Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 201: Angie's call

The Mercedes started and disappeared slowly in the dark.

"Huh? What about people?"

The "black viper" hidden in the grass settled his eyes, and looked a little confused ahead.

He is a special soldier who has just retired from the African battlefield. He has superb marksmanship and has a great reputation in the local mercenary organization. Some people even call him the King of Sniper.

No, he just received a big order as soon as he retired from a foreign battlefield. He said that as long as he shot and killed a person, he would receive a bounty of hundreds of millions of yuan, and there were still weapons and equipment provided for free.

At that time those people sent him a large caliber sniper rifle and gave him joy for several days. How could there be such a good weapon in Africa. He was a little bit suspicious of how those people got this stuff in Huaxia, where guns were banned.

"Do you see enough? Stand up and talk to me."

Such a voice suddenly sounded in the black viper's ear, making him instantly creepy.

Suddenly he looked up, and there was a teenager squatting in front of him, looking at him with a smile.

"How did you come here?"

The black viper quickly got up and looked at Lin Lang with alert, the long gun barrel was aimed at Lin Lang.

"Me? Of course I came over." Lin Lang smiled and glanced casually at the barrel.

"The gun is good. If you are really hit, it may be uncomfortable for Master Huajing. Unfortunately, I am not that weak group."

Lin Lang shook his head, then grasped the barrel of the gun with his palm, but slowly bent over in the eyes of the black viper.

"Are you a warrior?"

The black viper is like a rabbit with a tail on its tail.

Looking at the calm and calm boy, the black viper suddenly got a little creepy. He knew that the other party was a warrior, even if he doubled the price he would not do it.

In desperation, he had to give up his gun and switch to close combat. It's just that he was a top-notch in the special forces, but he didn't need to look in front of a grandmaster.

It didn't take three or two to slap the black viper.

"You can't live long. The Dark Star falls and the Land of Judgment issues a killing order at the same time. Before long, someone stronger than me will kill you."

The black viper shouted. He knew that he couldn't get away anyway today, and he was deadly boned.

A blast of flame rose from under his feet and swallowed him in an instant, leaving only a ash in place.

To avoid trouble, he also melted the sniper rifle.

"Are you finally going to do anything to me? I've been waiting too long at this moment."

Lin Lang looked away.


That night, Lin Lang did not return to the bedroom, but instead greeted Chen Dao and found a hotel nearby.

He didn't want to bring these dangers to other roommates.

Similarly, his relatives in Shencheng also greeted him. Some of the more important cores have been moved into the mountaintop villa. I believe that there are guardians of the Dragon God, and there are no three or five masters joining hands. Nope.

All that remains is to wait for the fish to hook up, and then it's gone.

It's just that everything seems to have completely subsided. Lin Lang waited for three days and still didn't wait for his opponent's trace.

At noon on the fourth day, Lin Lang finally received a call.

The call was from An Qi.

"Leader Lin, the fifth group of things has basically settled down, and everyone is training step by step, and they have all made great progress."

"By the way, there is good news to tell you that the monkey has broken through. Now there are more than one grandmaster in the team, but this guy is not so good. He is chopping the waterfall crazy every day."

An Qi reported the recent situation to Lin Lang one by one.

"Congratulations to him, and by the way tell the other little guys not to be lazy, and I'll go back and check some days later." Lin Lang smiled.

Although these hairy boys did not get his own biography, anyway, they also had some fellowship between them.

"One more thing. Recently, it was reported from the border that many foreign killer organizations were lurking in. Among them, the earlier black viper has arrived in Chuanshu and is likely to encounter you."

An Qi read the information in her hand to Lin Lang.

"That guy is dead." Lin Lang said lightly.

An Qi didn't have many accidents. After all, Lin Lang's skill is obvious to everyone. If he is really successful by the black viper, he doesn't have to confuse.

"The black viper is just a pioneer. According to our investigation, there have been more than six foreign masters who have entered the country in the recent period, and some of them have some vicious roles comparable to Bai Mu."

"You need to be more vigilant. Our special operations team cannot intervene in this matter. At least until they commit a crime, we can only monitor them. We can't start with them on the bright side."

"But we will send someone to protect the safety of your family. This matter will be up to you." An Qi said apologetically.

Most of these people are from abroad, and there is no reason for Huaxia officials to refuse their entry.

"I see, these miscellaneous fish pose no threat to me." Lin Lang said lightly.

In fact, he did not expect the official at all. As for the protection of his family, this was somewhat unexpected.

"Yes, there is one last thing. Your identity verification document has also been approved. On the basis of the fifth team leader, you are still the team leader of Huaxia Biological Research Institute."

"We have completed the communication with Sichuan University. You are the host professor of Sichuan University and you are in charge of the research and development of science and technology drugs. There are specialized laboratories and scientific researchers to assist you."

Lin Lang had discussed this with the authorities long ago. The country wanted a prescription for Holy Spirit Water, but because of the peculiarities of Holy Spirit Water, it could not be mass-produced. Lin Lang promised other similar drugs.

No, the documents are up and down, and he needs to help with the drug research and development, and the location will be in the laboratory of Chuanshu University.

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