Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1267: Super monk plan

At this moment, a flying fairy appeared behind Lin Lang, stretching out countless palms from the surrounding dark space, firmly grasping every part of Huo Ling's body.

next moment.

As a powerful force gushed out, the body of the fire spirit was torn apart by countless arms around it. He tried to reconsolidate his body, but at this time the gluttonous shape behind Lin Lang emerged, biting Huo Ling's arm and swallowing it wholeheartedly.

the other side.

The fire spirit, with one arm missing, once again condensed his figure and burned the arms that came in the darkness, but these arms continued to flow in. Although he did not catch the fire spirit this time, he was restricted from moving.

Extreme Xianzun's sword light slashed, and once again cut off Huo Ling's thigh. The shadow of the gluttonous gluttony appeared, and the broken leg would be swallowed up instantly.

"If Yan Sheng's consciousness is still there, maybe he can do it. After all, this is his move." Lin Lang muttered to himself from the sky, approaching the Fireman step by step.

at this time.

The fireman in front of him also encountered Lin Lang's previous situation, his body was divided into tens of thousands of independent spaces, and they could only communicate with each other with a weak sense of fire, and could not act autonomously at all.

That's right.

This was the inspiration from the previous fight against Yan Sheng. The only difference is that Yan Sheng is the master of this Dao, and Lin Lang has just figured out a few principles and created a small space that is divided.

Compared with Yan Sheng's imprisoning thousands of miles of space at every turn, Lin Lang now can only divide the space where Burning Man is located.


This is enough to kill Burning Man.

Lin Lang stepped forward and clasped Burning Man's angry burning head with one hand, and strands of robbery mixed with Zihuo's swallowing ability poured down from the top of Burning Man's head.


The flames burning on the Burning Man began to weaken, and before long, the Burning Man's body completely collapsed and turned into a sea of ​​flames spreading across the world.

The fire spirit collapsed, and the two original fires finally revealed their original forms. One kind is a dark blue flame with a cold breath, the other is like a scorching sun, with astonishing temperature and various nirvana breaths.

These are the two most high-level gods in the world, the two dumplings of the source of fire.

Lin Lang stretched out his hand and directly collected the two sub-fires into his body. Coupled with the Taisu Heaven-swallowing Fire he had mastered, he already had close to one-third of the source of fire.

It is equivalent to a person who has 30% of the flame energy in the universe. As long as these two original flames are completely absorbed, Lin Lang will be almost invincible in the realm of the Great Emperor in the future.

There are several other gods like ancestral water, ancestral gold, ancestral soil, etc. between heaven and earth, but other kinds of gods are rare. Throughout the history of this universe, only the source of fire has appeared. This kind of fetish is nothing.

Zihuo is very important to Lin Lang. Although the Supreme Immortal Venerable didn't ask for it, it was equivalent to owing personal love, and he would have to pay it back sooner or later.

When Lin Lang left, the tens of thousands of miles became a piece of scorched earth, the surrounding land was full of scorched ashes, and an extremely terrifying force remained in the air.

At this point, the battle led by the three monks of the great level came to an end.


Regardless of how much things happened in the Immortal Realm, Lin Lang was separated from the Supreme Immortal Venerable and returned to the Great Leaf Immortal Sect of the Lower Realm.

Today, the Big Leaf Immortal Sect of the Lower Realm has been merged, and a large number of Big Leaf Immortal Sect masters have been introduced, and the overall strength has once become the overlord power of the entire Emperor Linxing.

There are few strengths that can compete with it.

Lin Lang, who returned to the Great Leaf Immortal Sect of the Lower Realm, began a long career in retreat. While cultivating his own great art, he was also refining the two original flames on his body.


Xianzong Daye spent a lot of money on purchasing rare spiritual liquids. Spirit liquid is a good thing to use to seal the monks.

As long as it is not artificially awakened, it can basically save more than ten or twenty yuan meetings.

This action of the Great Ye Immortal Sect, even if it is secretive, but how can such a large-scale purchase of spiritual liquids be hidden from the eyes and eyes of the major forces.

The amount of spiritual fluid purchased by Immortal Da Ye during this period was not a small amount. To put it in an exaggeration, almost half of the current reserve of spiritual fluid in the entire Central Universe has been collected.

For a time.

The already expensive spiritual liquid was even fired to a sky-high price. In the end, even the wealth accumulated by Big Leaf Immortal Sect over the years was a little overwhelming, and several emperor-level grand arts and even half-step grand emperor arts were directly announced.

Of course, this is not free.

Every monk who purchases half-step emperor art needs to pay corresponding wealth and resources, and it is strictly forbidden to teach it to outsiders except for private school, otherwise he will face the pursuit of the big leaf immortal sect.

After so many times, Daye Xianzong also accumulated the next fortune, but all of it was used to purchase spiritual liquid.

This makes people have to wonder what the purpose of Daye Immortal Sect is.

