"With the power of a monk for all ages, I finally know why the palace lord of the palace is so powerful." Lin Lang sighed, he also approached this path in a blunder.

The later generations of Taoism and Buddhism harvest only the faith and incense of the monks, which cannot cover everyone. But his technique is even more domineering. Every monk who has cultivated into the Immortal Emperor will eventually gather part of his energy into Lin Lang's body.

Steal the power of sentient beings to strengthen oneself!

"At the end of your cultivation, do you have to embark on this path?" Lin Lang muttered, somewhat sorrowful for the lower-level monks.

They exhausted their entire life to cultivate, but they did not realize that from the moment they set foot on the path of cultivation, they became the food for a few people to grow and become stronger.

The stronger they are, the more delicate the wedding gown they make.

In this regard, Lin Lang did not have any guilt or other emotions. The introduction of the immortal king realm is a matter of benefiting all living beings, and stealing the insights of the monks during the robbery will also not have any impact on the robbers.

Since it is good for the common people, what does it matter what he does, whether he is regarded as a saint who creates a realm, or a thief who steals power.

He has a clear conscience.

"But having said that, my current cultivation system, including Dao Tree Dao Guo, will it be a masterpiece of a certain ancient power."

"Will his purpose be the same as mine, stealing the power of the world's people to achieve himself?" Lin Lang had deep doubts about the avenue he had built.

If this is the case, I am afraid that the behind-the-scenes man behind the scenes will definitely have a big picture, maybe it is precisely this method to climb the immortal.

"I should be worrying too much."

Soon Lin Lang shook his head mockingly: "If there is such a great power, wouldn't it be the great monk who has fooled countless cosmic ages in future generations."

"If someone could steal this energy, I am afraid it would have broken the shackles of the universe long ago. As for becoming immortal, it is no longer their goal."

Soon, Lin Lang regained his mind, and while attentively teaching the great apprentice Emperor Zhantian's practice, he condensed his own soul planet.

Different from other detached people, Lin Lang's soul planet can grow indefinitely, which means that he can have more room for improvement than others.

soon after.

There was also news from the Empress of Reincarnation, she had found the trace of the Pluto, and at the moment she was chasing around with Jade Rakshasa.

"This day is finally coming."

Lin Lang sighed. He had known for a long time that there must be a battle between the Samsara Empress and the Pluto, and finally ended with the fall of the Samsara Empress. He didn't expect this day to come so soon.

Help or not?

The result of this battle has long been doomed, but Lin Lang still tried to do something. It would be best if he could take this opportunity to tear through the disguise of the Jade Rakshasa.

The Empress of Reincarnation and Jade Raksha were not on guard, but Lin Lang was different. He decided to help the Empress of Reincarnation.


Lin Lang rushed to the place agreed by the three, and the Empress of Samsara and Jade Raksha stood side by side on a mountain in the distance. After a thousand years of absence, the cultivation base of the Jade Rakshasa has improved again, and has gradually touched the barrier of the Great Emperor's combat power.

It's the Empress of Reincarnation...

Lin Lang frowned slightly, he could see that the relationship between the two was already extremely intimate. This is... married!

More importantly, looking at the slightly bulging lower abdomen of the Empress of Reincarnation, I know that the Empress is also pregnant, and the next generation of the underworld demon, Yao Xi will be born.

"It's not easy to see you once." The Empress of Samsara curled her lips and said half-jokingly: "I got married and sent someone to send you an invitation. In the end, I didn't see you."

"I didn't receive the invitation. At that time, I was groping for the realm of the immortal king with the outstanding people of the world. It should have been stopped by the monks stationed." Lin Lang shook his head and smiled: "When my niece is born, I will give you a wedding gift. And add it."

"Who rares your gift."

The female emperor of Reincarnation gave Lin Lang a white look and took the initiative to talk about the business, saying: "Now that the nine emperors are in hiding, the Emperor Slaughter ran to another space, and Tianqi Sword Emperor built a coffin and put it in for herself."

"Emperor Luo Tian went into reincarnation, and I also saw the shadow of his true spirit. The other great emperors are the same. This time we are chasing and killing the Pluto. No one should disturb us.

The nine emperors returned to her seclusion, the nine strongest people in the universe could not come out, and there was no one in the world to stop the reincarnation female emperor. No matter what, she was also a real emperor, not something ordinary people could contend.

"Still beware of the nine emperors. Pluto entered the world earlier, and most of the great emperors in this world can speak up. Maybe he will invite one or two great emperors to come forward."

"No problem,"

The Empress of Reincarnation waved her hand and said, "He is not in this world. I have almost penetrated the Styx in the past two thousand years. As long as I try to connect the Styx to the borders of the universe, it will be equivalent to the bad Pluto."

"He won't just sit idly by."

The inheritance of the underworld is to lay countless rivers of Styx in the universe for monks to reincarnate and entrust the true spirit. All the rivers are connected, so that the world can have reincarnation, and the true spirits can come to the world randomly.

And this is also the second task of the reincarnation empress's trip.

