Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1195: Prehistoric retreat

Lin Lang passed through the gate of time and space, and thereafter encountered a terrible turbulence in time and space.

Lin Lang knew the danger of the turbulent flow of time and space, so the first time he walked out of the gate of time and space, he had already urged the power of heaven to the maximum.

The most terrifying part of the turbulence of time and space is that you cannot use any power to defend it, and it may pull you into a strange time and space at any time.

The power of Heavenly Dao can defend itself without being torn by the force of time and space, but it cannot guarantee that it can land safely in a specific time and space.

The most effective way is innocent power!

Lin Lang raised his hand and drained all the power of the surrounding avenues, and then the power of no way blasted out, knocking back all the power of time and space around him.

Wu Dao Zi specializes in Wu Dao power, similarly, Lin Lang is also one of the masters of Wu Dao power, but it is far from Wu Dao Zi's so subtle.

Moreover, in the immortal world, the innocent power will be perceived by the heaven, and Lin Lang dare not use the innocent power easily. But he has no such worries in the long river of time and space.


Lin Lang dissipated all the power of time and space around him, his figure flashed, and when he appeared again, he had landed in a strange time and space.

Lin Lang's spiritual consciousness diverged, and he saw the primitive forest. Every tree was several hundred meters high. The uncivilized apes in the forest leaped quickly through the deep forest, swinging on canes.

The eight-winged centipede, which is several hundred meters long, **** its wings and flies in the forest, and its big red lantern-like eyes are looking for its prey everywhere.

The ancient ancestors have not yet been civilized, and there is no ethnic power including the monsters. Today's monsters are all powerful monsters that have been born with ancestral blood.

The place where Lin Lang descended was a medium-sized star with a low enlightenment rate. Even if there were human races, they only existed as tribes and tribes, and there were no cultivators who were too powerful.

It's also a good choice to improve your cultivation in such a quiet place.

Anyway, Lin Lang has already returned to the ancient times, and there is no need for the urgent promotion and cultivation level of later generations. Now that he has the godhead and has a lot of time, he can completely take advantage of this period of awkward development.

Do your best to maximize your cultivation.

His goal is very clear, when he has absorbed all the Dao blood left by the Hongmeng Sanren, that is, when he leaves the customs. After all, even in the ancient times, without the strength of the dominance level, you would never want to go to the sky.

From beginning to end, Lin Lang's purpose of returning to ancient times was to climb the clouds and plant his own Taoist tree. He is still weak now, and it makes no sense to try.


Wait until you have master-level combat power and then exit the level!


Time flies, time flies.

The medium-sized star where Lin Lang is located has gradually evolved into an advanced civilization in a long time.

Those ancient monster races, as their longevity grew, they also vaguely touched the edge of the avenue. One day, an ape quack fell to the ground. When he was born, he actually absorbed the aura of thousands of kilometers around it, and countless mountain auras, all turned into a stream of light and integrated into the body of the little monkey.

This is a monkey born from Zhong Tiandi, if in later generations, most people will call it Tianmu monkey, it is an extremely strong member of the monster race.

Under the meticulous care of the mother monkey, the little monkey grows up day by day, jumps out of the mother's arms, and travels leisurely in this pristine forest.

It is inherently talented, coupled with the racial talent that it had at birth-Tianmu.

In this forest, the little monkeys can often avoid the ferocious ancient beasts and live without moisture.

One day, the little monkey found a human statue in the forest. It swayed curiously and looked at the human statue for a long time. Seeing that there was no danger, he boldly approached the past.


This "statue" is completely inaccessible. It is blocked by an invisible wall in front of it and can only stay within a hundred meters of the "statue".

The playful little monkey learns the appearance of the human "statue", sitting with his legs crossed, but it is natural to jump away. Time is running out and he doesn't want to stick to this boring posture, jumping and running away.

Half a month later, the little monkey seemed to be hiding from the enemy, and he was able to shuttle through the woods with agility. Finally, he left the enemy and came to this human "statue" again.

It was exhausted, panting and falling a hundred meters away from the statue, learning the human posture and began to meditate. This time, a string of strange sounds echoed in his ears, which made people feel calm. .

It gradually adapted to this soothing music, and before it knew it, the wound was quickly recovering. After the injury recovered, the little monkey still did not give up approaching the stone statue, scratching it with its claws, smashing it with a stone, without exception, all the methods it tried failed.

Thousands of years later, the little monkey has grown to a body of seven and a half feet, but in the meantime, after every injury, the little monkey will return to the stone statue and listen to the fairy sounds like a human being.

He doesn't know what cultivation is, but the only thing he knows is that getting close to this stone statue will have a good healing effect, and perhaps it will be nourished by the obviously wonderful music.

The growth rate of the little monkey is amazing, every hair is distinct from the foot, and the tamped muscles full of impact.

