Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1216: Cloud sky

To be honest, Pluto's words touched the reincarnation empress to a certain extent. But the underworld is really terrifying, even a strong person like the Empress of Reincarnation has been wiped out of resistance in the endless years.

"Brother, don't do fearless resistance anymore, you know, even if you control the reincarnation in the center of the universe." The female emperor reincarnation sighed lightly and said: "Master, he has built 60% of the universe. After the reincarnation system, you can't grab him."

"so what."

Pluto raised his head and said: "As long as I control the center of the universe, then his practice will never be consummated. The palace lord who is not consummate is not invincible, I have the power to fight."

"Why? Are you still inferior to my cultivation?" The Empress of Samsara sneered.

As she spoke, the Empress of Samsara waved her hand and called out a galaxy, the stars shone, and a mysterious force was wrapped in it and pressed towards Pluto.

As we all know, the nucleus of each planet contains a unique power of the Great Dao, just like the Divine Soul Planet condensed by every monk, everything is different.

However, the female emperor of Samsara can integrate these energies at the same time, which is indeed extraordinary.

In terms of inheritance, the underworld where the Empress of Reincarnation lives throughout the prehistoric world is definitely the most complete inheritance. Being able to use the power of the stars in this way also gave Lin Lang a lot of inspiration.

"In that case, I can use this method to condense the soul planet, and it may have a different effect." Lin Lang's eyes flickered.

The starry sky shone, and it landed with boundless power. Whether Pluto can withstand the pressure is still unknown.


The galaxy is like a long dragon, with a long whip in the hands of the reincarnation empress, constantly shooting down the Pluto. Pluto was flew out, vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood.

"Brother, you disappointed me too much." The Empress of Samsara faintly said, "I thought you were the most talented among the senior brothers. I didn't expect that even after you built the center of the universe, your cultivation level would also fall. To this situation."

It takes not only a huge amount of time to build reincarnation, but also consumes the cultivation of the monks. Even the emperor couldn't afford such consumption.

Therefore, after setting up a cosmic reincarnation system, the cultivation base of the monks in the underground palace will decline drastically, so that the current Pluto only has the same combat power as the Seven Tribulations Immortal Emperor.

He also only relied on the exercises to make up the gap in combat power with the reincarnation empress.

However, the Empress of Samsara is a perfect emperor!

The Empress of Samsara's aura became stronger and stronger, and Pluto was drawn out again and again, suffering serious injuries, but he did not die.

in contrast.

After being injured again and again, Pluto gradually began to fight back. Yes, he hides his true strength, and he has already recovered most of the loss of samsara.

He has touched the power of the Great Emperor again.

"Sure enough, brother is still the most outstanding monk in the universe, but this is far from enough." The female emperor of Samsara shook her head slightly, and the moves in her hand became more fierce: "I thought that my brother has been able to restore the strength of the Great Emperor. "

"But you let me down!"

After all, the Empress of Reincarnation is a perfect emperor, even if the Pluto raises her cultivation to the emperor level again, she can use the power of the Taoist tree and Taoist flower to no avail!

Bang bang bang!

Pluto was swept out again and again, unable to withstand the offensive of the Empress of Samsara, and his body was shattered into several pieces.

During the battle of the **** king, Pluto took advantage of that time to fight with the **** king to establish the reincarnation system of this world.

At that time, his cultivation base fell below the immortal emperor realm, that is, with such one or two Yuanhui kung fu, Pluto had already touched the threshold of the great emperor realm.

This is already a very rare miracle. It was quite an immortal king who only used one or two Yuanhui to cultivate to the point of being detached from later generations, and it would be scary to say it.

But this is still too far behind the female emperor of Samsara.

There are many disciples in the underworld, among them, the first generation messenger of the underworld is the most powerful. That person was the first to get started, and he followed the master of the underworld after the end of the catastrophe. Now his strength has surpassed the great emperor a lot.

Next is Pluto.

At that time, the Pluto was known as the most talented person in the underworld, and he had great hopes of surpassing the first generation messengers. From a weak little monk to breaking through the realm of the great emperor, the Pluto only spent nine Yuanhui.

Every eternal catastrophe, Pluto can pass through safely, from this point of view, he is no different from the nine emperors in the world today.

But the true strength of Pluto is still above them, whether it is the complete inheritance of the underworld or the unique understanding of Pluto. It's just that too much repair is consumed by the reincarnation system.

Even if he fell below the emperor realm later, it took less than two Yuanhui's time for Pluto to re-enter the emperor level.

But if this is the case, the battle is almost over.

But Pluto gave the reincarnation empress a huge surprise,

"Junior Sister, then I will let you see the road of reincarnation after being improved by me, what is it better than the palace lord of the palace!" Hades laughed loudly.

at this time.

Pluto communicated the reincarnation of this world. With the endless power of reincarnation, Pluto's strength climbed linearly, and it has gradually approached the level of the Great Emperor.

