Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1266: Fire Spirit

Most of the great emperors in ancient times had personally visited the secret realm of Yunshang. With a complete cultivation system of the Taoist tree, but after these powerful people, the sky is about to close.

Whether Yan Sheng has condensed his debut tree is unknown, but he is a real alternative enlightened person.

As a result, his magical powers tend to be weird and tricky. Compared with the emperor's majestic nine emperors, Yan Sheng's attack method is even more elusive.

The previous Jiugong grid formation was a kind, and now the ribbon is also a peculiar means. He clearly didn't come into contact with Lin Lang, but he was able to make Lin Lang lose his combat power in this nearly dismembered way.

Very strange!

Lin Lang barely dodged, and on several occasions he was even accidentally hit by Yan Sheng's follow-up attack, and suffered some injuries. At the same time, Lin Lang is constantly deducing the loopholes in the magical powers of this ribbon.

After a long time.

Lin Lang actually came to a terrible conclusion.

This method of Yan Sheng was almost perfect, and there was no way to crack it. Yan Sheng uses the will of space as the carrier, and all things in the space will be broken down by his means.

Not only Lin Lang, but also the surrounding space, being evenly cut into countless pieces, losing contact with each other.

To break the game, unless someone can plan this space from the outside world in one fell swoop. As for the interior, except for Lin Lang, all the spaces blasted through, otherwise it would be impossible to break the game.

As for the Supreme Immortal Venerable, he was also affected by the Yan Sheng technique and was unable to support Lin Lang in time.

"It seems that we can only use the hole cards."

A ray of thought flashed in Lin Lang's heart, and he no longer had any scruples at this time. The thoughts drifted away like a tide, and the surrounding space was divided by countless colored ribbons. In Lin Lang's perception, it was a dark space.

However, in the space, the position where Yan Sheng was standing was like a flickering light source, allowing his consciousness to communicate with Yan Sheng.

Lin Lang didn't want to take the initiative to contact Yan Sheng, but to activate his dark hands that remained in Yan Sheng's body.

"The undead fire was moved by you more than once!" Yan Sheng also discovered the abnormality, and the energy in his body was activated, trying to obliterate the mark left by Lin Lang in advance.


The undead fire at this time has been completely space-time, and even Yan Sheng can't suppress it. Two kinds of terrifying flames that have existed since the birth of the universe are currently fighting fiercely in Yan Sheng's body.


The colored ribbon space arranged by Yan Sanctuary instantly failed. Lin Lang seized the opportunity to jump up and jump directly out of the divided space. The Jie Jian in his hand shone, and Yan Sheng's head was chopped off with one blow.

the other side.

The Supreme Immortal Venerable was also out of trouble at this time, and the long knife seemed to be filled with infinite power, splitting Yan Sheng's body in half.

at this time.

The situation of Yan Sheng has been extremely bad, while suppressing the undead fire of the riot, while also dividing energy to re-consolidate his body.

But Lin Lang and the others would not give Yan Sheng this time. They jumped up at the same time, and each automatically killed the resurrected Yan Sheng with thunder means.

Lin Lang stood together, looking at the boundless sea of ​​fire in front of them, they were full of emotion in their hearts.

At this time, it is too early to say that Yan Sheng has fallen, but it cannot be denied that it is difficult for Yan Sheng to maintain the previous state at this time.

It was his will that was entangled in the battle between the two original flames of Undead Fire and Youlan Cold Fire. No matter how strong his will was, he could no longer suppress the two sub-fires at the same time.

"Protect the law for me, when I completely absorb the origin of these two flames, the Flame Saint will no longer be threatened." Lin Lang said to the Supreme Immortal Venerable.

Yan Sheng was able to swallow the undead divine fire before, that was because he had incorporated the original consciousness of Youlan Cold Fire.

If you have to study it in detail, it belongs to the original flame and has a will, and the life form born from the original flame, Yan Sheng controls another part of consciousness.

In contrast, Yan Sheng is equivalent to the parasite of Youlan Lenghuo, except that the two are cooperative. Now that Yan Sheng's consciousness has been hit hard, and the partnership has broken, it is naturally impossible for Yan Sheng to suppress these two origin flames at the same time.

However, Lin Lang and Tai Su Tianyan still maintained a cooperative relationship. With his strong intervention, he could naturally suppress the other two flames at the same time.

Including Yan Sheng's consciousness.

Now there are only two paths before him, cutting off the original connection with the two kinds of flames. At this time, there is still a ray of life for escaping.

And the other is to slowly sink into consciousness in the constant tumbling of the two original flames.

But neither of these two types of Yan Sheng had chosen. Yan Sheng chose to take the initiative to attack the Undead Divine Fire before Lin Lang intervened. Under the scorching fire, Yan Sheng's consciousness instantly turned into ashes.

And his choice was to directly wipe out most of the already weak undead fire will. Youlan Lenghuo's will seized the opportunity, and before Lin Lang invaded, suppressed the undead divine fire's will in advance.

It was at this time.

An incomparable force of terror swept across the four directions, and Lin Lang also withdrew thousands of miles under the turbulent impact.

In the sea of ​​fire in front of him, the faint blue flame and the undead fire intertwined, extremely gorgeous. The figure of a flame behemoth and the phoenix are also completely integrated.

