Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 200: Manshu pear blossoms

Lin Lang looked at the girl quietly, he liked to look at it like this, maybe only she appeared here to make him a man who dared to fight with heaven so peaceful.

Time seemed to be quiet at this moment, but there was a sound of wind blowing in the hunt.

Her dress fluttered with it, and she looked more immortal at the moment.

Ah sneeze!

At this time, a delicate sneeze broke the tranquility of the air.

Chuanshu, which was nearing autumn at this time, was already somewhat cool. This place in Sichuan and Sichuan is such a strange weather, sometimes it ’s hot and dying. Sometimes it is cold and sudden, making people not very adaptable.

Today is like this. It ’s warm in the daytime. Chen Miaoxuan only wore a dress to go out. This did not suddenly change the weather, which caught her off guard.

At this time, the slender hand moved his shoulders, which was more delicate, which made people feel a little distressed.

"Why isn't Uncle Li here yet? I would have worn more if I knew it." Chen Miaoxuan muttered secretly.

At this time, she suddenly felt a sudden weight on her shoulders, but a coat lightly covered her shoulders.

Although this dress is a bit cheap and worn, wearing it makes her look like a brand name.

"No need ..." Chen Miaoxuan froze and said subconsciously.

"Put on, it's getting colder." Lin Lang smiled.

Chen Miaoxuan didn't even pick up Bai Zhishang's clothes. It was the first time she saw Lin Lang and she wanted to refuse.

But as soon as she looked up and refused to say anything before she refused, she saw the young boy smiling at her gently.

That Hexi's smile seemed magical, making people feel like a spring breeze, and involuntarily gave birth to a kind of intimacy. It was as if she had met him somewhere, she was unfamiliar and familiar.

I don't know what happened, Chen Miaoxuan, who had always had self-criteria, actually sent the ghost down, and even gave birth to the illusion that he didn't want to take off.

"Thank you." Chen Miaoxuan blushed and lowered her head. She didn't dare to look at Lin Lang.

She had always been generous, but she was a little embarrassed in front of this strange man.

Lin Lang smiled softly. The pretty lady in her memory was still so pleasing, but she didn't change a bit.

With Lin Lang's ability, wearing one more and not one has little effect on him, but at this time he was keen to notice the change in temperature.

"The temperature is a bit low."

Lin Lang thought to himself that he raised his hand, there was no sound around him, and even the wind stopped at this moment.

In his mind, he originally wanted to summon the colorful sky fire directly to warm up the surrounding temperature. Considering that this trick spreads too widely, it must not be scared to others.

So he can only resort to a compromise.

Lin Lang hid his palms behind his back, flicked his fingertips, and suddenly shot a gorgeous colorful flame from his fingers.

During the flight, under the control of his divine thoughts, the colorful flames diverged into thousands and rushed into the green belt along the road.

And Lin Lang ’s divine thoughts are also thousands of thousands, each wrapped in a sky fire, to ensure that the terrible temperature of the sky fire will not damage the flowers.

The pear trees and flower beds have been beautifully decorated by colorful flames. From a distance, they look like shining little stars, but they have hidden all kinds of postures, and they are gorgeous and soft.

It is full of colorful light everywhere.

The temperature in the air has also become warmer.

Chen Miaoxuan was aware of it. Looking back, she was a bit crazy for a while.

"What a nice view."

Chen Miaoxuan was lost for a while. Although she didn't know why, she knew that the scenery was fascinating, not like a small artificial lantern.

It is more like a beautiful gift from nature, which can be encountered but not sought.

This scenery is so beautiful and so warm.

"Well ... can you take a picture for me." Chen Miaoxuan said a little shyly.

It's a rare sight, and it would be a shame if you don't take pictures.


Lin Lang smiled, took the phone from Chen Miaoxuan, and patted it in a snap.

It's just that although Lin Lang was a monk during the foundation period, he was a little bad at taking pictures.

With that in mind, Lin Lang was a little naughty.

He silently controlled the starting point of the flame, the light reflected on Chen Miaoxuan's body, and snapped a picture at the perfect angle.

And behind her, a bunch of shining colorful roses quietly formed.

In the colorful sea of ​​flowers, there is a wonderful pear tree, and in front of the pear flowers full of trees, there is a beautiful angel.

In the summer of tranquility, the beauties of the country became a beautiful picture.

Just then, a white supercar stopped slowly by the road.

Bai Zhihuan stepped out of the car and was holding a custom-made windbreaker for Louis Vuitton, with a price of 70,000 to 80,000.

He also saw Chen Miaoxuan, who was standing in the sea of ​​flowers, shocked him to heaven, and his heart was inevitable.

But when he saw the clothes draped over Chen Miaoxuan's shoulders, he was completely stunned.


Bai Zhihuan was holding his clothes, but his face was a little dark.

He also sent clothes. His clothes, Chen Miaoxuan, didn't accept them. He was tired like a grandson and took another one. Instead, he was pinned by a completely unknown person.

It's no wonder he's not angry.

When he got closer, Bai Zhihuan swept away the haze from before, with an iconic elegant smile on his face.

"Miao Xuan, get your clothes." Bai Zhizheng handed the clothes forward.

"Thank you, but I already have one." Chen Miaoxuan declined.

A touch of coldness flashed away from the eyes of Bai Zhizhen instantly.

"That dress is not resistant to the wind, change it for me, otherwise this brother will be frozen."

Bai Zhixuan looked at Lin Lang full of animosity. Looking at the light, he seemed to be able to detect the imminent threat.

"It doesn't matter. My clothes are made of cotton. They are much thicker than normal windbreakers."

Lin Lang didn't seem to hear the threat of the other party, but smiled.

Upon hearing this, Bai Zhihuan almost vomited blood. When did LV's men's custom match even a piece of cotton clothes, and sure enough money still limited my imagination.

Lin Lang didn't mean to be jealous with him, but now, his face suddenly freezes.

If anyone is paying attention, you should probably see a red dot lingering on Lin Lang, moving with him, and finally stopping around his temple.

Lin Lang's consciousness gushed instantly, covering a range of several hundred meters, probably about seven or eight hundred meters away. At this time, a dry man was lurking in the grass, holding in his hands. , Impressively a sniper rifle.

At this time, a Benxi SUV stopped by the road.

"Uncle Li is here, I should go, see you tomorrow." Chen Miaoxuan said goodbye to Bai Zhixuan.

She was about to take off her coat and return it to Lin Lang, but when she looked back, how could there be the shadow of the other party.

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