Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1244: The Eleventh Eternal Catastrophe

The Great Emperor has fallen, and the Sky Demon Empress, one of the Nine Emperors, has long since died silently. Her cultivation base, essence and blood all over her body have now become the nourishment of the magic cocoon.

I believe that this news will definitely cause the whole world to boil. After all, the Nine Emperors are already a mountain that cannot be climbed in everyone's hearts. Except for monks of the same level, who can kill them?

but now.

This unwilling to believe, but the real incident is before everyone. The Nine Emperors are not necessarily invincible. In this world, there are still some existences that can kill them.

For example... Demon!

In this cosmic era, the Demon Race did not cause any big storms, that is, it was born once during the ancient times, but was later suppressed by the Nine Emperors.

Later in ancient times, the demons also caused a catastrophe, but at that time it was not too large, and was expelled by the emperors of later generations, and what was left was a small fight in certain star regions.

But this is the case. The catastrophe in the ancient times also lost nearly ten masters, thousands of immortal monks. No one knows how terrifying such a race abandoned by the way of heaven is.

For example, in the last cosmic era, the Demon Race had hundreds of statues of God, representing hundreds of great emperors. But that was just before eternal.

No one knows how much power the demons have accumulated today. Perhaps the demons were also the nine emperors who were still afraid of death and refused to invade on a large scale, but this did not prevent them from accumulating strength in secret.

at this time.

The Emperor Yan Luo who learned the truth also frowned, even he did not expect that the old comrade-in-arms who had fought side by side with him for so many years had been unknowingly taken away by the Great Emperor of the Demon Race.

How strong should this person's cultivation be?

In their understanding, the realm of the great emperor is already the limit of this cosmic era. Even if the combat power of each great emperor will be slightly different, there is not much difference in overall combat power except for the Emperor Slaughter.

If a person can kill an emperor monk in a state of unconsciousness, I am afraid that the other party has already proclaimed the Dao for the second time and has survived the eleventh Yuanhui disaster.

"Except for the remains of the last cosmic era, no one can hurt a monk at the emperor level. Even after the eleventh Yuanhui catastrophe."

God Slaughter Emperor Zun spoke lightly, saying: "The death of the Sky Demon Empress was actually in her own hands. If she hadn't forcibly survived the Eleventh Yuanhui disaster, no one could kill him."

And the fact is exactly the same. There is a place in the immortal world called Burial Land Star Territory, where Lin Lang once felt the catastrophe of the eleventh Yuanhui catastrophe, and there was also the place where the sky demon queen crossed the catastrophe.

Only later, the Sky Demon Empress took advantage of the Demon Race Great Emperor in front of her, and fell.

"Not bad."

The devil's cocoon gradually cracked, and a stalwart demon **** with demon horns on his head walked out of the devil's cocoon, and his body was still stained with a lot of turquoise, disgusting mucus.

"This seat is the last cosmic era, one of the three major demon masters, the heart devouring demon master." The demon **** smiled, and said: "Unexpectedly, the future generations could also give birth to such a capable person. It only took a few blows to destroy me This weak skin bag."

"This seat was born in the last cosmic era, and has gone through ten eternal catastrophes before and after, but during the final eternal catastrophe, accidentally was attacked by another demon lord, but it was a pity that he finally failed to set foot on the Ark on the other side.

"Like you, I also stopped at the eleventh Yuanhui disaster." The Heart Eater faintly said, "It's just that I am different from you. I have already established in the eleventh Yuanhui disaster. Over half of the avenues."

In the eleventh Yuanhui disaster, more than half of the avenues were established, which means that half of his feet have entered the realm of the eleven calamities, and the strength of his cultivation is far beyond that of an ordinary emperor.

"That's it."

Emperor Yan Luo nodded: "There are indeed many talents in the Ancient Universe, and not only immortals like Zu Huang were born, but even those who survived the catastrophe of the Eleventh Yuanhui were born."

"I don't know how many people were there in the last cosmic era?"

Emperor Slaughter God did not rush to do it either, although the last cosmic era was far away from them. But this does not hinder his curiosity about that era.

Especially the news about Zu Qi!

Zu Hao, the only immortal who truly transcends the world since ancient times, is also recognized as the strongest. Later generations want to cultivate, which one is not surprised by his demeanor.

Although Emperor Slaughter is strong, his ultimate goal is also to become immortal and detached, to be truly unrestrained.

After pondering for a moment, the Heart Eater shook his fingers forward, and said calmly: "The last cosmic era was the strongest, but the ancestor was not the person of the previous cosmic era."

Emperor Slaughter frowned and listened quietly.

The Heart Eater Demon continued: "The origins of Zu Hao even predate your imagination. He came from three cosmic epochs from the present world. At that time, he was already an immortal who achieved great freedom."

"Secondly, there are two strongest people who can be regarded as dao friends with Zu Hao. One of them you should have heard about is the Palace Lord of the Palace."

