Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1243: Antiquity

One-on-one, Lin Lang was already very reluctant to defeat one of them, not to mention that four great emperor-level existences shot at the same time.

Lin Lang's situation is very bad.

It was at this time.

The four supreme beings shot at the same time. For an instant, Lin Lang was attacked by the enemy. He raised his hand to face Yuan Yi. The latter's powerful force made his arms numb, and both arms were swollen.

the other side.

The Sirius ancestor also followed suit, and a deep black hole appeared behind him. The innate magical power "Swallowing" instantly opened, and an energy that almost swallowed the sky and the earth burst out instantly, pulling Lin Lang back continuously.

Yao Yuekong also launched a thunderous blow at this time, and the dark red blade light drew a graceful arc, tearing the heaven and the earth, and devastating force exploded, cutting the void into two.

Lin Lang used the Youye Body Technique and accelerated in an instant, which could be able to avoid a blow from Demon Yuekong, but half of his body was still swept away by the knife, and his flesh and blood were blurred in an instant.

at this time.

The golden ancestor is stalwart, like a golden god. He held the gold seal and zoomed in the air rapidly. From the angle of view from below, the dark red forehead gully could be vaguely seen from the base of the gold seal.

It was the mighty blood that died in the gold seal over the years. Accompanied by it, there is more endless oppression, like an ancient sacred mountain pressing on its shoulders.


Lin Lang raised his hand, and suddenly a brilliant sword light flew into the golden seal. The golden holy race hurried to grab it, but the moment his palm touched the golden seal, the power of the robbery erupted and directly bounced him off the space barrier and plunged into the void.

This is the magical power created by Lin Lang, the first type of robbery sword, robbery!

Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Lang's erratic figure stepped up into the sky, grabbing the golden seal and entering the small world in his body. Then he avoided the oncoming edge and stepped aside.

The power of this type of robbery sword is quite terrifying, even if the golden ancestor returns, his palm will become **** and bloody, and he will be surrounded by inexplicable robbery.

If not, Lin Lang would not be able to escape from the encirclement of the four mighty men. In his heart, he wanted to avenge Hongmeng Sanren, but if he continued to force it, he would only fall away in the end.

He couldn't do this reckless act.

In the chaotic battlefield in front of him, as long as he gets away, Yuan Shi and others can't chase too deeply. After all, they are also going to compete for Hongmeng opportunity.

"Where to go?"

Yuan Yi snorted coldly, he raised his hand, and a crack that stretched across hundreds of miles suddenly opened in the sky. In the deep space, a faint line gradually rose, and then quickly expanded.


A huge eye suddenly opened in the darkness, and it fixedly stared at Lin Lang, as if it had the ability to deprive the soul, and it actually made Lin Lang's mind fall for a moment.

And this time.

The Sirius ancestor ran in the sky, jumped up, and rushed towards Lin Lang. Yuan Yi's talented supernatural powers imprisoned Lin Lang's soul, making him unable to move, and the returning golden holy clan killed him from another direction.

The situation is precarious.

It was at this time.

Suddenly, behind Lin Lang, there was a huge Buddhist sound, golden light flashed, and a big golden Buddha bathed in the thoughts of all beings was approaching Lin Lang.

He stretched out his hand to block the blow of the Golden Ancestor.

In the other direction, the majesty of the heavens bloomed, turning into a long whip shining with silver light, swept down, and directly flew the Sirius Ancestor out.


The golden Buddha chanted the name of the Buddha. It was the Buddha. In other directions, there are two human detachments, Daozu and Kaitian Saint,

"Friends of Taoism, you killed Brother Hongmeng in the past, and I couldn't get out of it when I was caught by trivial matters. Today, I don't want to kill again. Could it be that I want to completely stifle the hope of my human race."

Daozu spoke fiercely and his brows were erect.

"Dear friends, harmony is the most important thing."

The Buddha also spoke immediately.

The death of Hongmeng Sanren can be described as a thorn in the hearts of the three transcendents. They accumulated dozens of Yuanhui, and at this moment, they completely broke out as everyone besieged Lin Lang.

Several of them are also from the Immortal Palace, the monks of the last cosmic era, they are also commensurate with each other as brothers, and they have very good relationships. When the Hongmeng scattered people fell, they were squandered by Yuan Yi and others, which led to a tragedy.

This time, Lin Lang, as the heir of the Hongmeng Sanren, was also the person most hopeful to bring them back to the fairy palace.

They can't just ignore it!

Lin Lang also came to his senses, and the four of them stood together and confronted the four powerful opponents.

"Xiaoyou Lin, let us solve the problems of the older generation." Kaitian Saint sighed softly and said: "Zi Ding is your battlefield, go, these people will leave it to our three old guys. Up."

Lin Lang took a deep look at Kaitian Sage, clasped his fists heavily, and then his figure flashed, approaching the Ziding area.

"Where to go!"

Yuan Yi made a decisive decision and jumped up, chasing Lin Lang's figure. Anyway, he had already got a ray of innate aura, and more of it would not make much sense to her.

Blocking Lin Lang is what he should do!

"Your opponent is me!"

