Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1297: Cultivating sentient beings

All the experiences in this life have quietly changed Li Muyun's way of thinking. The luckiest thing is that Li Muyun has never stopped thinking and has not been assimilated by the established civilization system.

He is still Li Muyun, and he is determined to change everything in this world. Only this time, he learned to hide himself.

Hundreds of years later, Li Muyun, who had changed his skin again, gradually climbed to the court of Dayun Kingdom. Thousands of years later, he was already a national teacher under one person and over ten thousand people.

This is an achievement that even his father had never achieved.

After another thousand years, when the emperor died, Li Muyun supported the young and high-ranking emperor and started his first step towards realizing his dream.

Li Muyun controlled the young emperor not for his own selfishness or desire for power, but for educating sentient beings and getting out of the shackled way of thinking.

This time, Li Muyun also succeeded.

He reformed the system, established a lifestyle of distribution according to work, and devoted resources to the cultivation of talented people. This kind of concept has spread to every corner of Dayun Country. Everyone is no longer pedantic, and gradually has his own thoughts.

Hundreds of years later, Dayun Kingdom has become notorious and shameless by the monks in the world. The enemy country also took this opportunity to aggressively attack the territory of Dayun Kingdom.

However, Li Muyun was in his prime at this time, and his cultivation level had also risen to unprecedented heights. When the enemy country came, he was wiped out by the army led by Li Muyun.

Is it over? of course not!

The actions of the people of Dayun Kingdom have angered the monks in several nearby countries, and the monks of various countries have spontaneously formed an army to approach the Kingdom of Dayun.

This time, Li Muyun was not so easy to resist. It took him a full seven years to expel the monks from various countries from the territory of Dayun Nation.

Immediately afterwards, it was an even greater disaster!

A Taoist priest from the far west directly broke into the imperial city of Dayun Kingdom and vowed to suppress Li Muyun, a rebellious man.

Li Muyun struggled to resist, but this old-fashioned cultivation base was too strong, and Li Muyun was severely injured by the blade shattered.

In the end, Lin Lang shot and rescued Li Muyun. After Li Muyun left, the fate of welcoming Dayun Nation was naturally self-evident.

The surrounding enemy nations rose up and attacked it, splitting the border of Dayun Nation to pieces, and most of the benefits were not divided among the high-level nations.

As for the little emperor, he was also forced to hang himself.

"Have you been following me?"

Li Muyun woke up and saw Lin Lang's first sentence, and then stated Lin Lang's purpose: "You want to use my hand to change the rules of this world."

"Yes it is."

Lin Lang nodded slightly.

Li Muyun was not surprised either, and said: "I guessed all of this a long time ago, why can I get a god-level technique by chance, and why I learned the art of changing my head."

"Behind all this, there is always a pair of invisible palms moving. And this man behind the scenes is you."

Li Muyun stared at Lin Lang.

"What? Hate me?" Lin Lang smiled lightly, not paying attention.

Li Muyun shook his head, and said, "No, I want to thank you for letting me see the truth of this world. Since equality is promoted, why does it set up palaces, and why does Dayun State set up an inspection department?"

"It's not because no matter what time comes, human nature will not change. Even if someone puts him in the bottom of everyone's heart in the name of civilization, it does exist."

"Everyone has evil thoughts and is selfish. But this is just a link in the sentiment of sentient beings. It is not a thought that will lead to endless darkness."

"I want to thank you for allowing me to learn to think independently, instead of being led by the world's ideas. I also know what you are going to do."

Li Muyun said lightly, "You want to borrow my hand to change this world."

Lin Lang nodded slightly.

"It's just one thing I can't figure out..." Li Muyun also frowned, and said: "With your strength, it is clearly enough to change the world, why would you cultivate me..."

Lin Lang looked at him for a long while, then slowly said, "This matter is not as simple as you think. The people who dominate this world have big plans."

"Foolish beings are not difficult for the moment, they only need to be bound by doctrine. But letting them suppress their nature, produce such deep-rooted ideas, and inherit them from generation to generation is not a simple matter."

Li Muyun seemed to understand something. He gently pointed to the sky on his finger and said, "You mean the Three Emperors? They created our civilization and used them to achieve some of their goals?"

"Yes it is."

Lin Langfeng said lightly: "The three emperors survived at least nine Yuanhui, which means that during these nine Yuanhui, they have collected a large part of the evil thoughts of sentient beings."

"I may be able to beat them, but what I am more interested in is that they do not hesitate to change the thinking of the world, what is the purpose of collecting so many sentient beings' evil thoughts?"

"It's the holy sword!"

Li Muyun almost blurted out, saying: "I have heard a rumor that, outside of a distant country, there is a sacred sword that represents the best of heaven and earth."

"It can wash away the sins from people. Even the most wicked people will be purified by the sword to become the most loyal and upright philanthropist. Perhaps they collect the thoughts of all living beings to create this supreme sword. ."

Lin Lang looked at him, smiled for the first time, and said: "The rumors are true. After all, Dayun Nation is in a remote place. There is indeed such a place of pilgrimage outside."

"Not only that, it is said that this sword is still controlled by the three emperors at the same time, so the three emperors with different positions can always maintain a delicate balance."

Although Lin Lang had never been to that sacred place, what he grabbed was the most essential information in the universe, and any disturbances could not hide his perception.

The so-called three emperors are just three monks in the realm of great emperors, and Lin Lang is not without the power of a battle. But that Excalibur is incredible!

It condenses the beliefs of sentient beings and the evil thoughts of the common people. Once activated, its power must be of the world-destroying level. Even Lin Lang might not be able to contend.

Lin Lang had no interest in changing this world, he just wanted to take the divine sword from the hands of the three emperors.

And the best way to consume the energy of the Excalibur is to sever the faith of sentient beings. Without the blessing of the power of sentient beings, the divine sword is no longer sacred.


After this incident, Lin Lang also personally taught Li Muyun's practice, and then Li Muyun preached to the outside world, collected disciples, and formed forces.

I am afraid that even Li Muyun himself had never thought that he would have such a strong appeal. Although in the shadow of major forces, it is precisely this kind of strength born in the dark that is more terrifying.

The so-called wicked have a single thinking, only mechanical killing, and it is not even a complete self-awareness.

But what Li Muyun radiated was not this group of people, but the people who had born evil thoughts in his heart, but had never expressed them.

The scale of these people is far beyond Li Muyun's imagination. In just one hundred years, there are more than one million congregations, including many famous scholars.

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