At this time, there was only one faceless man who was burning with flames and possessing human limbs, but his face was wrapped in two-color flames.

"This is... Yan Sheng's self-destructive cultivation base catalyzed the fusion of the two original flames at the most critical moment."

Lin Lang's eyes fell slightly, and he flew back from a distance, but his face was already extremely heavy.

He was very aware of the terrible origin of flames, and the two types of origin flames merged into one, and the monsters created by them were definitely far more powerful than just the flame saint.

"I come!"

Extreme Xianzun put his fingers in his mouth and blew a loud whistle. Just listen to the sound of ten thousand horses galloping behind him, red-brown horses rushing from the endless void.

Extreme Xianzun grabbed the saddle with one hand, rolled around in the air with force, and jumped onto the mount. He held the knife with one hand, and one man and one horse also burst out with a daunting spirit, and went straight to the burning man in the distance.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant.

The Supreme Immortal Venerable fought fiercely with the fire-man creatures that had been condensed from the original flames, and the fighting process did not reveal any defeat.

"This guy is actually so strong." Lin Lang stood in the void in the distance, and in the end he underestimated the strength of the gods.

Perhaps before entering the Demon Realm, Lin Lang's combat power will give birth to a line of Supreme Immortal Venerable. But with the return of the latter, the wounded body was fully recovered, and his combat power was already enough to be called invincible in the realm of the emperor.

What brought him this transformation was not his own Dao Fa's diligence, but the birth of Shi Ling. Before his mount Shi Lingma was born, it could only be used as an ordinary mount.

Because of the Battle of the Demon World, Shi Ling was born ahead of schedule, and he possessed more than half a step of the strength of the Great Emperor. The cooperation of one person and one horse is almost equivalent to two great emperors taking action at the same time, so the battle power of the Supreme Immortal Venerable is also invisible.

This thought flashed in his mind, and Lin Lang joined the battle group afterwards. Zihuo and the power of the five elements are activated at the same time, constantly absorbing the original power of the burning man during the battle.

Perceiving the constant loss of strength, the goal of the fire man also shifted from the Supreme Immortal Venerable to Lin Lang. The Supreme Immortal Venerable can certainly hurt him, but it is Lin Lang that can truly make his newly born soul fall.

The fire man mainly attacked Lin Lang, and the waves of flames waved his hands, condensing a thick fire fist to continuously fall towards Lin Lang. Lin Lang is not a weak hand. He pinched the seal with one hand, and the power of the five elements in front of him quickly transformed, and the fire began to flow in his body.

at the same time.

Lin Lang was mainly against the guests, and completely divided the fire man's attack into the power of the five elements. He stepped on the supernatural powers of the fire man, and quickly approached.

"The strength of the new fire spirit is fierce, but it is not flexible." Lin Lang thought flashed in his mind: "If the fire spirit is dominated by the spirit of the flame saint, the combat power is definitely twice as powerful as before."

But it's a pity...

Yan Sheng used his body to sacrifice fire, and when the fire spirit was born, he also fell. If it weren't for Lin Lang to intervene horizontally, I'm afraid Yan Sheng would really be invincible in the world.

The fire man refused to give up, and spit out a fire core from his mouth, as if it contained the power of a terrifying star, and exploded in front of Lin Lang.


After only hearing a loud noise, a large area of ​​fault appeared in the surrounding space. After the three people played against each other, a distorted space was already created. The surrounding area was like a prism, reflecting countless stars outside the star field. scene.

It was a scene of ancient ancestors offering sacrifices to gods. Countless men, women and children in strange costumes knelt on the ground, in front of countless slaughtered animals, in the center of the altar, a sword full of fractures was quietly suspended.

If it is a sword, it is better to call it a sword fetus. It is just the prototype of the sword and has not been refined.

"this is……"

Lin Lang glanced quickly and immediately became interested in this world. This is not the center of the universe where they are located, nor is it an ancient projection, but another world outside of countless stars.

"What a powerful weapon."

Lin Lang's eyes flickered, and even if he only glanced at it in a hurry, he knew that the magic of that sword was mostly beyond the scope of the artifact.

Above the altar, a man wearing a golden mask seemed to have noticed Lin Lang, his gaze penetrated the endless space and locked on Lin Lang tightly.

This is a monk who can rival the Great Emperor! Lin Lang stared at him, and the mysterious person wearing a golden mask on the opposite side tried to cross the two realms, but as the picture broke, the connection between the two was broken.

"If you have a chance, you can take a good look at this world." Lin Lang's eyes flickered, and it was the most intense stage of the battle.

He didn't dare to be distracted, controlling the sword, and constantly bombarding the fire man with the power of heaven. On the other side, the Supreme Immortal Sword slashed Anger Flame, dividing the fireman in front of him into two.

The flame is invisible and condenses again.

At this moment, the combined blow of Lin Lang and Extreme Immortal Venerable fell again. Behind the burning man was a pair of wings, transformed into the Phoenix body, and spewed a terrifying flame.

Lin Lang dodges and avoids, the power of darkness arrives instantly, squeezing the fire man into the dark space. The fire man transformed into the shape of a behemoth of flame, breaking through the dark space with brute force.

"That's it."

Lin Lang suddenly pinched the Yin Jue,

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