Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1300: Yuhuang shot

Obviously, the Emperor Underworld should be very familiar with the people in the underground palace, and after a little thought, he will know the identity of Fan Lu. It is the seventeenth generation of the netherworld messenger, and also the seventeenth pro-disciple of the master of the netherworld.

Compared with other forces, the underworld does not have such a strict hierarchical system, and it rarely recruits disciples on weekdays. Normally, every Palace Master of the Yuanhui Prefectural Mansion will personally come out and select children who are suitable for inheriting the Tao of Reincarnation from the great world.

The Pluto at the time was also personally selected by the Palace Lord of the Underworld, and through the cultivation of the Palace Lord, the Pluto was far better than other monks in terms of what he saw and heard, or the avenue he knew well.

Strictly speaking, the palace lord of the underground palace has two apprentices cultivated by him with great effort. That is the first generation of the underworld messenger, and the two of Hades.

The master brother of the underworld has an early debut, and before the underworld power has been established, he has already practiced with the underworld chief.

But Pluto is different, Pluto is the end of the universe, when the catastrophe comes. Seeing that the Pluto had great talents when he was a child, the palace lord of the underworld saved the Pluto in the catastrophe.

As for the later, that is the matter of this universe.

As for the younger generations like Fan Lu, they are basically preached by the previous generation of underworld messengers, which is far behind the monks at the level of Pluto.

"The people from the underground palace came to this world for me." The Emperor underworld smiled and said, "However, don't even think about staying out of this matter. There is another guy who is staring at you hiding in the dark. "

Emperor Yu frowned, and after a little thought, he had a guess: "So, the person hiding behind the scenes is also a foreigner like Fan Lu?"


The Emperor Hades faintly said: "I only know that this person should not be underestimated. Since he came to our world, the road of reincarnation has also been chaotic."

"This can only prove that he is also practicing some superficial reincarnation avenues. But this is not his strongest method. This person's cultivation is still above you and me."

Hearing this, Emperor Yu's face sank and said, "He also came for the Sacred Sword. Or, when they really surfaced, you and I will catch them all at once. At that time, they will be bathed in the sacred blood of the emperor. The sword will also be great."

"How can we draw them out? This is a very important question..."

The Emperor Underworld smiled and said: "That is nature. The Sacred Sword restricts the ultimate interests of you and me. It is impossible to let it go."

"As for the two of them to show up, there is also a way. The Sacred Sword is promoted by the power of faith. The stronger the faith, the greater the power of the Sacred Sword."

"On the contrary, the fewer monks who believe in you and me in the world, the less the power of the Sacred Sword. In that case, why not let them think that the Sacred Sword has been broken?"

Emperor Yu's eyes lit up: "You mean..."


After the meeting between Emperor Yu and Emperor Underworld, Emperor Yu changed his normal instead and stopped proactively deducing Li Muyun's trail. And he himself declared that he will retreat for a long time.

Emperor Yu is really closed!

With the disappearance of Emperor Yu, the "evil" religious activities between heaven and earth became more and more rampant, and in the end they went public to preach in the Zhongzhou area.

This obviously has violated the fundamental interests of the native dynasty of Zhongzhou. Before the mission had begun, it was destroyed in the bud by the joint efforts of several great Zhongzhou forces.

But this is just the beginning!

As Lin Lang said, beliefs and doctrines cannot be killed anyway. And the simplest and rude way to subvert a regime or even civilization is to kill their beliefs.

Even if the Central State forces let a person go, his lethality within the Central State is extremely great. This principle is like the plague, as long as one person is infected, it is easier to pass it on to others.

In just a thousand years, a cult trend has also blown in the mainland of Zhongzhou, and countless people of justice have come forward to conquer people from the cult.

It is a pity that the spread of the cult is faster than they thought. One batch was killed, and a new batch appeared soon. It's not clean at all!

Because no one knows which person around has been conquered by the cult's ideas. People's hearts are evil, but they never show it. Who can know?

Unless all these people are pulled under the sacred sword and receive a sacred bath.

And this situation has become more and more serious with the passage of time. In the end, even the upper echelons of the dynasty were infiltrated.

Thousands of years, ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years!

In the blink of an eye, the time of the three yuan meeting passed.

However, in this short period of three Yuanhui, a large number of evil monks were born between heaven and earth. They were not the kind of evil thieves who would kill at the sight of people, but had the city in their hearts, and gave birth to the idea of ​​independence.

Several great Zhongzhou royal clans saw their power infiltrated, and a large number of thieves born in their territories were rampant everywhere. They finally couldn't stand it and made the worst decision of their life.

All monks who showed strangeness were all arrested by them for rigorous interrogation, and when necessary, they would use some special methods to test their conscience.

And this is their biggest failure.

