Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1249: Pengzu Juding

Although there is not much great emperor-level combat power here, there are three great emperor-level figures such as Kunpeng, and the power of nearly ten emperor-level outsiders is enough to last a while.

"It's a rare opportunity, Pengzu, to obtain the Hongmeng Purple Qi as soon as possible. Remember, ten people must be left." Kunpeng said in a deep voice.

At this time, Pengzu, the only one who was able to move on his own, smiled. Their original plan was to obtain most of the grandiose and purple qi. As for the remaining ten shares, other great emperors would naturally compete.

In this way, they can get away with maximum benefit.

But now, Pengzu suddenly changed his mind.

"Since the Purple Ding can be decorated with the Magnificent Purple Qi, does it mean that it is a rare treasure in itself." Peng Zu has greater ambitions. He not only wants to take away all the Magnificent Purple Qi, but also with the Purple Ding. Take it away together.

The Ziding can hold such a divine object as Hongmeng Ziqi, a fool can see it and it is extraordinary. There was also a tripod in the chaos of the last time, but no one knows who won it.

Pengzu stepped forward, pressing one hand on the purple tripod, his palm exerted force: "Get up!"

Pengzu is the ancestor of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan. He became an emperor even earlier than the Nine Emperors. He not only possessed Tianpeng's extreme speed, but also had great power. It shouldn't be surprising to shake Ziding.

But he didn't expect that his true body came, and he couldn't help the purple cauldron at all, and his strength fell on the purple cauldron and was immediately unloaded by a mysterious force.


Pengzu frowned slightly, this time he was no longer careless, but raised his arm muscles soaring, and the beautiful feathers stood upside down, exhausting his life force.

However, Ziding remained untouched.


The bombardment of many great emperors around him continued, and the defense formed by making fossils could no longer sustain. Kunpeng and others had to put all their power into the operation of the big formation.

"Pengzu, what are you still rubbing with? The chance of Ziding is not something I can covet, so we will leave after taking the Hongmeng Qi!"

Kunpeng was a little anxious. Obviously, he also knew something inside.

If Pengzu hadn’t heard of it, he still murmured: “This purple cauldron is a treasure born from heaven and earth, and its power is far greater than that of a divine tool. If it can be refined by me, wouldn’t it be that no one in the Great Emperor Realm can do anything about me... "

He didn't give up, came under the purple cauldron to transform into a real body, and the golden winged Dapeng covering tens of thousands of miles of space instantly filled the entire array.

With a scream, Pengzu's pair of wings flickered, but this time the golden-winged Dapeng's body was slightly propped up, and the purple tripod firmly fixed in the sky rose one foot by foot.

Pengzu also realized that at this speed, let alone running with the Ziding, it would be difficult to put the Ziding away.


He made a decision he thought was the most correct in his life, and gathered all the strength of his body into the purple cauldron. He wanted to refine the purple cauldron in the shortest possible time, so he pulled away.

But he couldn't think of it anyway, when the power in his body touched Ziding, Ziding suddenly burst out with a strange power.

In a daze, Pengzu seemed to see a magical space, where divine light intertwined, fairy music sounded, and auspicious beasts soared in the sky like a fairyland.

There seemed to be a fairy mountain far away, and there were several vague handwritings imprinted on the gate, but the distance was too far to be recognized.

Pengzu's consciousness gradually blurred, but he found that he was controlled by an unimaginable force, with a mountain behind his back, completely unable to move.

Although he was in the "Wonderland", the moment he raised his head, his feet continued to sink to the ground, and his legs were buried in the blink of an eye.

"That's bad. The energy here is not something I can bear!" Pengzu's face changed drastically when he realized this, and the fairyland space in front of him slowly blurred.

When his vision returns again, he has transformed into a human form, holding up the purple pot with both hands. The pressure on the top of the head is getting heavier and heavier, but the power that can be mobilized from the whole body is pitiful.

"Damn it, this purple cauldron is heavier after absorbing my power!" Peng Zu suddenly raised his head, his complexion greatly changed, but his hands were firmly attached to the purple cauldron, and there was no chance to get out.

He could no longer hold the weight of Ziding, and his trembling hands slowly sank under the weight of Ziding. It didn't take long for Ziding to press on his head, flattening the crown on top of his head, and then the skull...

Pengzu was shocked in his heart, but he was helpless, and he could only kick and struggle in the void in horror.

What's weird is that the space below the purple cauldron has completely solidified, and he cannot return to the ground, only to be crushed to pieces in this strange space.


Pengzu was crushed to death, but such a strong man was far more than being directly crushed to death by the purple cauldron, a feather fell, and then suddenly a flame ignited, and Pengzu's figure appeared again.


After rebirth, he returned to the bottom of the purple cauldron again, and watched himself be crushed for the second time. Then was the third time...

Ziding seems to have terrible binding power, even if Peng Zu is crushed to death, it will not release its control, as if it would be willing to completely kill Peng Zu.

At this time.

The great emperors have broken through the barriers of Kunpeng and others, flying to a halt. They could see that Pengzu was encountering a strange disaster, but this did not affect their actions.

The magical powers fell one by one, Peng Zu's body burst into pieces, and in the end he didn't even leave a feather.

The poor generation of mighty men who have survived from ancient times to the present was actually the first person to fall in this battle.

He died of his own greed, but he died in the hands of the emperors.

It was at this time.

All emperors shot at the same time, grabbing the remaining Hongmeng Ziqi in the Ziding space. There are too many palms in the scene, and it is even impossible to recognize who is making the shot.

In chaos.

Lin Lang also took advantage of the chaos and slapped the palm of his hand that came from nowhere, and then snatched nearly ten wisps of purple qi.

After doing this, Lin Lang had already planned to leave the battlefield quietly. It was enough for him to take advantage of the chaos to capture ten wisps of grand purple qi, and continued greed might cause the anger of the emperors.

He planned to get away, but he didn't expect to be watched. Chi Di and the Golden Ancestor shot at the same time, the vast energy fluctuations blasted towards Lin Lang.

Lin Lang raised his hand to imagine a five-element defense, but was quickly crushed by the two great emperor-level figures who joined hands. The next moment, he unfolded his figure and tried to leave through space.

"Do you want to go now?"

Golden Ancestor snorted coldly, and pinched the frozen space with his hands. At the same time, the Red Emperor also followed suit, and the Burning Flame instantly drowned Lin Lang's figure.

The flame has not dissipated, Lin Lang's figure has broken through the flame, and killed the Golden Ancestor. The face of the golden ancestor was full of coldness, and a giant golden axe came across the space, directly smashing the space where Lin Lang was located, and the ground spreading thousands of miles of cracks.

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