Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1292: Zhan Longfeng

"I don't want to save sentient beings. I just want to find myself and find the one I love. What kind of hypocrisy, help sentient beings, these hypocritical words are what the deity likes to do."

Little Mozun sneered, and the soles of his feet fell again.

There are no boundless Tao trees all around, and when you look around, they are all desolate. In front of the Little Demon Venerable, there was a Taoist tree that was as high as a hundred meters, covered with dense seal strips from top to bottom.

Dao tree is full of withered bones and broken arms, and some of them are the corpses of prehistoric emperors, but they have long been corrupted.

The sword light pierced deeply into the Taoist tree.

"And you are just a liar who runs through the long river of time and space!" Little Mozun raised his head sharply and sneered.

The Dao Tree of Time and Space Sovereign was silent for a moment, and said: "When did you see through me?"

"Pluto, Palace Lord of the Underworld."

Little Mozun's face was full of sarcasm, and said: "These two people don't cultivate the path of immortality, but they have never walked down the Taoist tree in the sky above the clouds. How did you learn their names?"

"Of course there is only one conclusion."

"You have lied from beginning to end, including this fruit, it's just the bait you use to lure future generations of monks."

"And you yourself have never been trapped in the Fourth Universe, but have descended into the present universe." The little demon stood with his chest folded and said lightly: "You are still alive."

The Dao Tree of the Time and Space Sovereign also calmed down at this moment, and his faint voice came out: "Yes, this seat has come from the 300th cosmic era, and each generation is reborn through the Dao Tree in the sky."

"Until later, I met the guy Zu Xi."

The voice of the time and space monarch is very flat, as if to say a trivial thing: "He also came from prehistoric times and was lucky enough to be on the throne."

"It's just that this guy made a special trip to seal this seat back into the Taoist tree before he died." At this point, the voice of the time and space monarch was also a little unkind, and said: "I might as well speak to you directly, as long as you Release me to freedom, with my strength enough to defeat these earthen chickens and dogs in this world."

"At that time, you will be under one person and above ten thousand people."

The time and space monarch is not a good kind, this guy has survived more than three hundred cosmic eras and has almost come to the real world.

It's a pity that he ran into an immortal Zu Hao, and the immortal took action to seal the biggest variable since ancient times.

Unexpectedly, the Little Demon Lord also ignored him at all, turned and left directly: "Now I am invincible, so why don't I borrow your power again."

"If all the prehistoric powers come, do you think you can still maintain such a detached posture? Take a step back and say, in the future, when the catastrophe comes, how should you deal with it?"

"Could it not be possible to go to the fairy palace for a place to survive?"

Little Mozun's figure gradually faded away, but the voice came through layers of space: "If that day comes, I will kill the Immortal Palace and occupy a place, how can Yuanshi Demon Emperor stand me?"


Even though the time and space monarch is deep in his calculations, his body is trapped in the Taoist tree and cannot escape. Using Dao Guo as bait, it was also a waste of money for Little Mozun.

Dao fruit is real, and it is also a time-space Dao fruit condensed by the time-space monarch. It also has a significant effect on the improvement of the little demon's avenue.

The Little Demon Lord directly throws Dao Guo into the small world inside his body, and the power of the small world circulates slowly, driven by the fragments of the avenues of the two gods, continuously decomposing the mystery of the avenue of time and space.

The battle in Yunshan days continues, and the powerful competition between cause and effect has also become popular. However, few of the true emperor-level monks have fallen. The vast majority of those who died in the process were dominated and half-emperor monks.

On the contrary, the Little Demon Venerable has been following the guidance of that aura, all the way forward, and found a small amount of Tao fruit along the way, all of which were thrown away in the small world for refining.

He felt that the owner of this breath was no stranger to him, as if he had seen him a long time ago.

It should not be some prehistoric powerhouse, but a monk born in this universe. But after careful comparison, he found that it was different from everyone he met.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Just follow this breath and find this master.

After half a month.

Little Mozun encountered Zulong and Zufeng for the first time, and a small-scale battle took place.

The reason why the two sides fought was not because of any conflict of interests. But the two ancestors were stained with Lin Qiu's blood.

Lin Qiu fought against the two ancestors.

His own son was taught that he, the father, could not stand idly by, and the two sides naturally fought.

And the result is naturally that neither of the two sides can do anything about it, and reluctantly gives up. The two ancestors of the monster race can only helplessly explain.

They did have conflicts with Lin Qiu before. Lin Qiu cultivated a variety of great avenues. Although he was only a half emperor, he was also invincible in this realm.

The two ancestors who were one-on-one could not win Lin Chou.

But after all, Zulong and Zufeng are in the same spirit, with invincible combined attack skills, Lin Chou, who naturally fought with the two together, could not parry.

But in the end, with the arrival of a half-emperor woman, the two escaped smoothly.

"A half-emperor woman who has cultivated the Way of Reincarnation?" Little Mozun's expression moved. It was related to Lin Chou, and the practitioner of Way of Reincarnation was naturally familiar to this kind of person.


"Where are they now?"

Little Mozun had a faint surprise in his eyes, and then asked.

Zu Long pointed a direction. Naturally, the two of them also clearly clashed with Jietianjun, neither of them took advantage, so they simply stopped making peace.

Little Mozun was about to move forward. At this moment, his right eye was glowing white, and his eyes were black and white, which was very strange. He muttered to himself: "Give me some time, and when I meet them, how about returning control of the body to you."

The voice fell.

The white light in Little Demon Venerable's right eye slowly dissipated, returning to the pitch black pupil. He drove the Hongqiao, and in an instant he was tens of thousands of miles away.

Seeing the little demon leaving, Zulong and Zufeng also glanced at each other, shook his head and said: "What a strange guy, I even doubt whether there is another person living in this guy's body."

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