Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 210: Black Shark Assassination

On the campus of Sichuan University, a beautiful woman with an explosive body hurried forward. The hot and bold style of dress made countless students excited.

There were even many bold students who took the initiative to approach each other.

However, she seemed accustomed to it.

Every false contact method given by the beautiful woman was still excited.

In a flash, the hot beauty stepped into the experimental building.

"Based on the observations made by Cheetah over the past few days, the target's range of activity should be here."

Xiao Feng muttered, looking around.

The experimental building is not large, but there are many laboratories. Although she is now in, she cannot find the target.

After finally finding a passerby who passed the corridor, Xiao Fengxiao quickly stopped it.

"Brother, can you stop, I want to ask you a question." Xiao Fengxiao said with a firm chest.

In a red coat, the proud gap was revealed, and the two hemispheres were looming.

It really makes the blood of male animals stretch.

But when facing her, the little brother was not very interested. After looking at her up and down, he calmly spoke.

"What's the problem?" The brother warned.

"I want to ask if there is a person named Lin Youye here, I'm his girlfriend." Xiao Fengxiao laughed.

The little brother frowned, and seemed to think about something, then moved forward with a finger.

"Well, go straight up the third floor, the third-to-last room is just fine."

"Thank you, it's awesome." Xiao Fengxiao gave a wink.

The little brother remained unmoved, leaving her only a back.

"Weirdo, it doesn't hurt to look at the old lady, doesn't this person like men?"

Xiao Feng murmured.

Now that she had figured out the location of the target, she didn't have to stay there and started a bitter climbing journey.

It's going upstairs here, and a blind spot on the stairs leads to a man again and bumps into her.

Originally Xiao Fengxiao was not wearing a corset, and this collision made the two fascinating groups almost jump out.

However ... Faced with this scene of blowing nosebleeds, the man in the peaked cap did not take a look, and apologized and hurried away.

"It's a strange guy again!" Xiao Fengxiao began to wonder if his charm had declined, even when he met two men in a row and had no interest in him.

Finally, Xiao Fengxiao, full of shame and anger, walked to the location of the target.


The iron door of the room was knocked.

"Come in."

Xiao Fengxiao pushed in, and there was a teenager sitting on the carpet.

"You are Lin Youye, right?" Xiao Fengxiao asked.


Lin Lang nodded, looking at Xiao Fengxiao's body again.

"Your takeaway has arrived." Xiao Feng Xiaojiao cried.

"Takeaway? What takeaway?" Lin Lang frowned.

"Your takeaway ... Of course it's me, and I don't know that the little girl is not suitable for the taste of the officials." Xiao Fengxiao giggled, driving the waves up and down.

Talking, she was close to Lin Lang's side, with a punch between them.

"Come on." Lin Lang nodded.

"Officials are very anxious." Xiao Feng Xiao exhaled quietly, his soft fingers stroked across Lin Lang's chest.

Coated with red nails, he slightly lifted the other's shirt and was preparing to peel off his coat.

"Finally, my mother met a normal man."

Xiao Fengxiao was secretly excited.


At the corner of the staircase of the Sichuan University Experimental Building, three men and one woman are standing at this time.

"At this time, she should have succeeded in treating snake beauties, and it's her skill to deal with men." Cheetah laughed.

In the past, most of their actions were led by Xiao Fengxiao or inquiring about intelligence. When they were weaker, they killed them easily.

Because there are no high points around the Sichuan University laboratory, it is not convenient to use large firearms.

Therefore, according to this action plan, several people were lightly in battle, and Xiao Fengxiao took the lead. When she completely let the target relax their vigilance, they rushed in and killed the target.

"No, I don't think it's right."

Nan Ting frowned, although no abnormalities were found for the time being, but years of intuition told him that it was weird.

Although he could not tell what kind of hunch it was.

"No, I can't drag Xiao Fengxiao to send a signal. Let's rush in to kill him." Nan Ting took the shot. After all, the opponent is a warrior, and he doesn't want to make extra branches.


咣 Dang!

The laboratory door was kicked open.

At this moment, four people rushed in and broke into the house.

However, what they saw was such a sight.

Xiao Fengxiao was **** with a few white silk threads, tied to a chair, unable to move, and a rag was stuck in his mouth, whine.

Seeing a few people coming in, Lin Lang removed the rag tucked in Xiao Fengxiao's mouth.

"this is……"

The cheetah froze.

"I missed it." Xiao Fengxiao smiled bitterly.

In fact, according to her usual method, usually a blade is contained in her mouth. When the enemy is completely captured by the gentle offensive, she will instantly cut the opponent's throat.

But this time ... she was subdued without resistance before she could even remove the blade.

The two guys who were unimpressed by her beauty, the last one was still acting with her, pretending to be a match for her.

"What kind of people are staying in this experimental building?" Xiao Fengxiao was desperate.

Actually, she misunderstood Lin Lang, because Lin Lang never wanted to play with her from beginning to end. She originally wanted to give her birth to the state department, otherwise she would have been in a different place.

"Hey, let go of Xiao Fengxiao, or I'll crash you now." Cheetah threw out the pistol in his sleeve and aimed at Lin Lang's head.

I thought this would be a stalemate, but Lin Lang smiled.


Lin Lang's palm was loose, and the white silk thread imprisoned by Xiao Fengxiao's body was instantly invisible.

Xiao Fengxiao, as amnesty, hurried to his partner.

"This is not the way of the Grand Master ..."

Seeing this scene, Nan Ting's pupils shrank, and there was a faint feeling in her heart.

As for others, of course, he has no insight.

At this time, Cheetah grinned: "Since you are so sensible, I'll give you a good deal."

The cheetah hooked his finger on the trigger, moved it, and then relaxed, seeming to scare Lin Lang.

"Aren't you afraid? What if I missed it and the shot broke?"

"Do you really think you can eat me?" Lin Lang said leisurely.

"What do you think?"

The cheetah grinned and laughed.

"Stupid, if you choose a hiding place in a crowded place, I may also consider whether to shoot, but in such a remote place, no one knows we killed you here."

The cheeky voice of the cheetah came slowly.

"Really." Lin Lang saw no confusion at all.

Nanting noticed something, and the anxiety in his heart grew stronger.

Suddenly, Nanting yelled and shocked a few people.

"Give up the goal, let's withdraw!"

Talking, Nanting rushed out and ran towards the door.

"Boss is this?"

The faces of several people were aggressive.

"Run? Can you run away again?" Lin Lang smiled slightly.

At this moment, a large group of men in various clothes immediately surged out of the door, like a tide, and the water around the door was leaking.

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