Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1296: Happy life

Lin Lang was watching from a distance, and he didn't even mean to attack the rescue team. He felt a little strange, the strange behavior of the black-robed man in front of him.

Killing for no reason seems to be a big deal in the world of immortal cultivation where the weak and the strong. But what if his mission is to kill?

"Niezha, dare you!"

There was a roar in the sky in the distance, and an old man in a white-haired Confucian shirt was killed from a distance. When the voice fell, he fought fiercely with the black-robed man in front of him.

Lin Lang glanced at it, and then lost interest in follow-up. Obviously, this old man wearing a Confucian shirt has a much stronger cultivation base than the black robe, and there is only one result in the end.


Lin Lang did not pay attention to the subsequent battle, but in the process of traveling through the world, Lin Lang found many strange places.

For example, this world has a strict definition of good and evil. Kind-hearted people will take the initiative to help Pingkuo. The monks in the sect do not judge by their talents, and everyone can receive the same training resources.

There are no beggars, no wicked people in the world, but as long as there is energy and perseverance, everyone has a book to read, and no matter how poor or weak they are, they will have the opportunity to embark on the road of cultivation.

There is no need to worry about livelihood, and there is no need to worry about ability. No matter how poor or stupid, he won’t be starving

This is the ideal life of people.

Good and evil are always defined, and the real evil is reflected in this world vividly, and the wicked will burn, kill, loot, and do no evil.

"This world is so weird."

Lin Lang frowned. He had never seen such a world before, and he could clearly define good and evil. More importantly, evil people do evil without warning, which seems to have little to do with their thinking and experience.

After all, Lin Lang is also very human, and his thoughts cover a city. All the wind and grass in the city are under his control.

He spent thirty years observing the growth trajectory of everyone in the city. Among the nearly one million people, 300,000 monks, among them, a villain was born.

And his malignant emergence was not born with him, but from an inconspicuous trifle. In a school test, a child was caught by a private school teacher as a typical cheating, and it has since led to a tragedy.

The child's thoughts seemed to be ignited in an instant, and the power from nowhere allowed him to slaughter the entire private school's students.

Including that gentleman!

From then on, the child fled to the outside of the city and began his life full of evil. Who could have imagined that a child as young as twelve or thirteen years old would learn to burn, kill, loot, and plunder others.

You know, he has never opened up the martial arts, and has never practiced, but since the school incident, his cultivation level has also been growing, and now it can be comparable to the realm of the immortal king.

Even the skulls of other people will be nailed together to build a house. Perhaps it was the child's fate, and the masters in the city were also escaped by him after several rounds of encirclement and suppression.

Later, Lin Lang couldn't see clearly, and stopped the already evil child.

When Lin Lang asked why he wanted to kill.

There was a confused look in the child's eyes. He looked at Lin Lang and just said: "I was born evil, so I want to slaughter the world, the wicked, isn't that the case?"

Lin Lang frowned and said, "If there is no school, do you think you are good or evil now? Isn't it that you before you were born to be evil?"

The child was silent for a moment.

Then he said slowly: "Desire and vanity, these are the emotions of evil people. If I am born good, these emotions shouldn't appear in me."

"I'm a born wicked person, so I want to live by doing evil. If I succeed in this world, no one can do anything to me."

Lin Lang shook his head and sighed lightly.

This child is ruined on the civilization of this world. In the final analysis, it is education. Is it to be selfish, that is, to do no evil?

Lin Lang didn't want to see him kill again, and the child's life was simply and neatly ended.

"The world should have good and evil, greed, hatred, lust, and human nature. If even these emotions are lost, what is the difference from the walking dead?"

Lin Lang shook his head.

The moment he killed the opponent, his mood also fluctuated slightly. It was not out of pity or sorrow, he just found an abnormality in the child's body.

Generally speaking, it is normal for the real spirit to return to the heavens and the earth when the lamp goes out when a person dies.

But after the death of the child in front of him, a faint force escaped from his body, slowly drifting towards the sky. That was his evil thoughts during his lifetime, mixed with the purest evil, and at the same time, a stream of air rose and quickly disappeared between the sky and the earth.


Lin Lang frowned, but soon realized the problem.

Generally speaking, it is normal for the energy of the soul and body to return to heaven and earth after death. But the child in front of him, the speed at which his physical power was fading away was too fast.

It's just like……

"Someone is controlling the reincarnation of this world, and the power of that reincarnation absorbs the soul. The other force is absorbing his evil thoughts and the accumulation of cultivation base in the body."

Lin Lang squinted, he already had some guesses in his mind.

Someone has completely mastered this world, using common people as bait, and the accumulation of cultivation of sentient beings will be absorbed by that person. This is similar to Lin Lang's way of crossing the catastrophe, but the difference is that it is more vicious, and it is no different from killing the creatures in the world with his own hands.