Many people who originally wanted the dynasty, after experiencing these things, have begun to think that there is a problem with their thinking, and they have gradually turned into wicked people.

And this group of people, part of them were honest scholars with righteousness, and they knew that they shouldn't move. In order to avoid falling into evil ways, they hanged themselves.

Another group of people surrendered to the cult and became part of the spread of the "cult" concept. As for more people, they know that they have half-footed into the so-called magic path, but they still hide it well so that they don't suffer the scourge of death.

As a result, the sect snowball created by Li Muyun grew bigger and bigger, and in the end, even the territory of the Zhongzhou Dynasty was gradually lost, and there were not a few powerful generals who led troops to the enemy.

Several dynasties were on the verge of overturning in an instant.

The madness of the Zhongzhou Dynasty became more and more fierce. The civil war, clearing, inspection, and the entire dynasty have become a mess. A large number of sergeants flooded the streets and began to arrest the cult monks.

Anyone who is a little strange is the ending of beheading. For a time, the land of Zhongzhou was **** rivers, and the number of dead was even counted in hundreds of millions.

This is still the most central part of the Zhongzhou region in the world. As for the world outside Zhongzhou, let alone the world, it has almost shown a half-occupied posture.


After five yuan meeting.

The families of the major dynasties have been hollowed out, and they are already unable to suppress the rebellion. As a last resort, the incumbents of several dynasties went to the Yu Imperial Palace one after another, seeking to see the Yu Emperor.

It's a pity that Emperor Yu shied away with the excuse of retreat, and several major forces could only froze outside the palace, helpless. Fortunately, their trip was not without gain.

The emperor Yu’s attendant brought news. Soon after, the emperor Yu will use the sacred sword to bathe and baptize the entire Zhongzhou emperor.

"My emperor is wise!"

The emperors of several major forces almost grabbed the ground with their heads, tears filled their eyes with excitement. The Sacred Sword is the core of their world and the faith of all their righteous monks.

As long as the sacred sword can be used, and the emperor Yu will take it personally, suppressing these rebellions is definitely not a problem!


An old emperor hesitated, and said: "The Sacred Sword is powerful, but what he wants to solve now is the problem of all living beings."

"Although Zhongzhou is only the largest continent in the world, it is still less than one percent of the world. But the number of creatures in it is in the trillions."

"Does the Sacred Sword have this ability to cleanse the faith of so many people?" Perhaps because he felt that he had said something wrong, the old emperor quickly corrected it: "I was worried that the Sacred Sword would have been worn out by the drama, but instead caught the cult thieves. plan of."

Another middle-aged emperor sneered and said, "There is no need for you to worry about it. Since Emperor Yu has made such a decision, he must be absolutely sure."

"Not to mention..." His voice became lower and lower, and said: "The Sacred Sword is something that serves the common people. It has been worshipped for so many years, and it should be done by him!"


The great emperors quickly returned to their respective forces and began to embark on the matter of sacred baptism. In order to completely surrender the rebellion in the dynasty, they first started from their own territory.

They first closed off the traffic of the states, counties, and cities, and completely isolated the communication channels from all walks of life, so as to avoid thieves coming in during this period.

And the other side.

They summoned all the monks in the city and brought them to the open land, only the arrival of the holy baptism.

The emperor Yu said it quickly, but it was not. The major forces waited for more than three hundred years. One morning, they finally saw the center of Zhongzhou, a dazzling beam of light rising into the sky.

boom! Boom!

The entire Zhongzhou land trembled a few times for it, and immediately after that, the dazzling beam of light shrouded the area more and more. The thick beams of thousands of meters, tens of thousands of miles, and hundreds of thousands of miles pierced the sky, connecting the upper and lower worlds of the starry sky.

at the same time.

The figure of Emperor Yu floated high in the sky, surrounded by a layer of holy light and rain. At this moment, he seemed to be the ruler of an angel, full of righteousness and light, bringing hope to all living beings!

Countless people’s eyes filled with excitement and tears, and many people have been suffering from cult monks since they were born. Now that Emperor Yu came forward, all these problems would be solved.

And the most exciting person is the master of each dynasty. With the emergence of Emperor Yu, their rule will also stabilize, and they will no longer have to suffer from the suffering of cult monks in the future.

Emperor Yu stood at the highest point in the sky, eloquently, waving his hands. The beam of light at the top of the starry sky split rapidly, and soon it turned into an endless spot of light, spreading across the sky and the earth.

A burst of light rain fell from all directions in the sky, and all the monks standing in the open space felt that the moment they were in contact with the light rain, they were all brisk, as if they had soared up.

at the same time.

Their souls and thoughts seem to have been sublimated, and the evil thoughts in their hearts have disappeared like weeds and roots!

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