Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 146: Kick over the fifth group

"Jumped down, someone jumped down."

"Is this man crazy?"

The long-legged girl, who has always been known for her elegance, couldn't help but exclaim.

"Visually, he seems to want to give us some power."

The red-haired young man said stingingly, he was in a terrible mood. The new team leader did give them a kick, but ... this Nima is performing with life.

At everyone's attention, the black figure plummeted at an acceleration of 9.8 meters per second. Eventually, with the sound of a loud bang, the mountain peaks where the entire camp was located trembled.

"Isn't it dead? It's so strange to jump down from such a high place and not be broken into meat."

The muscular man had a strange face, and it seemed that he had foreseen the new team leader to fall from the sky on the day he took office, and the news of the tragic death in the camp spread throughout the special operations team.

However, in his eyes, the person who had his legs deeply inserted into the cracks of the rock had been faintly seen. This was a teenager, but his face was very handsome.

Lin Lang lightly and uncomfortably pulled out his legs deeply embedded in the ground, his face was not red and breathless, and he walked towards the crowd with his hands on his hands. Not only did he not see any injuries, even his pants were not damaged .

If you look closely, the rock on which he is standing has been fragmented by impacts, and the cracks in the net have extended from that end to the feet of each team member.

The crack continued to the mountain behind the camp.


Pieces of rubble rolled down, just the rocks that fell from the moon-like impact of this comet, and grunted all the way to the feet of everyone.

What kind of legs should this be?

The muscle man's mouth twitched endlessly, jumping at a height of 200 meters, not only was all right, but the mountain couldn't bear the impact first.

Such a pair of legs, even armor-piercing shells, can not be penetrated, right?

As for the others, they have already watched it. The only thing in their minds is the figure of the other person jumping from the helicopter.

"The fifth group, right? I will be your team leader in the future." Lin Lang's gaze swept across everyone present.

Everyone was embarrassed. Which of the new team leaders dispatched in the past was not modest, but then the polite interoperable names, as straightforward as Lin Lang, seem to be the first.

But surprised and surprised, everyone is still full of resistance to Lin Lang's existence. The fifth group can have a team leader, but there is only one former team leader Miao Yi. Except for him, the team members will not agree, and will not let Others took his place.

"We only have Miao Yi as a team leader, you can go back and forth where you want to go." The muscular man said in a sigh of breath.

"Big guys are right. Who are you? You must be the leader if you don't speak loudly. Don't think you are sent from the headquarters. It's great. Tell you, we don't recognize you!"

"Yes, we don't recognize it!"

"Get out of here. There is no place for you. Hold your bag and go on a helicopter."

There was a continuous yelling and screaming around.


"You are so excited for the death of one person. You don't think about revenge and don't want to think of revenge. Instead, you are complaining here. The country really supports your waste."

Lin Lang grunted coldly, his eyes glanced at everyone around him.

"what did you say?"

When everyone heard the words changed, they all glared at Lin Lang and squeezed their fists. It seemed that they might be doing it in the next moment.

"You are still mourning for the death of the previous team leader? Okay, then I tell you, he deserves it. He is not as good as a man, only he can die in the hands of others."

Lin Lang's faint voice undoubtedly changed everyone's face and stared angrily at Lin Lang.

As for the fierce-tempered muscular man, he had already rushed to Lin Lang. Others couldn't help it, and rushed to surround Lin Lang.

An Qi had just jumped off the helicopter, and had not waited to digest the fact that Lin Lang was innocent, but the words of the other party changed her face. Which of the previous new team leaders did not first deeply remember Comrade, Lin Lang directly began to belittle it, saying that the other deserves it.

Isn't this fueling the fire?

Seeing that the members of the group approaching the runaway showed signs of anxiety, An Qi hurriedly sang on the spot.

"Stop! What are you doing!"

An Qi has a relatively high status in this group. Although she is a member of the fourth group, another status is the tentative deputy sent by the headquarters, which is equivalent to the existence of an inspector.

At the sight of An Qi's surge, the five team members also calmed down. Although they stopped the stance, they still stared at Lin Lang with a poor look.

"Sister An Qi, this guy insults the Miao group, how can you help outsiders?" The muscular man indignantly.

"You don't know how awful he was just saying."

"In fact, all strength is respected, and only the weak can justify their failure." Lin Lang said indifferently.

At this moment, the team members exploded again, glaring at Lin Lang one after another, and they could hear the crunching teeth from far away.

"What you said is easy and respectful."

"Then can I also understand that one day you die in the hands of others, I can set off firecrackers to celebrate?" Hong Mao said coldly.

"You can understand it this way, but I can't lose, and no one can beat me." Lin Lang proudly said.

"Then I have to try it."

The muscular man's cannon boxing is already ready to go, I'm afraid that the next moment will hit the head of the arrogant guy on the opposite side.

"Stop everyone, Mr. Lin is your team leader. Whoever dares to take action against the chief today, I immediately applied to the headquarters to remove his post." An Qi, who dare to let the contradiction so intensify, and quickly ordered to stop.

"But he ..."

Everyone wanted to say something, but An Qi had already spoken and had to stare at Lin Lang coldly.

"It's okay. I'll take the lead today. All battles will not be punished. Who can defeat me is his ability." Lin Lang said lightly.

"No ..."

An Qi is still a subconscious stop. This group of more than ten people, almost every one is the peak of the warrior, this situation is the master of the realm can not carry it.

"It's okay. With their three-legged cat effort, even a hundred are useless. What can I do to deal with them?"

Sure enough, Lin Lang tied his hands behind his back, and all present were garbage.

The fifth group was mostly young men with good temperament, plus the braveness of the former team leader and the ridicule of Lin Lang, who could not bear this stimulus, and rushed up with an angry roar.

It was the seemingly emaciated, long-legged girl who kicked over in anger with an abdomen. Seeing this posture, Lin Lang had already treated Meng Yi as an enemy.

"Stop, everyone stops!"

An Qi was anxious and angry, but the enthusiastic members of the group still listened to her, and raged angrily, rushing to Lin Lang.

The muscular man, like a grizzly bear, smashed his fist with enough force to smash a car.

"too weak."

However, in the face of such a pair of fists, Lin Lang only slightly bent his legs, a beautiful spring kick, and hit the muscular man's fist impartially.

If the muscular man is severely hit, the fist that is unfavorable in normal times at this time seems to be hit on a hard rock, and the strength also follows the mud cow into the sea, and then the rebound force contained in that leg directly bombs him out. The huge body knocked down a camp.

"you dare!"

Spitting fire in the red hair head, agile kick greeted Lin Lang's face door.

"It's too weak, you're so disappointed in me."

Lin Lang shook his head endlessly, but his body flickered in the crowd. His body was generally elusive, and every time he made a foot, a team member was kicked out.

Not long after, with a few screams at the end, the fifth group of teams was destroyed here.

The team members rolled their arms in situ, pain and indignation appeared on their faces.

As promised, he kicked everyone on the floor alone, with both legs.

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