Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 145: New officer

The former team leader of the fifth special operation team died a few days ago during the execution of the task at Cape Golden Mountain. According to An Qi, the former leader of the fifth group was a strong and charismatic man. Although he was the leader of the team on weekdays, he had no clue and almost paid attention to the players.

It is also because of the sacrifice of the former team leader that the team members in the fifth group continued to be depressed and even absent from day-to-day training. As for the new leader in the past, the team leader was either driven away or the strength was difficult to convince the crowd, leading the team leader Has been vacant until now.

The emergence of Lin Lang was precisely the best time, so the country promised to try it out.

Perhaps after seeing Lin Lang's hesitation, An Qi hurriedly said, "Our fourth team ’s training place is in North and South Liao Province. Mr. Lin asked us to do what I need. I just need to call to inform."

"And you don't have to worry about traffic. The training area for the fifth group is not far from here, just in Sichuan Province."

Lin Lang nodded: "Okay, I promise you."

Because of the attack by the unknown group, Lin Lang dare to let his parents stay at Wang's house, almost put down the phone and notified Zhou Shihai to pick up the two and transfer them to the hilltop villa. However, Linhai City is still a short distance from Shencheng. Even if Zhou Shihai's bodyguards guard him, he is not relieved, so this task fell to the fourth group.

As long as the parents are sent to the hilltop villa, there are dragon gods to control the formation, there are no three or five masters joined hands, even the house of the hilltop villa should not want to be near.

"Mr. Lin in Shencheng City just leave it to us. As long as you stay in Chuanshu, you can take office in the past two days. As for Dan Fang, I have to go back and ask for instructions first."


When An Qi was on his way out, He Huaizhong couldn't help but speak.

"At the Wang's annual meeting at that time, Commander Kong did not know how much he had expended and failed to persuade the boy. Miss An Qi could persuade the boy to change his mind with just a few words."

He Huaizhong was fierce and spirited. Negotiating the Holy Spirit had originally assigned him a task. An Qi was only a helper he had found. He had never thought of this time as a familiar deputy.

Moreover, He Huaizhong did not show any dissatisfaction with An Qi's anti-customers, but instead raised strong respect.

"I am a big boss, but I still ca n’t negotiate. If Commander Kong highly recommends Miss An Qi's mind-reading ability, I'm afraid I can't persuade the kid to lick his old face." He Huaizhong Heartfelt admiration.

"No, my mind-reading technique didn't come in handy at all." An Qi shook her head. She shook her head and felt the mind of the other person in an instant. But she encountered Lin Lang. There was a terrible force to bomb her. Out.

"If it weren't for that sentence, I'm afraid that no matter how great a profit is thrown out, I would never mind persuading him."

"Which sentence?" He Huaizhong asked subconsciously.

"The safety of parents."

Anqi Changshu breathed a sigh of relief, and her interest in this person was overwhelmed.


Under the protection of Operation Group 4, although the two of them were attacked twice on the way, they arrived safely at the hilltop villa. At this time, the huge stone pressed down at the heart of Lin Lang also dropped.

Next, he did not plan to return to Shencheng, but stayed in Chuanshu to attract those clowns as much as possible. By then, he would wipe out all the nets and save his worries.

However, these guys may know that Lin Lang is not so easy to deal with, but they dormant for a while, waiting for the other side to give the Thunder a blow when they relax.

In short, all this must be the tranquility before the storm.

In this way, waiting for the next afternoon, An Qi came to the door again. The natural thing was that Lin Lang's new official took office. As for Dan Fang, he had already reported to him and temporarily appointed Lin Lang as the team of the Huaxia Biological Research Group. The plans for laboratories, laboratories and staffing will be drafted within days.

Chuanshu is so deep that the training ground for the fifth group is arranged in a small hill.

The mountain road was bumpy. Naturally, Lin Lang and others could not get there by car, so after An Qi arranged, he specially called for an armed helicopter from the nearby military area.

The wings sprung, about half an hour later, Lin Lang could already see a camp account under his feet.

The next convenience is the usual training ground for the fifth group.

Although it had been more than a month since the sacrifice of the former team leader, the camp was still full of that sad atmosphere, and the white band couplet hung from the camp to the mountains.

On the helicopter, An Qi reached out and drew her long hair fluttering in the wind to her ears.

"The fifth group is composed of unscrupulous generations, and everyone's combat effectiveness is far beyond those of the same realm. If you do not show some real skills, I am afraid it will be difficult to surrender them."

"The previous team leader Miao Yi was very talented, and he was already a master of transmigration in his forties." An Qifu whispered in Lin Lang's ear.

Lin Lang nodded. There are seven teams in the special operation group. Since the leader of the fifth group is to change the situation, presumably the other group leaders will not be inferior. On the surface, there are seven masters, but the country has a good power.

"Miao Yi and his team members are privately matched as brothers. The relationship is very strong. After his sacrifice, the entire team was immersed in that sad atmosphere, and even the daily training was delayed. We want to persuade this aspect Start. "

Between the two talking, the helicopter had flown directly above the camp, stayed for a while, and the roaring wings of the air had recruited the members of the fifth group.

"Land here and let Team Leader go down."

An Qi commanded the pilot through the sound of the wind.

"No need."

Lin Lang faintly voiced out, reached out to unfasten his seat belt, and walked to the door of the cabin.

The door opened wide, and the gale stormed into the cabin, shaking the helicopter a few times.

"Hey, you're crazy, there are more than two hundred meters from the ground. If you accidentally fall, you will fall into meat."

An Qi watched the figure with her legs standing on the hatch door, and also hesitated, regardless of the wind that was poured into her stomach.


Lin Lang waved his hands, his legs were loose, and the whole person presented a free fall posture, jumping from the hatch.

"Crazy, you're looking for death."

An Qi's face changed, although he knew that the opponent was extraordinary, but he jumped directly at the height of the sixtieth floor and broke his arms and legs.


Below the helicopter, among the more than ten people who were temporarily assembled, there were men and women, all standing with their chests in their arms, looking proudly above.

"It is said that the new team leader was assigned directly above, not from the ancient martial arts family, nor was it cultivated internally. It seems that it is a recent rise of a surname of Lin. I think it is just a flower rack." Youth disdain,

"I don't know if it's a flower, but today he dare to put a bad smell with us, and I'll break his legs when he comes down."

The muscle monster snorted and raised a pair of big sandbag fists to collide a few times in the air.

"Yes, strength is the last word. If we can't fight, we will let him go."

Someone next to it.

But before he finished speaking, in the eyes of everyone, there was a straight figure on the helicopter, jumping down in a free flying attitude.

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