Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 193: Going to school?

Mysterious disappearance of Lu Beidou's body!

This incident scared all the Lu families, and there was a big storm that night. All the Lu family's children were mobilized to look for Master Lu's body.

For a family, an old man who has made a significant contribution to the family cannot enjoy his blessing alive, and even his body is missing. This matter is not handled well, so don't want Lu's face.

However, tossing all night, still did not find the body of Lu Beidou.

The Lu family who had better eyes made a keen discovery of one scene at a time. On both sides of the coffin, there was a dark palm print on each side.

Then looked at the dim light, but not only that, there was a row of black footprints on the ground of Lu family.

It was just that these footprints disappeared completely at the gate of Lu's house.

All kinds of evidence show that Master Lujia ... seems to crawl out by himself.

The Lu family were all creepy, and a good-looking person turned out to be a corpse. In this atmosphere, many timid Lu families traveled together in search of the missing corpse.

A few days later, Lu Jia simply gave up and could only guiltily set up a coat of arms.


Leaving aside the changes in the Lu family for the time being.

The next morning, Lin Lang quietly left the Lu family. After all, the Lu family was doing white things, and it was not easy to entertain him as a distinguished guest.

In addition, the martial arts conference ended in hastily, and I believe that his actions are ahead. Even if he does not sit in the Lu family, no one in the whole Huaxia martial arts circle dares to move the Lu family.

Therefore, he did not intend to continue living, counting time, now the Sichuan Affiliated College should start.

He hasn't seen any of the gangsters at the university since his rebirth.

Thinking of this, Lin Lang's mouth raised a smile and stopped a taxi on the road and left.

The affiliated college of Sichuan University can also be said to be a branch campus of Sichuan University. The name of Chuan Shu University is also nominally attached, but in fact, the two are very different in terms of influence and quality of education.

One is the school of dreams that thousands of students want, and the other is a school that has been stigmatized by the rich second-generation gilt. You can go in for as long as you spend money. The two are not comparable.

In the past, when the three colleges were still in existence, the old campus of the Sichuan Affiliated College was not here. Later, national policies were adjusted to ban all three colleges.

Naturally, this affiliated college of Sichuan University was merged into the campus of Sichuan University. Although it is still an independent institution, it is actually under the jurisdiction of Sichuan University.

Because Lin Lang was busy practicing hard and did not take the college entrance examination, these should be arranged by Zhou Shihai.

Lin Langzheng thought so, that the taxi had already entered the city, and finally stopped in front of a tall marble portal.

This is the Sichuan University campus.

Lin Lang was about to enter the door, and suddenly seemed to think of something, raised his hand in front of his face, and immediately returned to his original appearance.

Compared to the handsome skinny bag, he still wanted to use the look he had when he first saw him. This will more or less regain a sense of familiarity.

With past memories and familiarity with the grass and trees on the campus, Lin Lang quickly felt where the dormitory was.

It was just that it was not very nice to greet him, the dormitory door was closed tightly, and he had a closed door with him for the first time.

I asked my next classmate next door that he knew that his roommates had gone to class.

Lin Lang had nothing to do, so he simply wandered around the campus.

There are young men and women everywhere on the campus, and they do n’t wear much. The university students here are rarely affected by the bad social atmosphere. Therefore, although girls do n’t wear much, they are not purely for exposure. very energetic.

"As a grand event in Sichuan, Sichuan University is also one of the key universities in Sichuan, and the beauty essence of almost the entire Sichuan Province should be concentrated here."

Everyone loves beauty, and Lin Lang naturally wants to see more.

Time is short, Lin Lang slips into the teaching building and sits in the classroom.

"This should be the first instructor of my previous university. I still remember that Mediterranean head."

Lin Lang sighed as he watched the lengthy half-old man on the podium.

"I remember when Chen Dao only took us one freshman year, and my heart was smaller than that of acupuncture nose. Later, it was said that he was reported because of the unauthorized receipt of red envelopes and was dismissed from school.

"Everyone is quiet." Director Chen said halfway and suddenly said.

At this time, perhaps because the number of people coming to class today is too small, Dao Chen pushed his glasses and decided to take a daily required class ...

This is probably his only hobbies and duties.

Director Chen went to the roster, and the names kept popping out of his mouth. Some of them picked a check mark in the name, while others drew a big ×.


Not far behind Lin Lang, there were three young people sitting. Lin Lang knew them, but now they don't know Lin Lang.

These three were his roommates.

"Guide Chen started calling again, and I don't know how many people are going to be unlucky today."

Sympathetic eyes were given to those students who were drawn with crosses. Chen Dao was very careful and dared to run away from his class. This cross represented a serious inscription in his heart.

"Hey, I don't know how many people have been victimized, but I think our mysterious roommate is about to die. This guy hasn't shown up since the beginning of school."

"With Chen Dao's temperament, I'll have trouble with this boy when he comes."

"Otherwise, let's bet on him today or not, I bet on a small biscuit." Liu Xiaochuan laughed.

"Cut, it's boring. Let's take a bigger bet if we want to bet, whoever wins the dinner at night, please, how about it?" Tang Yanyu said very badly.

"You treat me stupid? Knowing that it is impossible to win, how can I bet on you."

Ushering in Liu Xiaochuan's white eyes.

At this time, Dao Chen had already ordered the first and second classes.

"Liu Xiaochuan."


"Lin Lang?"


A loud voice spread throughout the classroom.

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