Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1217: Plant trees

After hesitating again and again, Lin Lang decided to visit the female emperor of reincarnation first. As a great emperor with a complete underworld heritage, she had a better understanding of the Taoist tree system than others.

Accompanying this idea.

Lin Lang landed over the Styx River, facing the reincarnation empress far away.

"Meet the Empress."

Lin Lang took the lead in breaking the tranquility of the air.

"You're the little guy last time." The Empress of Samsara recognized Lin Lang. She smiled and said: "You are very different. I can't see the traces of your cultivation."

"The strangest thing is that you don't even have the realm of the Immortal Emperor, but the actual survival time has exceeded one Yuanhui, and the strength is infinitely close to the Great Emperor."

"If I didn't guess wrong, you should have got the godhead bestowed by heaven."

Lin Lang was startled.

But soon it was relieved that the underworld was a force that had truly experienced the prehistoric era, and it was not uncommon to have records of the godhead.

However, as a monk born in later generations, the Empress of Reincarnation can accurately recognize the godhead, which shows how huge the knowledge system of the underworld has.

"But what is even more strange is that this universe is clearly not to the extent that heaven bestows the godhead, but you have the godhead." The female emperor reincarnation showed an interesting smile and said: "If my speculation is not wrong, you should be a later generation. Guests from the universe."

Lin Lang's heart tightened.

Sure enough, in front of the existence of the Empress of Samsara, he didn't even have any secrets.

With just one godhead, Lin Lang's origins can be speculated on the basis of ten or nine, and the female emperor of reincarnation is far superior to others in terms of strength and mind.

"It's a pity that this kind of strange girl eventually fell into the tricks of Pluto and the first generation of Rakshasa, and was suppressed by countless Yuanhui."

Lin Lang sighed in his heart, but didn't change his face, and responded with a smile: "I can't think that my secret that even the Nine Emperors has never seen through has been easily exposed by the female emperor."

"I am indeed a visitor to the future universe." Lin Lang nodded slightly and said: "The clouds in the future will be closed and there is no hope for promotion. I have to ask someone to send me back to the ancient times."

"But how did the empress guess my origin? I'm afraid I can't get so much information with just one godhead." Lin Lang pondered for a moment, and said: "Could the empress have seen a monk who can control the power of time and space?"

"That's right. Master, he is the first time-space divine body in history, but then he shaved off his physique and returned to the basics."

"Palace Lord of the Earth Palace is actually a time and space divine body?" Lin Lang was surprised and couldn't help thinking of Xihe in later generations. It is also a time-space **** body, the palace lord of the underground palace should be a natural time-space **** body, integrating the two ancient powers of time and space into one.

Xihe is not the same. She is a life created by the two great kings, not pure.

"The clouds on the sky in the future generations are actually closed?" The Empress of Samsara finally showed a trace of surprise on her face, and said: "According to the historical process of the past, the universe is only the youngest stage. How can a space like the sky on clouds be closed?"

The Empress of Reincarnation frowned and said, "Unless the time and space you are in has reached the end of the universe, the cloud above the sky will be closed at this time, and it will not be opened for a short period of time until the catastrophe comes."

"I'm from thirty million years later."

Lin Lang said.

"That shouldn't be the case." The female emperor reincarnation frowned deeper and deeper: "A cosmic epoch is at least one billion years old. Even the shortest cosmic epoch should be counted in billions of years."

"The universe was counted as a barren period, and the age of gods was no more than 200 million years. Unless..."

"Unless during these 30 million years, something major has happened that affects the normal operation of the universe's time and space, and the life of the universe today is drastically shortened."

Speaking of this, the Empress of Samsara also showed an excited expression, saying: "Have you ever had any battles above the realm of the emperor in your later generations, or was it a major event of this degree?"

Lin Lang shook his head.

"There have not been too many powerful people born in later generations. In my age, the Nine Emperors are already a lofty legend, no one can surpass."

"Then it will end." The Empress of Samsara's smile became more and more weird, and said: "It must be that you are too mediocre. The Lord of Heaven thinks that you have no cultivation value. Simply shorten the universe and let you live and die."

Lin Lang: "..."