Infinite power can shake mountains!

As the little monkey grows up, in this forest, all the beasts that can kill the little monkey thousands of times in the past have all surrendered to its feet.

It has dominated the forest.

Hundreds of years have passed. One day, the monkey running in the forest felt the rush of animal blood, and in ignorance, he cultivated the first kind of supernatural power, which can be transformed into a human being.

To this day, it is no problem for the monkey to rule the king in this forest, and he puts his gaze outside the forest.

Outside the forest.

Not only are there more extensive forests, there are also powerful humans who are already familiar with cultivation techniques. On several occasions, the little monkey returned with scars, and when it left the forest next time, it became stronger.

The growth rate of the monkey is amazing. With the passage of time, the monkey has a tyrannical combat power and has grown into a mighty power to unify all the monster races on the planet.

After the wars, the human tribe suffered huge losses and struggled hard. But just a few hundred years later, the monkey has cultivated to the top of this star, and no one in the human race is its opponent.

The human race is defeated, the demons dominate!

Wearing a crown, the monkey is standing on the top of the mountain, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger, unparalleled in the world. Now this planet belongs to him.

But after all, there is no inheritance of immortality on this planet, and the surrounding stars are not as civilized as here.

Even if the Monkey I ruled the king and established his own dynasty for thousands of years, he was just a little monk in the emperor realm, and his life was near.

That year.

The dynasty is still alive, but the monkey is in its twilight years. When it was young, it was born free, like a carefree spirit in the forest. In his middle age, he was fighting for the hegemony of the world, and he should be the hero of the party.

And now, this monkey with aura of heaven and earth has been in its twilight years, with a few years of life, and has been removed from the throne.

Different from the vigorous spirit of the year, the monkey at this time is as stable as Mount Tai, like an old monk who chants all day long, calmly.

It sat withered under a tree, put down his ethnic group, and put down the great dynasty he had established with his own hands. The sun and moon overlap, and its body is gradually covered with dust, like a stone statue, which has not moved for many years.

Until one day, a muffled thunder from heaven and earth slammed down, smashing the old monkey's body fiercely. The thunders were fierce than each, and the number increased, until the old monkey was smashed and wounded.

But it carried it down and became stronger than it had ever been, and became the only one who survived the catastrophe of the immortal emperor in the nearby star regions.

It flies high on the planet, looking down at the country where it once shot down. In the inner courtyard of the palace, the apes and monkeys have developed extremely strong, becoming the largest race of this star and building a majestic palace.

Its monkeys and grandchildren have also grown up, but most of the direct bloodlines have already sat down, and when you look at it, even the opponents that competed with it back then existed.

"Years are so long, like a great dream."

The old monkey sighed deeply and plucked a strand of white hair from the top of his head. Its coercion spreads across the entire planet, and its descendants are terrified, and creatures are conquered.

Its gaze swept across, and suddenly it landed somewhere. There, it was the forest where it had been active in its childhood, representing its childhood.


The thing it remembers most is the statue sitting in the deep forest. Countless years of fighting for hegemony and practicing, the little monkey had forgotten the stone statue that accompanied him when he was young.

To this day, it had survived its immortal emperor's calamity, and when it scanned Zhou Tian, ​​it only remembered this stone statue of extraordinary significance to him.

But even if it is today, it is completely impossible to see the origin of this stone statue.

"Could it be that there are other more powerful human civilizations outside of the distant planet?" The old ape had a far-sighted look, but decided to take action and explore the origin of this stone statue.

He stretched out his hand, the vast magical powers descended, and a terrifying emperor magical power crashed into the invisible barrier.


But the old ape was surprised to find that his attack was the same as when he threw stones when he was a child, completely unable to cross the distance of 100 meters.

"I want to see, who exactly left the stone statue of you!" The old ape was not discouraged, his hair turned red and turned into an angry and violent ape, unreservedly punching the invisible outside of the stone statue. On the barrier.

Finally, the outer barrier seemed to loosen a bit, and it was able to imprint the old ape's fist. The dust on the stone statue in the distance was constantly shaking off.

"This method is feasible."

The old ape’s eyes flickered, as if he had seen hope. With every full blow he made, he finally shook off all the dust on the stone statue and dropped a large piece of rock.

But it was also at this time, the old ape was stunned, he froze in place, unable to move anymore.

"Mo...Could it be that this is a living person!" The old ape was shocked, and as the stone layer fell off, it actually saw a living person.

There was flesh and blood and breathing, but he didn't know when, his body was covered with dust, which made people mistakenly think that this was a stone statue.

After surviving countless years, how terrifying his cultivation should be?

The old ape was completely shocked. From the year he was born to his promotion to the emperor realm, a total of nearly one Yuanhui time was spent before and after.

The same is true of this stone statue, perhaps before this, this stone statue has existed for more years.

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