Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 194: Guyu Lakeside

Chen Dao took a moment's notice. He didn't expect this name that hasn't appeared since the beginning of school. Today, someone really agreed.

"Is Lin Lang here?"

Director Chen asked again.


There was another response from the podium.

Chen Dao was a little angry, and he said that how this kid who hadn't reported since the beginning of school could appear in the classroom. It is estimated that the little bunny had deliberately used him to open the door.

The new boys are so lawless that even he dares to tease them.

"Who is answering for me, stand up for me."

Chen Dao coldly swept the students present, and every one of them was silent, they could see that Chen Dao was angry.

"It's me, I'm Lin Lang." Lin Lang stood up slowly, smiling and showing a neat row of white teeth.

"You are Lin Lang?"

Chen Dao frowned, reached out and flipped around the roster, and found Lin Lang's photos to compare with each other.

Chen Dao roughly glanced at Lin Lang's clothes and saw that everything was normal on the body, and then he said nothing.

"You sit down and go to the student office yourself after class and register your student ID first."

Such post-entry student guides would have called for a talk in the past to help familiarize themselves with the situation at the school. As for the registration of the student status, it was in their hands.

But look at Lin Lang's dressing style ... Chen Dao has no interest in this.

In fact, in the hands of university teachers, almost everyone has a list of freshmen enrolled in it. The family situation of the students and what their parents do at a glance.

This should be known to anyone who has passed through the Student Union.

He has also read Lin Lang's information, and his parents are not talented.

As for why you can enter the affiliated college of Sichuan University. This point also explains very well, who has not had a few smooth relatives.


Soon after, the bell rang at the end of the class, and the students were scattered.

Only three people came to Lin Lang with interest, and began to look at Lin Lang.

"You are Lin Lang? Our roommate who hasn't shown up all the time?" Tang Yanyu took the lead in speaking.

Lin Lang nodded.

"Hello, my name is William."

Tang Yun Yu smiled and smiled, and stretched out her palm to Lin Lang.

"William, aren't you called Tang Yanyu?" Lin Lang stunned slightly.

"You know me?"

This time it is Tang Yuyu's turn. William is his English name. He lived with his father in the United States a few years ago, and only returned to China in the last six months.

He used the William's name all the time. As for the Chinese name, it was rarely used.

"I heard it when I just called it." Lin Lang casually said Hu, no matter how four years at the university, how could he not know Tang Yu's real name.

I remember he heard the name for the first time. At that time, his heart was so defamatory. Tang Yu Yu, um, sweet and sour fish.

"Hello, this is Liu Xiaochuan. You can also call me Chuan."

This is a chubby boy, with a weight of about 180 kilograms, and a natural woolen roll, especially the pair of slippery eyes, looks quite smart.

At first glance, this is the Lord with many words.

I still remember that Liu Xiaochuan had a nickname on the campus, called Liu Xiaojian. His inferiority was not meant to mean inferiority, but to be inferior.

Who is it to evade a meal and cover someone? This is definitely a good hand.

The young man on the other side is called Sun Mingze. This person generally has a low sense of existence and is somewhat lonely. But judging by his clothes and talking, he is definitely more than that.

In the previous life, several people from Lin Lang once asked Sun Mingze to get drunk, and only heard him vaguely revealed that his family was a large family in the north. After graduation, he went to Japan and completely lost contact.

"To celebrate the return of the four gods to our 301 bedroom, let's go out tonight for a meal, I treat."

William patted his breast.

A few people casually chatted, Liu Xiaojian, a little psychic, was in the school. Many teachers in the school talked well with him, and Lin Lang's admissions procedures went smoothly.

"Let's take you to see the bedroom." Liu Xiaochuan patted Lin Lang's shoulder.

Lin Lang shook his head and said, "No, I still have some things to do."

After a few chats on the road, Lin Lang hurriedly separated from several people.

"This is also a very busy person. On the first day of school, I didn't even pack my luggage. Is it so busy?"

William looked at Lin Lang's back a little bit silently.

"From the experience of the people I've come to, he's going so fast, he's bound to be a little lover." Liu Xiaochuan Duding said.

"No way, how could he hook up with a girl the first day at school ..."

Sun Mingze pouted his lips.

"That's not necessarily the case, in case this boy has the same feeling as William ..."

If Liu Xiaochuan stared at William deeply, he would always show William a horror.

"Liu Xiaojian, I don't like men, but I have a girlfriend."


Compared to the north, the land of Chuanshu is still hot in August and September. Only in the morning and evening can a cool wind blow, not very cool.

It is the summer retreat of Jiu Xiaojing and Qiu Cheng Wan Jingqing, which is really a good season.

Many literati, or foreign tourists like to travel at this time.

Guyu Lake, as a major tourist attraction in Shuzhong City, has attracted countless tourists. At this time, Guyu Lake is in the evening.

There are countless tourists, and young lovers are walking around the lake, conceiving the beauty of love.

And here is relatively close to the city of Shuzhong, many students of Sichuan University even like to take a walk after dinner.

It's also prosperous here. Many small vendors on the side of the road display all kinds of snacks. What dragons copy their hands and the taste of noodles is very good. The mouthful of food can hardly move when you come here. You have to be addicted.

At this moment, a pair of young men and women walked from a distance with a smile.

The young girl standing at the center is about seventeen or eighteen years old. She doesn't have those gorgeous jewelry on her hands, she just wears a solid sports bracelet.

Walking in grace, the temperament is almost immortal, and at a young age, you can see a style of everyone. Use modern words to describe the proper little fairy and goddess.

Her young people are surrounded by the center like stars and moons. Even if the left and right beauties are re-made, she seems to have her own halo, and no fandai has no color in front of her.

Beside the girl is a handsome young man, who also responds to the goddess around him, and smiles from time to time. It can be seen that this is also a noble son who is quite well-educated.

"Miao Xuan, when do you see a fortune teller in this street?"

Sun Xiaohan was carrying a brand-name bag, and on the other side was Chen Miaoxuan's arm, who suddenly made a noise.

Looking along Sun Xiaohan's eyes, really, a fortune-telling stand was set up not far away.

There is a square table in front, and a pair of white vertical bars written with brush characters are hung on each side.

It reads: Not counting past and future, just waiting for lovers in this life.

"Yeah, presumably a liar."

Chen Miaoxuan replied absurdly, apparently, she had no interest in these feudal superstitions.

Like her girlfriend Sun Xiaohan's horoscope or something, but she always thinks these are just tricks.

Seeing that Chen Miaoxuan had no past intentions, Sun Xiaohan also had no choice but to look back.

The group walked past the fortune-telling stand indifferently, but at this time Chen Miaoxuan's heart developed a strange itchiness, as if something had been lost.

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