Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1220: Antiquity ends

Soon, Lin Lang turned into a sigh again, saying: "Although the Dao Tree has been planted, I can feel that the speed of the realm has also become very slow. This is a major drawback of the Dao Tree system."

"Your problem is not in the Tao tree." The Empress of Samsara gently shook her head and said: "The godhead that really troubles your cultivation, as long as you have the godhead, you can't trigger the emperor, and you will never want to cultivate to the realm of the emperor in your life."

Every realm of the Emperor Xiandi is a means to test whether the Dao is correct. During this process, the monk can correct his misunderstandings in Dao cultivation and gradually improve his combat power.

The same is true for Lin Lang.

Although right now after he planted the Taoist tree, his combat power and realm have risen in a straight line, but the corresponding drawbacks are also greater than anyone.

Ordinary masters can still verify their own avenues through nine eternal catastrophes, but Lin Lang has a godhead, and the avenues he built cannot be verified, which will inevitably lead him on a wrong path.

In other words, as long as there is a godhead, Lin Lang will only go further and further down a wrong path. After integrating Hongmeng Sanren's great insights, his potential has been exhausted.

"Is there a way to strip the godhead?"

Lin Lang asked.

The Empress of Reincarnation shook her head and said: "The Godhead is bestowed by heaven and comes with the true spirit. As long as your true spirit remains, the godhead will always exist."

" die!"

Lin Lang also sighed. Once the true spirit dissipates, the monk will die completely, and there will be no chance of reincarnation.

The godhead is certainly a help, but it is not a kind of imprisonment. The ordinary immortal emperor can verify the truth of heaven with a Yuanhui, but it takes ten times as long as a detached one.

even more!

"The Nine Emperors will soon go into hiding. They are running out of time and are already looking for a way to delay the eternal catastrophe." The Empress of Samsara looked at Lin Lang and said: "Next, you will help me capture the Pluto with all your heart. I will help you think about it. Ways to trigger the catastrophe."

Heavenly Tribulation and Heavenly Punishment are two kinds.

What Lin Lang needs is the Heaven Tribulation experience, not the Heaven Punishment that can directly obliterate him.

"The monk wants to cross the tribulation, so what about the stars? If the tribulation can be induced by the stars, maybe my road to promotion lies here."

The strange light flickered in Lin Langmu.


Everyone ended the meeting, Lin Lang embarked on the journey and began to find his own way.

During this period, Lin Lang visited many ancient powers one after another, and had many fights.

Gradually, a legend of a mighty man spread out in ancient times. According to legend, most of the monks who surpassed the master-class combat power in the universe have been challenged by him.

Whether it was the older generation of powerhouses who followed the Nine Emperors to defeat the gods in the past, or the rising stars of Taoist Buddha, most of the monks who have left names in history have been visited by this person.

More rumored.

This great power once challenged the Nine Emperors, but few people knew the result. In short, according to the people of the Nine Emperor Gods, those battles were unprecedentedly fierce, and it is said that they have risen to the emperor level.

As for who wins and who loses, the result is no longer important.

The important thing is that this person already has the ability to compete with the emperor. Some people said that the great power was the female emperor of reincarnation who had appeared once in the preaching ceremony, and some people said that the man who fought against the nine emperors was a human race man.

This person.

It is also hailed as the tenth emperor by the monks in the world, and its combat power is comparable to the power of the nine emperors.

This person is Lin Lang, but in the process of the nine emperors fighting, he only found a few of them, not as the world said, fought with the nine great emperors one by one.

What left the deepest impression on him was the Emperor Slaughter God, whose combat power was unprecedentedly strong. Even Lin Lang today couldn't stand a hundred moves in front of the Emperor Slaughter God.

Next is the Bone Race Great Emperor, this person's cultivation is very strange, faintly mastering some reincarnation avenues, and even above the Luo Tiandi who is proficient in reincarnation.

The other is the Heavenly Demon Emperor, a great emperor of the Demon Race, but in the course of the battle he reveals the methods of the Demon Clan monks everywhere, which is very strange.

However, in general, each of the nine emperors has its own unique features, even if Lin Lang's current combat power has touched the level of the emperor, it is still inferior to the existence of this level.

If it is truly fighting, it must be him who will fall in the end.


After visiting the ancient and modern people, and experiencing the battle with the Nine Emperors, Lin Lang's understanding of the avenue he built once again deepened. Now he faintly has a clear plan for the future.

Since calamity is also a kind of energy between heaven and earth, can he study this power more deeply and turn it into robbery?

There is no reincarnation in the world, and reincarnation was initiated by the palace master of the underground palace. It does not enter the records of the heavens and is not under the jurisdiction of the heavens. It can be called a powerful alien road.

Then can he use this kind of power to create another avenue independent of heaven? If possible, he can not only use this method to increase his combat power, but also use this opportunity to break the shackles of heaven.

But the problem also followed.

Lin Lang was unable to overcome the calamity, which meant that he had cut off the opportunity to perceive the calamity, and searched all over the world for the monks who were about to cross the calamity to "rub" against the calamity. This was certainly a way.