"According to what you said, Heaven can still give birth to self-consciousness. What's the point of destroying sentient beings." Lin Lang shook his head.

"You may not know that Tiandao is a monster, it can eat people." The Empress of Samsara seemed a little nervous, and she also felt gloomy when she laughed.


Lin Lang can only explain what he came for. He worried that he and the reincarnation empress, who seemed to be gentle but in fact, would get along for a long time, and he would be assimilated.

"It turned out to be so."

The Empress of Reincarnation gave Lin Lang an extremely disappointed reply: "People in the underground palace do not cultivate Taoist trees, but the ancient books of the underground palace record a lot of information about the sky above the clouds."

"It just so happens that I also want to see what the legendary Tao tree system is like."

The Empress of Reincarnation finally seemed to be normal. She took Lin Lang's hand and flew out of the Styx River. After roughly predicting the location of the Taoist Tree in Lin Lang, she directly raised her hand to tear the void and entered the space above the clouds.

Lin Lang was a little helpless, this was the power of the Great Emperor, and it didn't matter where he wanted to enter the sky above the clouds.

The two landed in the sky above the clouds, and the Empress of Samsara looked around curiously. She is well versed in the cultivation system of the Taoist tree, but it is the first time that she has truly entered the sky above the clouds.

The underworld is not in the center of the universe, so there is no chance to touch the sky above the clouds. She broke through the emperor and took another path.

"If you have the opportunity, you can try to explore the secrets of the sky above the clouds." The female emperor reincarnation was enthusiastic: "Most of the ancient and modern monks used the Taoist tree system, but who created the space above the clouds is equivalent to giving to future generations. A complete monastic system."

"If I can figure this out, maybe I can, like my senior, blaze a path away from the master's control."

The Empress of Reincarnation looks like a gentle and elegant female emperor, full of majesty. But in fact, he is a lunatic in his bones, full of exploration for all unknown things.

"Do you know what the Taoist tree is?"

The Empress of Samsara looked back at Lin Lang.

"The so-called Dao tree is actually a kind of physical manifestation of Dao seed. A monk cultivates Dao seed in his body in the realm of true immortality. The seed of Dao is also the seed of Dao tree."

"During the period, the Immortal Emperor Realm was responsible for raising Dao seeds, cultivating them to a level that can be separated from the body, and then planting them in the soil of the sky above the clouds."

"The Tao tree represents the monks' lifelong perceptions of the avenue. As the monks' understanding of the avenue will continue to deepen, the Tao tree will grow vigorously. When the Tao tree blossoms and bears fruit, it will be the completion of all the avenues that the monk has built throughout his life. The time of unity."

These knowledges are all the conclusions that Lin Lang has summed up during his recent visit to Ancient Da Neng. Before returning to ancient times, Lin Lang just knew that he would go to the sky above the clouds to plant Taoist seeds.

"Yes. But not right."

The Empress of Reincarnation glanced at Lin Lang and said faintly: "The Tao tree blossoms and bears fruit, and the monk can stay in this realm for a long time. With a thought, he can connect to Tao Guo and go to the space above the clouds."

"The Dao seed is the foundation for cultivating the Dao tree, but the Dao seed contains a lot of mixed energy such as spiritual power, nether power, vitality, etc., and it is not pure."

"The Tao tree is not the case. The Tao tree is the purest avenue projection. Do you think there is any alien energy in the space of the cloud above?"

Lin Lang looked around, except for countless withered trees, nothing existed around him. Indeed, the sky above the clouds is the purest place in the world. There is nothing wrong with calling it the most unsuitable place for cultivation.

Because there is no energy suitable for monks to survive. Precisely in this way, the sky above the clouds can become the pure land for every monk through the ages.

"Look at this forest, they are actually Tao trees cultivated by prehistoric powerful men. It's a pity that they have fallen, and the defeated Tao tree will not provide them with any power." The female emperor said.

"These are the Taoist trees of the monks in the past?" Rao Shi Lin Lang had already guessed, but there was still a storm in his heart.

Not to mention other places, this sparse forest in front of him can at least find thousands of Taoist trees. This is just a part of the sky above the clouds. If it is the entire sky above the clouds, how many trees should there be?