"Could it be that the next great world is coming, and Big Leaf Immortal Sect will use this to preserve his strength and wait until the future fairy palace starts to compete for opportunities?"

"Could it be that they developed a new cultivation system to cultivate with spiritual fluids? As far as I know, spiritual fluids can train a group of masters in a very short time, but they are expensive, and few big forces try it. ."

"I think it's like Big Leaf Immortal Sect wants to create a group of top masters in the shortest possible time, using this as the capital to conquer the world..."

For a time, rumors of the Three Realms were flying all over the sky, all speculating on the meaning of Big Yexianzong's move. The actions of forces like Daye Immortal Sect must have profound meaning.

In fact, they were only half right.

Lin Lang's original intention was to temporarily ban his parents and relatives so as to be born when the fairy palace opens in the future, so as to be eternal.

But it is only used to seal the parents and relatives, not so large-scale spiritual liquid. Lin Lang also sealed a group of monks with good talents.

Including Xingdu and the others, they were also sealed by Lin Lang after they entered the realm of Emperor Immortal. They existed in this era, and the so-called competition for the world has no meaning at all.

There is no other reason. There are too many powerful people in this era, and Yun Shangtian is still closed to the world at this moment, even if they spend their lives, they can't be as good as the realm of the emperor.

It is indeed a good choice to avoid the edge and wait until the fairy palace opens.

Besides, Lin Lang has another meaning. The opening of the fairy palace represents a catastrophe in the fairy world. At that time, the monks of their later generations will inevitably have fierce battles with the monks in the fairy palace.

With the current strength of the heavens and worlds, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponents of the demons in the fairy palace who have received "immortality". There is only one thing Lin Lang can do, and that is to seal up the strong monks in the immortal world, and form an army that can counter the demons after a few years.

of course.

Lin Lang did not hide this purpose, but announced it directly. There are hostile forces slandering, and many people choose to believe it.

Coupled with the lobbying of Daozu and other three human detachments, many immortal masters were persuaded to join. Of course, very few people can respond.

A monk who is not fighting for immortality, how could he let his good time be wasted in the spiritual fluid and gamble on future lives.

The Big Leaf Immortal Sect is working hard, and the holy land of the various human races also help push the boat along the river, calling this plan a super monk plan. In the future, the fairy palace will be opened. After defeating the demons, there will be ten places to enter the fairy palace.

After a long period of publicity, the Super Cultivator Project was officially launched. Headed by Daye Immortal Sect, and improved the sect policy, the new generation of monks who are willing to participate in the super monk program will be given a preference for resources.

With this move, in the next few thousand years, Big Leaf Immortal Sect did indeed give birth to many masters, and the strength within the door was steadily increasing, but most of them were sealed by the spirit fluid.

The major forces also followed suit one after another, but they weren't trying to resist the demons, such a vague ideal. They are looking at Daye Immortal Sect's ability to quickly increase the power of the sect with this method.

They just want to strengthen themselves.

During this process, Lin Lang personally sealed his parents, Wang Yinxiang, children and others. This is also true of Zhao Zilong, who is very talented.

At this time, Lin Lang finally planned to leave and practice near the Demon Realm. He still remembered that there was a bright starry sky hidden under the great abyss of the Demon Realm, which was especially suitable for condensing the Soul Planet.

"The sect cannot be left alone for a day. You can leave without worry, and I will take care of the things inside the sect." Han Zilong said in a deep voice.

Lin Lang glanced at him and said, "With your current cultivation base, only I can suppress the calamity that radiates from your body."

"You and I can't tell me when I will return. Are you sure you want to stay outside?" Lin Lang said in a deep voice.

"Do you think I can bear it, being sealed in the spiritual fluid, thousands of years of loneliness?" Han Zilong smiled, and said: "Besides, all the great emperor-level masters have escaped from the world, and the people who can kill me are already very high. not enough."

"You can leave without worry."

Lin Lang glanced at Han Zilong. Indeed, the latter is indeed not the kind of person who can hold back loneliness.

He looked at the inside of Daye Immortal Sect, which had already turned into a lake with a diameter of more than 100,000 miles, and his heart was full of emotion.

This lake is completely composed of spiritual liquid, and all lying below are his relatives and friends, as well as a large number of Big Yexianzong masters.

He left this time, and it is uncertain how long it will take to return. Before leaving, Lin Lang was a little worried, and gave part of the source of life to Han Zilong, and left the Soul Snatching sword, how could he add part of the Big Leaf Immortal Sect's background.

In addition, after Lin Lang left Daye Immortal Sect, he specially asked Slaughter God Emperor to ask him to take care of Daye Immortal Sect.

The two talked for a long time, but Emperor Slaughter God did not refuse. In a sense, the Emperor Slaughter is also the ancestor of the Lin family today. Although the blood is weak, he still prefers to protect the descendants.

Finished these.

Lin Lang finally let go and set off for the Great Abyss of the Demon Realm.

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