However, this method is time-consuming and laborious, and has little effect. The universe is so big, it is impossible for Lin Lang to find every monk who is about to overcome the catastrophe.

"How can I lock the group that is going to cross the catastrophe, and I can still accurately lock the person who crosses the catastrophe without notification?"

Lin Lang pondered for a long time.

Soon, there was a burst of light in his eyes.

"What kind of monk needs to overcome the calamity? It is clear that the cultivation base reaches a certain critical point before it will cause the heaven to descend the calamity."

"Then, I will make this process a bit simpler, so that they can reach this critical point sooner!" Lin Langmu shone brightly.

He got it!

As long as the monk can overcome the catastrophe one after another according to his method, then his perception of the catastrophe will also increase rapidly. And the best way is to implement his cultivation method.

"It's no wonder that the underworld does not cultivate the Taoist tree system. It turns out that the underworld palace lord is also using the same abacus!" Lin Lang's eyes are bright and his thinking becomes clearer and clearer: "The reason why the underworld palace lord failed to reach the end and turned to decorate the world Reincarnation system."

"Either his plan is bigger, or the cultivation system he created is not suitable for everyone and cannot be vigorously promoted!"

After thinking about this, Lin Lang began to create his own cultivation system. His direction is not the small world technique he has cultivated, but the realm of the fairy king.

In today's world, it is still the mainstream to break through the emperor realm. If we can take this opportunity to vigorously promote the immortal king realm of later generations, then it will be a great blessing for the monks in the world and for Lin Lang.

But this is a big realm after all, it can't be created by hand, every detail must be carefully considered.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it will affect thousands of ascetic monks. From this point of view, Lin Lang also had to be careful. A slight loss in the process of creating the realm would cause the death of tens of millions or even hundreds of billions of monks.

This is great cause and effect!

As for Lin Lang, even if he traveled to the ancient times, even if he possessed a complete cultivation method in the realm of the immortal king, it did not mean that he could create this realm out of thin air.

Those who eat the pie never know how the pie is made. They only care about whether the pie is delicious, whether it is sugar pie or pie.

Just like the monks who cultivated to the realm of the immortal king in later generations, they only knew how to condense the heavenly heart and the soul planet.

But why do you want to condense the soul planet, and what is the principle? No one knows these things.

What Lin Lang had to do was to analyze the realm of the Immortal King from beginning to end, and erect each stage to get the standard.

This is a huge project.

Obviously, relying on Lin Lang himself would definitely not work.

In the name of creating a realm, he invited all the world's heroes, but all the more qualified ancient powers are on his invitation list.


This is how the temporary grass platform team was established. Taoist ancestors, Buddha, and even the young Supreme Immortal Venerable were on Lin Lang's invitation list.

This grand occasion is only inferior to the preaching ceremony of the Nine Emperors thousands of years ago. Seven hundred years passed in a flash. During this period, Lin Lang, apart from developing the realm of the immortal king with a group of ancient and modern people, also hesitated for a lot of time to guide Dai Zhantian's cultivation.

He was born at a good time, and he was running into the completion of the development of the Immortal King Realm, and he was able to develop his potential as much as possible in the process of the True Immortal Realm.

In fact, with Dai Zhantian’s qualifications, he could break into the realm of Emperor Immortal a long time ago, but was stopped by Lin Lang in time.

In the ancient times, the true immortal breaking through the emperor realm relied on talent, but the five realms of the fairy king were also indispensable, which could further enhance the potential of the monk.

Three hundred years later.

The Great Realm of the Immortal King is divided into five stages by Lin Lang and others, the elementary, intermediate and high-level, and the heavenly mind that is in harmony with the heavens. The power of the stars is gathered to condense the ninety-nine percent of the perfect state of the soul planet.

Lin Lang also gained a great deal, and his understanding of the Divine Soul Planet was better than before. The cultivation path he originally set was to increase the number of condensed spirit planets as much as possible.

Now the number of soul planets he has condensed has exceeded one thousand, and in future generations, it is absolutely an achievement that no one can match.

Since then.

After thousands of trial and error, Immortal King Realm was officially promoted to monks in the universe.

Lin Lang could feel that with the appearance of the immortal king realm, a monk who reached the critical point of the immortal king realm, each time he crossed the catastrophe, the accompanying realm perception can also be divided into a part and passed to Lin Lang's mind.

Every cultivator of the fairy king realm who crossed the calamity was equivalent to practicing a technique for Lin Lang. Lin Lang's perception of Jie was also deepening.

In the following years, the Nine Emperors announced their retreat one after another, and they were unwilling to die, so they could only find a way to live to the future generations, or find a way to overcome the catastrophe of the Eleventh Yuanhui.

The nine emperors returned to her seclusion, and the outstanding people from all sides emerged, opening a new era. The era of the Nine Emperors is over, a new generation replaces the old.

Since then, the ancient times ended and entered the ancient times.

The universe opens a new chapter!

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