"Have you ever seen this Styx under my feet?" The Empress of Reincarnation faintly said, "The establishment of Styx is to enclose all the creatures in the world into reincarnation. The monk dies and the true spirit reincarnates. This is the world. The fairest rule."


Lin Lang nodded secretly. The reincarnation established by the master of the underworld is indeed a great merit. Regardless of grievances or disputes, or the realm of cultivation, all the previous lives will end with the death of the monk.

Isn't this the fairest rule in the world?

"The reason why I am obsessed with opening up the two worlds of Styx is because the Styx without the beginning and the end can't circulate in the vast world. Part of the departed creatures will die in the process of reincarnation."

The three of them looked forward, and the huge waves at the end of the Styx River were surging against the sky, constantly beating the end of the world. Part of the true spirit was lifted into the sky, accompanied by a scream, the true spirit was wiped out.

"If the Styx can't be completely connected, then some true spirits will eventually dissipate in the long river of history. If things go on like this, more and more true spirits will die in reincarnation, until the world's creatures become extinct."

"At that time, not only will the Master's Dao fail to be consummated, but the entire Samsara Dao will not only be unable to save the common people, but it will also become the source of the destruction of life in the world."

History books are always written by victors, and everyone in the future will know that Pluto created samsara, opened up the underworld, and has great merits.

But few people know that Pluto is actually the biggest traitor in the underworld. Although he established reincarnation, he ruined tens of billions of true spirits because of his own selfishness.

The world thinks that the female emperor of reincarnation is doing harm to the common people, but they don't know that she is the most sincere heart of blessing to open the two circles of reincarnation.

The Empress of Reincarnation had a serious face, so she couldn't help herself. Jade Raksha smiled at this time and said: "But it's no problem. As long as we get through the Styx, Pluto will show up, and everything will be settled."

"At that time, Xin'er, you will also have enough time to chase the truth about Yun Shangtian."

"hope so."

The Empress of Reincarnation sighed and said: "Next, I will open up the two worlds of Styx. You two will protect the law for me, and don't let the people of Hades disturb me."

The voice fell.

The Empress of Samsara screamed, and suddenly the sky over the Styx River was surging, and the raging waves roared. Countless true spirits were drawn into the air, screaming in fear.

This is still the Empress of Reincarnation taking action to pay attention to measure, otherwise I am afraid that tens of millions of true spirits will fall in an instant.

For several cosmic epochs, the palace lord of the underground palace led his disciples to roam the universe, and most of the land has been laid down by them in reincarnation. Today's Styx network is not an exaggeration.

Only, they have never been stationed in the center of the universe, resulting in a large part of this network missing.

For the Empress of Reincarnation, he only needs to break through the barrier between the center of the universe and the edge of the universe, and then the two worlds can communicate with each other.

It is actually very easy to break through the barriers of the two realms, but what lies ahead is the barrier between the border of the universe and the center of the universe.

If you have to describe it in a more specific way, then it must be from this section of the universe to the other end of the universe.

Not to mention the emperor, even if the palace lord of the underground palace is extremely difficult to do, all he can do is to penetrate the two-world channel and barely send a few people in.

He could not come in person.

However, there is an exception. If you can accurately find the node connecting the two worlds of Styx, and arrange a similar formation inside and outside, you will have the opportunity to cross the two worlds.

This is what the Empress of Samsara used.

With the earth-shattering roar of the barriers between the two worlds, the female emperor of reincarnation set up an altar, and the strange power of reincarnation passed through the barriers of the universe to connect the universe at the other end.

These energy filaments are like a slender silver thread, carrying the explosive energy of the Samsara Empress.

"Call the altar with the power of reincarnation!"

The Empress of Samsara waved her hand, and the twenty-six altars slowly rose under her feet, plus the main altar in front of her, which was the number of nine.

Bang bang bang!

Twenty-seven altars exploded at the same time, with dazzling divine light rising into the sky, all turned into the power of the reincarnation empress.

at the same time.

The Styx rolled violently, like an angry dragon, constantly hitting the barriers between the two worlds. Styx is equivalent to the Pluto in its heyday, and its strength is even higher than that of the Empress of Samsara.

In the past few thousand years, Pluto has been reluctant to show up, even if the Empress of Samsara has refined his Styx.


With the blessing of the power of Styx, the female emperor of Reincarnation is more vigorous, and the power of the great emperor's blow is the power of the great emperor's wave of her hand, inserting an insignificant gap between the two barriers in front of her.

"You two should be alert to the surroundings for me first, I can feel that Pluto has arrived nearby." The Empress of Samsara secretly transmitted the voice, making the two who were planning to help stunned, and quickly guarded the surroundings.

Jade Luosha swept around intently, but he was probably wary of Lin Lang in his heart. The same is true for Lin Lang. Before Pluto showed up, the Jade Rakshasa was the biggest threat!

The two have different minds, and beware of each other. But behind, with the continuous bombardment of the female emperor of reincarnation, the barrier between the two worlds has reached the endurance limit and began to loosen.

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