In front of Yuan Yi, a soft drink suddenly sounded, and a handsome young man stepped in the air. Every time his footsteps fell, it was like a heavy drum beat, which caused resonance in the main road with a full sense of rhythm.

"Master, this old fellow Yuan Yi will be handed over to me." Dai Zhantian came from the void and intercepted Yuan Yi in advance.

"it is good!"

Lin Lang didn't hesitate, and went straight to join the battlefield in the Ziding area. Before the birth of Hongmeng Chance, Dai Zhantian also recovered from the eternal time and took the initiative to find Lin Lang.

have to say.

The apprentice Lin Lang accepted during the ancient times has now grown into a great power, even facing a detached person like Yuan Yi.

He himself is one of the ten major physiques of the human race, and can compete with the emperor when he is successful. But more importantly, he is the only survivor in the Nine Emperors Test, with a variety of ancient avenues in his body, with unlimited potential.

From ancient times to the present, apart from the top three physiques of the human race, few people have more talent than Dai Zhantian. The long-term practice has allowed him to grow into the most powerful of the post-antiquity era.

Before Lin Lang left the ancient times, Dai Zhantian had already been promoted to the Immortal Emperor rank. In the next few Yuanhui, Dai Zhantian's strength has already reached its peak, and apart from the Great Emperor, there are not many people who can help him!

Yuan Yi and Dai Zhantian looked at each other for a while, and the battle broke out!


This time, there was no obstacle in front of Lin Lang, and he landed in the Ziding area smoothly. And here, it is also the most intense part of the entire battlefield.

The Nine Emperors are present, competing with all parties for the chance of enlightenment. Different from the pseudo-celestial beings such as the detached ones, they are the existences who truly survive the catastrophe of the tenth dimension.

The road they built has led to a completely correct path under the baptism of the catastrophe of the Tenth Dimension Society. And the great avenue in a complete state is even more terrifying!

Their words and deeds represent great principles. Every attack can set off a sky full of visions. The reason why detached people are strong is that they have cultivated for a longer time, and they have cultivated more types and numbers than others.

And the reason why the emperor was able to stand on the top of the eternal age was because 80% of the avenues they built were correct. And the remaining 20% ​​is the way they practice after the catastrophe of the tenth dimensional society.

Since the ages, the peak of combat power!


Although the Nine Emperors are strong, they are not necessarily completely invincible. There are still a few existences in the world that can compete with them.

For example, in this battlefield, Zulong and Zufeng joined forces to form a sweeping trend. Even Tiandi, the most powerful one among the nine emperors, just barely responded and fell completely into a disadvantage.

In stark contrast.

It is Emperor Slaughter!

Holding the Sword of Slaughter in his hand, he defeated Emperor Yan Luo on the opposite side in defeat. It's no joke that the strongest person since this cosmic age has the confidence to fight the palace lord of the underworld!

The Sky Demon Empress saw some famous halls from the side, and she and Emperor Yan Luo looked at each other: "The Lord Slaughter Emperor is the strongest. Solve him first, and we will talk about the rest later."

The two of them chose to join forces.

And the two genuine great emperors join forces, and the combat power is definitely unprecedentedly powerful! In the battlefield of the three, the avenue roared and made a loud noise, as if the gods were fighting.

The emperor fought against each other, and this space was already unsupported, and it broke apart under the gaze of countless people. In the dark void space, three criss-crossing figures can vaguely be seen.

The Lord Slaughter God opens and closes, the power of kendo is completely bloomed, and the whole world is filled with endless murderous aura.

God Slaughter Emperor is not only the strongest person since this cosmic era, but also the person who has caused the most murders since this cosmic era. The fighting spirit and killing are even greater than the later generations of the Shura Emperor!

It was clear that the two great emperors had joined forces, but they didn't get half the benefit in front of the Slaughter God Emperor. Instead, they were forced to passively defend by the Slaughter God Emperor.

A combat force, terrifying!

The Emperor Slaughter God slashed down with a sword, and the Sky Demon Queen's head was in a different place, half of her body was torn apart, and she fell into the cracks in the emptiness of Tao.

And her upper body was constantly struggling in the air, the devilish spirit overwhelming the demon spirit. In the broken body, something terrible seemed to be recovering.

"The Demon King?"

God Slaughter Emperor Zun's eyes flashed: "Unexpectedly, one of the former nine emperors, the Sky Demon Empress has been killed, and the divine body has turned into the nourishment of the Demon Emperor."

A dark red cocoon formed on the half of the Sky Demon Empress's body, and a gloomy laughter came out: "The Lord Slaughter Emperor is really well-known. I can't imagine that in this life, someone can push me to this degree."

Inside the devil cocoon, billowing devil gas suddenly gushed out. There are cobweb-like cracks all over it.

The body of the emperor gave birth to the cocoon, and the former Heavenly Demon Emperor has now turned into the nourishment of the cocoon.

Heavenly Demon Emperor, that is the real emperor. Although among the nine emperors, the combat power can only be ranked in the last few, but how to say it is the existence that has survived the catastrophe of the tenth dimension.

How can it be easily killed by people?

The demon clan emperor in this devil cocoon is very powerful!

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