At this moment, Wan Ling was horrified, even the surviving monk only felt his own soul agitated, as if the soul was about to be drawn out of his body.

Once reincarnation is established, they are also a part of it!

There are only two kinds of people who can escape the control of Samsara. One is the person who has a higher cultivation base than Pluto, and the other is the monk who was born before Pluto established Samsara.

But after they die, the soul will eventually return to reincarnation, merge into the Styx, and be governed by the road of reincarnation.

The fierce battle between the two in the air at this time also alarmed the Nine Emperors from a distance. Pluto displays the avenue of reincarnation, and a surging Styx emerges all over his body.

"Sure enough, the king of Pluto has wiped out the mark of Master's avenue. Master can no longer control the reincarnation here." The female emperor of Samsara was startled.

As the inheritor of the underworld, the female emperor of reincarnation can also use the power of reincarnation, but this kind of power derived from the power of the underworld chief has a lot of flaws.

That is, underworld monks can uncontrollably use the power of reincarnation anywhere to fight. But this power is controlled by the palace lord of the underground palace, and can be recovered at any time.

In the process of going to the center of the universe to capture the Pluto, the palace lord of the underground palace also handed over this method of reclaiming the power of reincarnation to the female emperor of reincarnation.

However, this kind of exercise still cannot shake the reincarnation of this world at all. In other words, before going to the center of the universe and establishing reincarnation, Pluto had already walked out of the shadow of the power of the underworld palace master.

The reincarnation of this world belongs to the Pluto, and there is no trace of the mark of the lord of the palace!

"Really a genius of Tianzong, since he was born in this dozen Yuanhui, he has completed the master's countless Yuanhui perfected techniques."

"If you give him a few more Yuanhui, I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat him." The Empress of Samsara was secretly frightened.

But the Pluto at this time is far from the opponent of the reincarnation empress. After several fights, Pluto was seriously injured by the reincarnation female emperor, and finally, the reincarnation female emperor was escaped by the pluto.

The Empress of Samsara can beat Pluto, but it is difficult to keep Pluto. In the end, the Pluto also cut off the cause and effect with Lin Lang, and the last method of the Samsara Empress to trace the traces of the Pluto also failed.

"He still escaped."

The Empress of Samsara's heart sinks slightly. This is not a good thing. If you can't find the trace of Pluto in a short time, and when his strength recovers, the Empress of Samsara may not be the opponent.

So far.

The Empress of Samsara left to search for the traces of Pluto. As for Lin Lang, the Empress of Reincarnation had no meaning at this moment, so she let him leave.


This war that shocked the world finally came to an end. After the war, Lin Lang also embarked on the journey again. While visiting many ancient powers, he mutually confirmed a path of his own cultivation.

of course.

In this process, it was inevitable to fight against each other. In this process, Lin Lang even encountered some detached people from later generations and fought against one another.

On the other side, he is exploring the location of the sky above the clouds.

The location of the entrance to Yunshang Tian is not fixed. Although he is high above the sky, the place where each monk enters Yunshang Tian is not uniform.

This difference stems from their avenues. Only by finding the most suitable place to plant the Taoist trees, can the Taoist trees take root and produce their own Taoist fruits.

A few hundred years later.

Lin Lang walked into a lonely and endless universe, if it corresponds to later generations, it should be counted as the category of the underworld.

Opening the entrance to the sky is not difficult for Lin Lang. The only thing that surprised him was that he met an acquaintance here.

That is the Empress of Reincarnation.

After several searches, the Empress of Reincarnation all ended in failure, and she had no choice but to stay near the Styx and extract the power of the Styx to weaken the power of the Pluto.

And above,

It was the node where Lin Lang entered the sky above the clouds, and the two of them became neighbors, one in the sky and the other underground.

The sky above the cloud is a space completely independent of the world. Above the world, it is the closest place to the heavens. It is similar to the void space, but not completely consistent.

Looking around, Lin Lang could also vaguely find a few scattered Tao trees. Some of the Tao trees were withered and the Tao fruit withered. I am afraid that the monks who planted Tao trees here are dying in the wind.

Either it has fallen.

The Dao tree does not represent the longevity, but everyone's Dao system. The monks will fall, but the Dao tree will only wither and will not be removed out of thin air.

"How should I plant my own Taoist tree?" Lin Lang pondered for a long time, but still couldn't plant his own Taoist tree in a short time.

In other words, even Lin Lang himself didn't know exactly which avenues he had cultivated, and which ones needed to be the roots of the Taoist trees and planted into the sky.

He has cultivated too many great avenues, among which there are more powers of the heavenly path. Can the sky above the clouds plant a tree of heavenly path? Without any predecessor's guidance, even Lin Lang did not have any reference.

But there is only one chance to plant a Taoist tree, and Lin Lang must also consider it carefully!

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