Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1291: Proving Ground of Heaven

Even if Little Demon Venerable prepared in advance, but the incident happened suddenly, he was caught off guard. This power of time and space is the most mysterious, and the Little Demon Venerable didn't want to cause trouble, so he simply cut off his limbs.

Rebirth from a severed limb and regain a complete body.

At the same time, the shriveled Tao fruit changed rapidly, and the surface that was originally dry, swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and became full and moist.

The space near Daoguo also showed the appearance of runes, the halo flowed across, and the bluish-yellow brilliance spread out layer by layer.


Dao Guo stuck out his huge palm, grabbing the hands of Little Demon Venerable, without any forward pulling movement, but it was full of power, making him unable to break free.

A familiar spatial force trapped the little demon, and the force of time kept tearing his body.

"Spacetime replacement."

Little Mozun's eyes were solemn.

Just now in the process of fighting the two gods, the little demon was fortunate to see the power of time and space exile, which was exactly the same as the method before him, the difference was only in the direction of the force.

Time exile is to exile him to an unknown time and space. The time-space replacement in front of him is even more advanced, throwing the little demon to another time and space, and the caster descends to this world through the ingenious connection established between the two time and space.

A means to seize homes across time and space!

"Your Excellency has been ready to descend long ago. The Dao Fruit in front of you is just a bait to lure the descendants of the monks." The Little Demon Venerable didn't panic, holding Dao Guo firmly in his palm.

"At that time, you can borrow the identity of Jietianjun and live in this world again. Everyone will remember Jietianjun who shined brightly, but no one would have thought that their memories and experiences have been People have tampered with."

Little Demon Sovereign said slowly, as if he had seen everything through, he said: "Even the people closest to him will not notice any abnormalities, even if the appearance, voice, and avenue of that Jietianjun changes."

"And the real Jietianjun has been thrown into a certain prehistoric time and space by you, and killed for the destruction of the robbery."

Little Demon Sovereign pulled fiercely, and the tree branch with the fruit snapped, and a Tao fruit that was as moist as a pearl rolled in his palm.

"You are right."

"This is the secret of space-time replacement."

Under the Taoist tree, a man with white eyebrows with a translucent body, a Confucian robe, and two opposing upside-down triangles carved into the center of his eyebrows, resembling the mark of an hourglass walked slowly.

The little Mozun looked at this person, watching his luck like a canopy, rolling from under his feet. I'm afraid this person is also a well-deserved man of destiny in his time.

"How to call it?"

The white-browed man stopped, and the little demon looked at him, slowly speaking.

"You can call me the prince of time and space." The white-browed man smiled, and his temperament was ethereal: "I should be a person of the Fourth Universe, separated from you by three hundred and sixty-five Universes."

"You're pretty good, you can see through my magical powers in such a short time. It must be a reminder from the two heavenly slaves just now."

"You call them heavenly slaves?"

Little Mozun frowned slightly.

"Yes." The white-browed man nodded with a smile, and said: "The two of them are good at strength, and the avenues are subtle enough. Unfortunately, they are just slaves created by the heavens, and they are not real time-space monks."

Little Mozun noticed that the Baimei man also had an aura similar to that of the two **** kings in time and space, and said, "What about you? Isn't it the same."

The white-browed man was not angry, but looked at the little demon with a smile.

After a long while, he said: "The most essential difference between me and them is that they are created by the Dao of Heaven, no matter how strong their cultivation is, they cannot escape the control of the Dao of Heaven. I am the fourth time-space **** born from the birth of the universe. king."

"And they, nominally born of the universe, are actually just puppets created by the power of the universe through chickens and eggs."

The time-space monarch was born from the universe, and the later **** kings are puppets created by heaven.

Little Mozun keenly grasped the point.

"So... the so-called nine great gods are also the products created by the heavens? The shackles they want to break are the chains of the heavens?"

The time and space monarch smiled and nodded: "Heaven is the biggest thief in the world, trying to master all the great avenues. They created the **** king and injected the time and space avenues stolen from us and time and space monks to test whether these great avenues are correct. "

"The universe of the future generations will all be the trial grounds of heaven!"


When the words fell, the head of Little Demon Lord buzzed like a bomb exploded. He looked at the sky dullly, his thoughts quietly changing.

It's no wonder that the nine great kings even went to death with their own bodies in order to break the so-called "fetters". It turned out that from beginning to end, they were all puppets cultivated by Heaven.

They don't want to be controlled anymore!

"Then do you know the origin of the Great Destruction Tribulation?" The voice of the temporal and spatial monarch lingered in the ears of Little Demon Venerable, lingering for a long time.

"The Great Destruction Tribulation is that Heaven is worried that the monk has more power than he controls, so he set off a catastrophe and wiped out all traces of the existence of the monks in a universe."

"What kind of kind do you think the Heavenly Dao is? Ha ha, it has long been born with spiritual wisdom, trying to master all the avenues in the world. Do you think you are the first monk who has enlightened the Dao Dao?"

"Perhaps it is, but in the end it will turn into a nutrient of the heavens. The same is true for those Plutos who control part of the power of reincarnation, and even the palace lord of the underground palace."

"The power of the Heavenly Dao will only become stronger and stronger, and as there are fewer avenues that have not been developed by the Heavenly Dao, your descendants will become weaker and weaker."

Little Mozun showed a trace of confusion before his eyes.

If so, it would be too desperate!

"In your age, you people have already lost the qualifications to fight against Heaven. We are not the same. When we cross the long river of great destruction and calamity, we still have a chance to fight against Heaven together."


The voice of the time and space monarch lingered in the ears of the little demon, temptingly: "There is another fellow living in your body. When you truly merge into one, you will be our powerful ally."

"So... Give up this guy in your body, I'll help you..."

While speaking, the Time and Space Sovereign had already approached the little demon, his palm slowly approached.

However, just as he was about to touch the body of Little Demon Venerable, Little Demon Venerable suddenly raised his head, there was no half of confusion in his eyes, and there was a flash of cold light.

He stomped suddenly, shaking the clouds in the sky.

Circles of ripples surged out, and Little Demon Venerable also directly dispelled the phantom of the temporal and spatial monarch in front of him: "You are wrong, and it is very wrong."

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