Who is Pluto? The second-generation brother of the underworld was already infinitely close to the realm of the great emperor before sneaking into the central universe.

After entering the Central Universe, Pluto separated the two bodies of the soul and the body. The original body inherited his will and broke through to the realm of the great emperor.

And his soul body was chosen by the Dao of Heaven and became one of the immortal detachments. His double body is one, and his strength can directly rise to the peak of the Great Emperor's realm.

Even those who have survived the catastrophe of the Eleventh Yuanhui have the power to fight. The battle between Lin Lang and him not long ago suffices to explain the problem. Pluto used his own power to fight the Samsara Empress and the other three. In the end, Lin Lang joined and forced Pluto to retreat.

How can such an existence be taken by an underworld emperor? Don't say it's him, even if the palace lord of the underground palace is there, he might not be able to win the Pluto.

"You mean, join hands with me?" The young man from the prefecture, that is, Fan Lu frowned.

"The meaning is similar."

Lin Lang also showed a smile and said: "This world also has your opponent, and that is the Underworld Emperor, one of the three emperors. However, the three emperors are linked together, and you will not be able to win the underworld emperor with your own strength, but will change. To become the nourishment of the sacred sword."

"You are responsible for killing the Underworld emperor, how about leaving the remaining two people to me?"

Fan Lu hesitated, he also tried Lin Lang's strength just now, and it was indeed superior to him. If he wanted to win the Underworld Emperor, it would be a good choice.


Fan Lu nodded, Lin Lang's remarks indeed moved him. The Emperor Underworld in this world, like the Emperor Underworld, is a serious concern for the palace lord of the underworld, and to some extent has interfered with the normal operation of the underworld.

If this is not the case, the palace lord of the underground palace does not need to insist on letting him go out to catch the rebels in this world.

In this way, a simple alliance was reached. The two of them hadn't said a few words, Lin Lang suddenly changed his expression, as if he had noticed something, he rose directly into the sky and flew towards Li Muyun's hiding place.

"Come up with me, the next step is to fight with strength." Lin Lang's voice fell, and he disappeared without a trace in the next moment.

Fan Lu didn't hesitate, and directly followed.


Speaking of Li Muyun, he did follow Lin Lang's will and did not leave. But the bad thing happened when a monk accidentally broke into the cave where Li Muyun was practicing.

Li Muyun had already set up a killing formation, but with the arrival of this intruder, the formation was running, and the monk was almost wiped out.


At the last moment, Li Muyun still couldn't help but save the reckless little monk.

As a result, Li Muyun's body was contaminated with cause and effect, and the emperor Yu pulled out his cocoon, followed the direction of the line of cause and effect, and smoothly found Li Muyun's trail.

In fact, the appearance of this monk was definitely an accident. Even if Li Muyun didn't save the people and the killing formation would kill the monk, he would still be contaminated with cause and effect.

This is something that cannot be avoided.

Almost instantly, all the people at the helm of the Immortal Dynasty received news from Emperor Yu. A master who has long since been born fluttered his wings and went straight to Li Muyun's hiding place.

There were a lot of unidentified monks, only to see the richest and most powerful Zhongzhou in the world, an old monster at the dominance level rushed out of the cave and flew in the same direction.

The monk who didn't know why even thought there was some great opportunity, and followed up behind the masters, trying to make some profit.

It sounds slow, but in fact, it only took three short days for the major masters from departure to arrival.

The first batch of masters arrived were masters who were originally near Li Muyun's hiding place. Although Li Muyun has been under Lin Lang's protection over the years, his cultivation level has not fallen behind.

On the contrary, Li Muyun's cultivation base has been greatly improved, even if he encounters a master of the immortal emperor who has survived the catastrophe of the three or four dimensions, he will have the power to fight.


Now there is no weak hand who has come to take his life, the Three and Four Tribulations Immortal Emperors are just the weakest group.

In this case, Li Muyun could only run away. A few days later, Li Muyun encountered another big battle and was surrounded by a group of immortal masters.

He finally managed to make a **** road, but the Emperor Yu was always paying attention to Li Muyun's whereabouts. No matter where he escaped, the masters of the major forces could accurately lock his position.

A high-ranking immortal emperor took action and almost killed Li Muyun directly. The final moment was when Lin Lang and Fan Lu arrived, and Fan Lu came forward to rescue Li Muyun at the most critical moment.

With the cultivation base of the two of them, it is actually not difficult to leave. But Emperor Yu and the others have been paying attention to this battle for a long time, how can they easily let them leave.

The emperor Yu slapped a palm from the air, Fan Lu sneered, and attacked with the road of reincarnation, the overbearing force of reincarnation directly penetrated the space, hurting the emperor.

It's not that the Emperor Yu is too weak, but that the power of reincarnation is too overbearing, and hurting people in the air is just the most basic move!

In the endless deep palace.

Emperor Yu sat cross-legged, and at a certain moment, he suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood. The waiter who stood guarding around saw this scene, and suddenly stunned, and then quickly walked to Yuhuang's side.

"Master, are you hurt?"

