreat.

No one expected that accidents would come so suddenly that Nanting threw the killer so decisively.

It is precisely that these people are staying in this small space, and they can't even lie on their backs, let alone the main attack method that chemical bombs rely on is not shrapnel.

A powerful shock wave is enough to destroy everything here.

escape? Can you escape there again?

Many people are desperate.

Especially the other four members of Black Shark, their despair is far better than others. On weekdays it is said that brothers and brothers have the money to share their loot.

But now Nanting escaped, regardless of their lives.

"It's over!"

Xiao Fengxiao closed her eyes and waited silently for death.

But after waiting for a long time, the sound of the explosion didn't sound, and when I opened my eyes, my body was extremely sound and harmless.

"this is……"

Xiao Fengxiao looked around confused, all around was the expression of bewilderment and the rest of the disaster.

The bomb ... it didn't explode!

Xiao Fengxiao's response was quick, and I wanted to slip away when everyone was unprepared. But when she broke into the door and looked at the scene in front of her, a pair of slender thighs couldn't stop shaking.

She was completely deadlocked.

In front of her, the one she was hunting down was bending down and looking down, and it was their captain Nanting who was stepping on her feet.

"Let me ask you a question, who hired you to kill me?"

Lin Lang grinned and exposed a row of white teeth, smiling brightly.


The black sharks were arrested as they wished, and after torture, they soon came out.

Nanting is a task received on the domestic rewards list. Since it is an assassination task, the name of the employer will not be leaked easily.

So even they don't know.

However, at least one thing is certain. The employer who dropped the task must be a Chinese or a Chinese family.

Because the birth of the Holy Spirit Water has attracted the attention of some foreign forces, they have listed Lin Lang's name on the foreign assassination list early. Naturally, there is no need to do more than that, and they also hang a copy in China.

"Bounty list? The bounty is just a billion dollars, but I really look down on me."

Lin Lang is ridiculous, and even feels that the bounty is not worth his worth.

"I want to see who wants to kill me." Lin Lang's eyes flashed cold.

Now the information in Nanting's mouth is not important anymore. When he kills the headquarters that posted the reward list, naturally everything will come to light.

"Xianbei Province, my Lin You Ye is here!"

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