In order to verify the guess, Lin Lang started his experiment.


Dayun Country.

Gonghou Mansion.

The surname of the master of Gonghou Mansion was Li, who was the Confucianist of Dayun Kingdom. Fundamentally speaking, there is no war in this world, so there is no such thing as a general.

This Confucian surnamed Li is only quite accomplished in Confucianism and Taoism, and is respected by the world. In real terms of cultivation, Confucianism is not very strong, only about the realm of the immortal king.

this day.

Accompanied by a cry of a baby, the son of Li Mansion was born and named Li Muyun.

Li Muyun has roots of wisdom since he was a child, and he was literate at the age of three. At the age of seven, he is already a well-known young Confucian student. He is often influenced by the ears of Confucian Confucians, and he can be regarded as gentle and proficient in poetry and poetry.

It was also when Li Muyun was seven years old that Lin Lang made the only shot to clean the excess marks in Li Muyun's body. From then on, Li Muyun was out of control, and he cultivated for a long time.

On the day of his adulthood at the age of eighteen, Li Muyun completely surpassed his father and almost stepped half of his foot into the realm of the immortal emperor.

Lin Lang said that he has a root of wisdom, but it is not arbitrarily speaking, but because Li Muyun usually thinks about it when dealing with people and things.

Later, Li Muyun gradually discovered that he was not really a good person, and that his thinking also contained negative emotions such as embezzlement, selfishness, and jealousy.

It's just that the cultivation of Confucianism and Taoism suppresses evil thoughts, and these negative emotions have not been exposed in a short time.


Li Muyun entered the dynasty as an official and was appointed as the supervisor of the Supervisory Department. His work style on weekdays is also honest, but he often has a little more subjective consciousness when handling affairs or judging cases. He often asks the reasons for it before making judgments.

This is tantamount to a great good thing for ordinary people. Someone is willing to listen to them and handle the case according to the situation.

But this is no different from a world that has strict doctrines of good and evil. With the passage of time, Li Muyun was also regarded as an outlier.

He was dismissed from his post, treated as a potential villain, and imprisoned in the death row of Dayun Kingdom. The Confucian Lord also cared about his own flesh and blood, and pleaded with the emperor.

The final result can be imagined.

Rugong was attacked by officials in the court, not only was he removed from his position, but also imprisoned by the emperor, and he was asked to be killed by the emperor.

The poor generation of Confucian fathers was ruined because of his son's plea. Knowing all of this, Li Muyun felt resistance for the first time.

He broke free of the chains and shot out of the jail. He tried to take his father, Confucianism, and leave with him, but in the eyes of Confucianism, it was tantamount to unfaithfulness and rebellion.

The Confucian Lord refused to leave and angered Li Muyun's actions, perhaps because he felt shameless to face the pilgrims again. Facing the saints of Confucianism and Taoism, Wu Yan died of his meridian.

That day.

Li Muyun hugged the corpse of Lord Confucianism, just saying: "I just want to live, what's wrong with me."

In the end, a large number of guards rushed into the sky prison, and Li Muyun did not hold his hands, and slammed out of the imperial city holding the corpse of Rugong.

He buried his father with his own hands and erected a tombstone. Since then, he started his escape career, but after he left the tomb of Rugong, he was dug out and cast aside.

Under the propaganda of the imperial family of Dayun Kingdom, Li Muyun has become a heinous sinner, listed crimes, hated by the world.

But what about Li Muyun himself?

He still did things with his own heart, not to mention doing a lot of good things all the way, but at least many people who were rescued by him were left behind.

As for the wicked demon in the mouths of sentient beings, the world is just rumoring it. It's just that Li Muyun often thinks a little bit more in the process of doing things.

Why does this world become like this?

Li Muyun's talent is good, and in just a few decades, he has cultivated to the realm of the immortal emperor. However, the masters of Dayun Nation were not vegetarians, and had nearly killed Li Muyun on many occasions.

In the end, Lin Lang made a move to help Li Muyun turn danger into a breeze.

Time passed in a hurry, and Lin Lang secretly passed on Li Muyun's magical powers that could change his face by covering his head. With a new leather bag, Li Muyun once again rose from the crowd.

It's just that his thoughts are different from those of others, even if he is already quite famous, but his style of dealing with things that is different from ordinary people still meets a lot of suspicion.

Eventually, the East Window incident occurred.

Li Muyun invited countless masters to encircle and suppress, severely injured and fled. In the end, he didn't give up either, and changed to a new skin bag, once again becoming a well-known Confucianist and Taoist master.

As for the result... of course it goes without saying.

Li Muyun has experienced nine changes in his identity, which caused his way of thinking to change inadvertently.

"It's not me who is wrong, but the world." Li Muyun stood up, his eyes gradually filled with firm light: "Since we are going to turn this day, then what I want is the change of the world."

"Life and death without regrets, as a happy life!"

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