"The other one is the founding demon **** who is opposed to Zu Hao, and is also the only deity that our demon race respects and believes in. He is so powerful that even an immortal like Zu Hao wants to kill him."

"The founding demon **** is the first demon in heaven and earth, and it is also an existence that does not fall under the jurisdiction of heaven and earth in the gap between ten thousand ways."

"The cultivation of the two of them can no longer be measured by eternal catastrophe. Because the way they have cultivated has exceeded the measurement range of the heavenly way."

"Next are the three major demon masters, the chief apprentice of the palace master, and the two disciples of Zu Hao. These five people are all those who survived the catastrophe of the eleventh Yuanhui in the last cosmic era."

"And I am one of them."

The faint voice of the Heart Eater Demon came out, and in a daze, he described a vivid picture of ancient history for everyone. Everyone knows that the monks of the last cosmic age are stronger, but they did not expect that so many powerful generations were born in the last cosmic age.

Not to mention the existence of Zu Huang and the founding demon god, even the three major demon masters are enough for the world. Not to mention, the demons in their heyday gave birth to hundreds of great demons.

"So, the reason for the disappearance of the Demon Race." Emperor Slaughter God fixed his eyes on the Heart Devouring Demon Lord. The latter calmly faintly said: "It is the end of the universe. The end of the universe killed 99% of the monks in the last cosmic age. Except for a few who hid in the other world, the rest were all buried at the end of the universe. "

"Well, it's enough to tell you this." The Heart Eater smiled grimly, and said: "There is always one thing, you will experience the same despair as us, and the same despair as Zu Hao!"


The Heart Devouring Demon Lord has taken action, and the vast demon power swells the world, forming a terrifying wind, swallowing the world. Vaguely, the figure of the Heart Eater Demon Lord looked like an upright demon god, unstoppable.

"In that case..."

Emperor Yan Luo also made a bold move, but this time, his target was not the Heart Eater, but the Emperor Slaughter!

"Sure enough, do you still want to take this opportunity to avenge the court lady." It's not surprising that Emperor Slaughter Emperor has a deep grievance with Emperor Yan Luo, and the latter is eager to seize every opportunity to kill him.

It's not difficult to understand that Emperor Yama has joined forces with the Demon Lord to take action. In ancient times, there was a congenital **** named court lady who was also the marriage partner of Emperor Yan Luo.

It's just that at that time the lady of the court blocked the great event of Emperor Slaughter God, and eventually fell into the hands of Emperor Slaughter God. Therefore, these two great emperors are feuds and never reconciled.

"Since everyone needs the innate Harmony Qi to cultivate, then who is going to be this great emperor, what is the point." Emperor Yan Luo held a soldier and kept attacking the Emperor Slaughter.

Not just to avenge the court ladies. What's more important is his selfishness. From the moment the Heart Eater Demon Lord was born, he had already realized that for any monk in the world, he was afraid that the innate grandeur was something of great significance.

I'm afraid that the demons, including the demons, have been following the cultivation system that Zu Hao left behind. Killing the biggest opponent of Slaughter God Emperor, he will lose a huge obstacle, and he can fight for the innate grandeur.

As for the Heart Devourer.

What can the Demon Lord be born into? When the great opportunity of this time is over, the free emperors will come to take his life. Killing the Slaughter God Emperor at the moment is the most important thing!

"is it."

Emperor Slaughter's face was indifferent, even if the two great emperors were on the opposite side, there was a demon master who stepped into the invincible realm with half his feet, and he did not panic.

He is holding the Sword of Slaughter, opening and closing, the sword is full of energy and energy. The horrible energy fluctuations spread rapidly to the surroundings, and they actually shook the two of Yan Luo out one after another.

He fights one against two and keeps the wind down.

Instead, there is a faint tendency to suppress the two opponents.


The master of the heart-biter demon came out of the faculty, the magic power shook the heavens, and the world turned into a withered demonic soil. He stood in the middle of the ruins, and all sentient beings withered.

Here is the existence that will be catastrophic if half one foot enters the tenth dimension. Sacrifice the faculty, absolutely possess the ability to kill the emperor.

the other side.

Emperor Yan Luo also evokes all things, ghosts and charms.

A dark door opened wide behind him, and boundless death billowed in, like a Nu River unfolding. At this moment, he seems to be a master who controls the cycle of reincarnation in the world, and every blow is completely natural, wrapped in boundless power.

But the Emperor Slaughter God’s side became more and more courageous, and one person seemed to be able to break the world with one sword, dominating the world, and the two opposing people could not fight back.

You know, although the true body of the Heart Eater has fallen in the last cosmic age, there is only a ray of his remnant soul in front of him, but even so, half-stepping into the power of the eleventh Yuanhui disaster is not a joke. of.

Together, the two emperors dare not say that they will win the heart-eater, let alone...

The pupils of the Heart Devourer suddenly shrank, and he couldn't help but lose his voice: "Don't you have already broken through that realm!"

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