Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1248: The arrangement of Yaozu great power

"How could this be?"

Emperor Yunluo frowned deeply. Di Luotian's attack did not hurt him too much, his attack power was not great, but he was extremely insulting.

It’s not that Emperor Luo Tian is not strong, but that he is no longer the strong Emperor Luo Tian. His Dao fruit has been transformed by the power of reincarnation. For thousands of years, Emperor Luo Tian can recover one-tenth of the power of Dao fruit. It's already pretty good.

How can it be restored to the peak period and be able to stand up against the emperor Yunluo? Emperor Luotian's combat power is only equivalent to the peak under the Great Emperor.

Di Luotian stared at his hands blankly, the next moment, he seemed to have figured out everything, a purple lattice in the center of his brow was hidden in the flesh and blood.

"this is……"

Emperor Yunluo naturally found the purple lattice in the heart of Emperor Luo Tianmei, and his emotions became a little irritable: "It's the godhead, only the power of the godhead can make your combat power soar in a short time."

"Hongmeng Chance has progressed to the point of distributing the Godhead?" Emperor Yunluo's voice was a little low.

Di Luotian smiled, not good enough. On the other side, Emperor Yunluo's face was full of sneers, and said: "You and I are both the emperors who have survived the catastrophe of the Tenth Dimensional Society. You should know what the Godhead represents."

"From the battle of the immortal to the pseudo-immortal, you have become more and more alive. The pseudo-immortal will eventually become a fake. Even if you use your life's strength, you never want to get rid of the shackles of heaven."

Di Luotian didn't have any special expressions, with a gentle smile on his face, and said, "How about pseudo-immortals? I think this is the closest way to the cultivation of immortals."

He has begun to try to accept the Godhead. And before countless Yuanhui, Emperor Luo Tian was the one who sneered at the Godhead the most.

Including several other great emperors, although the time to know the godhead is relatively late, the eight transcendents have almost escaped, but they also dismissed the power of the godhead.

If it weren't for this, how could the eight detached people survive to the present? After being slain by the Nine Emperors, he took away his godhead.

Fighting immortals and false immortals are two paths, and no one can monopolize them. For the emperor, the most unacceptable thing is to abolish a Tao fruit and give up the opportunity to discover the correct path.


Except for Di Luotian.

At this time, everywhere in the world, there were also purple diamond-shaped marks on the brows of several monks, but they soon disappeared into the flesh.

One of them was the cultivator in Yexuanzong and the owner of the body of stars——Xingdu. And in Ye Xuanzong, there is another person who has acquired the Godhead.

That is Zhao Zilong.

As for the immortal world and the underworld, several monks have successively received the godhead bestowed by heaven and earth. If there is no accident, a few years later, there will be several more powerful detachers in the world.

These people have one thing in common, that is, they all belong to the monks of this era. As long as there is a monk with more than one Yuanhui life, no one has it.

of course.

This is an opportunity given by the Dao of Heaven, and it is not based on the strength of the strength to choose, but the length of the cultivation time and the strength of the cultivation base. Others cannot envy it.


Although every great emperor was fighting at the moment, their perception was so powerful, and at such a moment, they discovered that the purple cauldron lacked seven ray of innate aura.

This also means that since today, there will be seven more detached persons in the universe.

So... where is the eighth?

The last time there was a chance for chaos, there were eight monks who were detached and enlightened. In this era, the number should not be biased.

This can only prove that the Great Master of Heaven has not decided the destination of the eighth godhead, he is hesitating to choose which monk to be the holder of the eighth godhead.

To this.

They are also full of helplessness. Heaven is high above and can determine everything between the world and the earth. They have no choice but to collect seven rays of innate aura with such plundering behavior.

Fighting back and forth, can they still fight to heaven? Heaven is not a god, they can't find it at all!

at this time.

After such a long battle, with the participation of Heavenly Dao and some successful monks, at this time the innate humility in the purple cauldron was still about four-fifths lower.

It was at this time.

Sudden change!

The great monarch-level cultivators were focusing on fighting, and no one had thought that at this time a violent hurricane suddenly set off in the sky, blowing away the clouds of the entire planet, and the field released by the people of the orthogonal warfare was also this strange and violent. The hurricane broke through.

next moment.

Countless masks were raised from the position of the purple tripod, layered on top of each other, forming a very solid space.

More than a dozen people at the emperor level, even those in Lin Lang who were close to Ziding, were wrapped in the wind and forced to retreat hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Even if a dozen of them shot at the same time, it just made the shield slightly shake a few times, and the intensity was visible.

"Someone is going to steal the Hongmeng chance." Di Luotian's expression was cold, his gaze locked tightly in the large piece of light in the distance.

"This is a formation that is piled up with a large number of fossils. It is not unbreakable. As long as the energy of the fossils burns out, the mask will disappear by itself."

Emperor Yunluo spoke lightly. He looked into the distance and looked at the space far away: "What makes me curious is how exactly they figured out the location of the vision and arranged a large array in advance."

In the mask.

There are a few active figures faintly, everyone is no stranger. Naturally it is the power of the demon race, the demon Yuekong, the demon master Kunpeng, Pengzu, and some ancient demon powers.

They had already calculated everything, and had calculated the general position before the vision came.

It was just that after waiting for the deviation of the vision, the position was slightly wrong, forcing them to join the battle personally, and refilled the fossils as the energy core in the process.

The vast array in front of him was completely arranged by more than a dozen ancient demon tribe great abilities, enough to resist dozens of breaths of the surrounding emperor.

But the surrounding emperor Na Ken gave people the opportunity to look forward to countless Yuanhui, and at this moment they unanimously unfolded the move, blasting the strongest blow of his life.

The Emperor Tianqi sword swept through the sky, turning into a sword that swallowed the light of heaven and earth, cutting through hundreds of shields like cutting melons and vegetables.

Light and darkness are intertwined around Tiandi Zhou's body, and two diametrically opposed waves collide and merge with each other, forming a new kind of energy.

At the moment when the white mask touches the energy, all are transformed into the purest force of good fortune, scattered in the world. Not destroying energy, but it is more terrifying than Destruction Avenue.

The flame of anger was released by Yan Sheng, covering the sky and the earth, causing the space to be distorted, and even the protective shield made bursts of crackling burning sound and began to curl upward.

The bright tribe can stand in the void, turning the pages of the book...

Bang bang bang!

The mask space in the sky continued to explode, and under the continuous bombardment of a group of emperor-level masters, the scope of the envelope shrank sharply.

"It must be blocked! I am waiting to see if I can get this opportunity since the ages, it depends on this time!" Kun Peng unfolded his huge body, and the first one rushed forward, hitting a beam of light to bless the formation.

Then came the second, third...

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