The attendant was extremely puzzled. For so many years, Emperor Yu had been enlightened, and besides the other two emperors, who could hurt Emperor Yu?

It was also the first time he saw Emperor Yu got injured in the past hundred years of serving the Emperor Yu.


Emperor Yu waved his hand and said, "I just underestimated this guy's cultivation level. I didn't expect it to be a monk who had practiced the way of reincarnation."

In turn, Emperor Yu's gaze fell on the little waiter again, and slowly said, "Chenghua, how long have you been with me."

The little waiter knelt down and said respectfully: "Return to the Lord, Chenghua has been following you for 170 years."

Emperor Yu nodded, wiped off the blood stains on his lips, and said: "You have a very good talent, but you are the son of tribulation in this life, and you have unlimited potential in the future."

After a pause, Emperor Yu continued: "Have you ever heard of Li Muyun, a cult monk?"

The little waiter named Chenghua had naturally heard it, and honestly replied: "Li Muyun is a great evil in the world. He has a good cultivation base and has attracted a large number of forces."

"I have never seen such a monk before, or even unheard of. The ordinary villain only takes killing as the ultimate goal, and it is straight forward, the closest to the essence of evil."

"But I think this Li Muyun is very different. He is not only a cruel personality, but also a gentleman who can win over the monks. He uses teachings to restrain all evil cultivators..."

"You are right."

The Emperor Yu nodded slightly and said, "This Li Muyun is no small thing. I have said that there will be great changes in this life, and there may be great catastrophes that reverse the common people, and this Li Muyun is a crucial part of the great catastrophe. ring."

Cheng Hua's body trembled. He never thought that Li Muyun would become a confidant in Yu Huang's heart.

"Even though Li Muyun is different from others, his mind is more flexible. But after all, his cultivation is too weak. Even if there are millions of people, he will not be the opponent of the World-Honored One..."

"How does the Blessed One feel so upset about this person, that great calamity... really exists?"

The Emperor Yu shook his head and said: "He Li Muyun is not strong, even if he is allowed to practice for a million years, he will not be my opponent. What is really terrifying is that the man who stood behind Li Muyun and came to the cholera monk with teachings ."

Emperor Yu's voice became deeper and deeper, and said: "This person's cultivation base is not under me. Only by eradicating him will this catastrophe end."

"But neither that person nor I will take it lightly. Now our fight is meaningless, not to mention that he has the intention to avoid the battle, and I can't find him."

"And Li Muyun was the one he selected to cause this catastrophe. In other words, Li Muyun is a vital part of this catastrophe, and his status cannot be replaced. The only way to kill him is to cause this catastrophe. It's just ending."

Cheng Hua seemed to understand the difference, but he heard Emperor Yu’s voice once again: "And as the son of Yingjie, my task for you is to cultivate as soon as possible. If it comes to the final battle, I hope you can replace me and kill myself. Drop Li Muyun."

"We will live up to our mission!"

Chenghua hurriedly bowed down respectfully and put his head on the ground. He knew very well what Yu Huang's remarks meant.

Since he was chosen as the person to fight against Li Muyun, he will definitely be cultivated by the Emperor Yu in the future. In other words, his growth rate will reach an unprecedented level.

And his ultimate cultivation base will surpass the past and the present, approaching the realm of Emperor Yu.

For him, it was not an opportunity to determine his fate!

"Okay, I will pass on your Yuhuang Heart Sutra, and then I will work hard, don't let me down." The voice fell, and the Yuhuang stretched out his hand a little, and a complete sutra appeared directly in Chenghua's mind.

"this is……"

Cheng Hua became more and more excited because he discovered that the Yu Emperor passed him not only a complete Yu Emperor Sutra, but also a series of taboo chapters.

That was a great killing technique that only Emperor Yu could practice, and it was also the root of Emperor Yu's strength!

After finishing these, Emperor Yu also left soon. His goal is the Hades.


Emperor Yu is also very aware of the foundation of the Emperor Underworld, knowing that the latter is also a monk who is good at reincarnation, and his cultivation is not under him.

It is especially important for him to find the Emperor of Hades and ask the identity of the intruder.


The Emperor Yu also rushed to the retreat of the Emperor Underworld. He didn't need any knowledge, and the Emperor Yu had to come out personally when his cultivation base was exuded.

"Emperor Yu is in great interest today. In hundreds of thousands of years, you have taken the initiative to set foot on my territory for the first time." The Emperor Underworld strolled from the void and said lightly: "Say, what do you want me to do?"

Emperor Yu frowned slightly, and said, "Please, I can't talk about it. I just want to share a message with you."


The Emperor Underworld raised his eyebrows.

"Someone is here to kill you!"

Emperor Yu faintly said, "If I remember correctly, all the monks on the road of reincarnation in the world are from the same vein. I think you should know the identities of these people."

After a pause, Emperor Yu continued: "Recently, our world has broken into a monk who is good at reincarnation. His strength is not inferior to you and me."

The Emperor Hades quickly eased his brows, and smiled: "I should be someone, I turned out to be a monk from the underworld. In that case, you and I should welcome you!"

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