"What's so strange."

The Empress of Samsara shook her head and said, "Do you know how many years of a universe in the prehistoric era lasted?"

"Billion years." The Empress of Reincarnation looked at Lin Lang with a smile, and said: "The emperor's life span is almost a million years. How many such existences can be born in a billion years."

"Even if some great emperors linger in order to avoid eternal catastrophes, they are worried that they will overcome the catastrophe and dare not be born easily. They can only give up the great world to the geniuses of future generations."

"In the last cosmic era, a total of 436 great emperors were born in the main universe, and there were more than 200 of the Light Demon Race."

Lin Lang took a breath.

"In addition, there are eras that are older than the previous cosmic era. Even I don't know how many cosmic epochs existed before us."

The Empress of Samsara shook her head.

"With so many Dao trees, I can't imagine how many great emperors have appeared since the birth of the universe. Did they all die in the catastrophe?"

Thousands of words all turned into a deep sigh.

It is a pity that so many Tianjiao people have died in the catastrophe. It is conceivable that the palace lord of the underground palace, as an existence that can survive a catastrophe, must also be a talent of heaven.

Lin Lang tried his best not to think about the others, and after finishing his thoughts, he began to gather the Taoist tree.

At this time, under the guidance of the female emperor of Samsara, luminous clusters of light floated around Lin Lang's body, exuding great energy of different attributes.

These are all Dao seeds in his body.

The penance since several Yuanhui, who is not for planting the seeds of Taoism, completed the effort. But what is strange is that at this time the Taoist species was separated, Lin Lang actually fell into a strange state, as if he was about to take this opportunity to make an epiphany in one fell swoop, with countless insights flowing in his mind.

"Concentrate your mind and think about every kind of Dao you have cultivated in your life. These Dao types will serve as a way to entrust all your cultivation."

The voice of the Empress of Samsara came at the right time.

Lin Lang didn't dare to neglect, he also understood that the sense of enlightenment was just an illusion that the Dao seeds were separated from the body. He quickly condensed his mind and carefully controlled the Dao seeds to fall into the soil above the clouds.

Five-element Taoism, Bright Taoism, Gravity Taoism, Natural Taoism...

By this time, Lin Lang had cultivated more than 2,000 kinds of avenues, and more than 20,000 kinds of ordinary trails. It is not a simple matter for so many Dao Dao seeds to be planted in the soil above the clouds at the same time.

However, this is only the first step.

Next, Lin Lang needs to knead these avenues together to form his own avenue. This is also the second step to form a unified road.

during this process.

Lin Lang unexpectedly discovered that there was still a strange seed in his body, and this Dao Seed actually accommodated various avenues such as darkness and death.

In terms of the number of avenues, it can even surpass one-half of all the avenues on Lin Lang.

"This is the avenue for the cultivation of the Demon Dao clone." Lin Lang froze for a moment, and soon reacted, even if he and the Demon Dao clone have been divided into two independent individuals.

But the clone is the clone, and it cannot replace the deity anyway. Even if he has cultivated so many kinds of avenues, his strength is not much weaker than Lin Lang, but the essence of the same origin cannot be changed.

"In that case, can't I take the opportunity to take back the cultivation base of the Demon Dao clone and rejoin the two bodies?" Lin Lang's eyes lit up.

Not long ago, he also experienced the betrayal of the Demon Dao clone and Yao Xi. He planned to have a higher strength before going to the Underworld to recover the Demon Dao clone.

But he did not expect that a trip to the ancients would solve all the problems.

"Emperor, if I also plant the Dao seed of the clone into the sky, what will be the consequences?" Lin Lang asked back.

"The deity and the clone are one, even if you split into two spirits with independent consciousness, the true spirit will still stay in your body."

"If you plant the Tao, the clone will disappear." The Samsara Empress gave a positive answer.

"If this is the case, that would be great!" Lin Lang was extremely happy, if he could take this opportunity to wipe out the threat of the Demon Dao clone in one fell swoop.

Naturally it is a great thing!

Soon, Lin Lang was completely in a state of tranquility, and began his first step towards a tall building.

Kind of Taoism!

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