Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1194: Gate of Time and Space

Lin Lang left Ye Xuanzong silently, without telling anyone, for fear of attracting the attention of the immortal forces, he only notified Wuxin Sword Emperor.

Ye Xuanzong needs such a master to sit down, and now the Big Ye Xianzong and Lin Lang are a community of destiny, and they are protected by the Supreme Immortal Venerable.

He came to the sacred mountain of Taikoo, standing in the distance, looking at this sacred mountain that has existed in the world since the birth of the universe,

The Taikoo Mountain is majestic, majestic, and exudes heavy pressure. The mist on the top of the mountain is misty, and accompanied by waves of fairy sounds, it is like a fairy mountain.

There are too many secrets buried in the sacred mountain of the ancient times, and it is full of tremendous pressure. It is difficult to walk on the sacred mountain of the ancient times, only the immortal emperor can approach.

It is even more difficult to really climb the Taikoo Mountain. In history, only a few people have the qualifications to climb the Taikoo Mountain, leaving their own marks.

"You guy came on time, and one day was not bad." A chuckle came from behind Lin Lang, and a graceful figure flickered before Lin Lang.

"I'm not even positive about this kind of thing, waiting for the resurrection of those ancient emperors, let them slaughter." Lin Lang said lightly.

Xihe smiled slightly and said, "It is not easy for me to send someone back to ancient times. For this, I have made special preparations for thousands of years."

"But there are some things I must tell you in advance."

Xihe paced back and forth beside Lin Lang, saying: "First, the gate of time and space will be condemned by the heavens. From the time and space power to the river of time and space, it will never return, and even the true spirit will not be reincarnated. Death and soul, history collapsed."

"Second, when the ancient mountain cannot withstand the power of time and space, no matter what important things you have, you must immediately return to modern times, otherwise you will get lost in the long river of time and space."

"Third, don't try to change what has happened in history."

"I understand." Lin Lang said faintly, "History is irreversible. Once history changes, everything in the future generations will cease to exist, including myself."

For these, Lin Lang, who was born again, has a special say. Since his rebirth, even though there have been many waves, the overall situation has not changed much. It is only himself who has the deepest influence.

In other words, time and space can change itself, but it cannot change the inherent events that have occurred.

"You know that these are naturally the best." Xi He nodded, and the next moment he soared to a high place, touching his palms, making a tear, and then slowly pulling apart.

boom! Boom!

The earth under Lin Lang's feet suddenly began to tremble, the ground began to crack and collapse, a large amount of mud turned outward, and a colorful altar arched from the depths of the ground.

Intricate handprints formed in Xihe's hands. At this time, she was like an ascending person, with a crystal clear jade body, like a glass lamp, with the holy light shining.

On the altar, dazzling beams of light rose up into the sky, tearing the sky apart, and the light intertwined, Xi He was like an angel bathed in fairy light, holy and pure.

"Ten thousand years of time and space, the world is chaotic, and all the demon gods will return. With my fate, Yongzhen Void. The door of time and space, open!"

As the sound of Xihe fell, the power of time and space interlaced in the sky, and the time scale of each position changed, projecting all kinds of peculiar ancient visions.

A strange-looking ancient **** king came down across time and space, looking at the surrounding space in confusion. There are also aboriginals in ancient times, holding primitive stone tools, and hunting a huge elk.

They were dragged into modern time and space unsuspectingly, including the elk that had not yet given birth to a sage.

"Is this a true ancient impression, or..."

Lin Lang was stunned. The ancient creatures in front of him didn't look like ancient projections, but more like real individuals, expressing real emotions to the scene in front of them.

"Hurry up, the gate of time and space is about to open, and the longer it takes, the ancient monsters, ghosts, and snakes will pass through the gate of time and space."

Xihe's light voice sounded.

At this moment, a magnificent river of time and space emerged behind her, the river was rolling, and on both sides are various ancient time and space microcosms, a looming portal quietly suspended on the height of the river, heavy and majestic.

"it is good."

Lin Lang didn't hesitate anymore, and jumped directly into the long river of time and space. It's completely different from the imaginary scene of fast walking.

In this chaotic time and space, Lin Lang is almost unable to move, even if the front and back steps are separated by two spaces. There is also the power of time acting on Lin Lang, making him consume a huge amount of time every time he moves forward.

The Dao of Time and Space goes hand in hand with the Dao of Heaven and Samsara. Unless the monks who truly practice the Dao of Time and Space can move freely on the long river of time and space, apart from that, only by confronting time and space can they approach it.

It just so happens that Lin Lang is the body of heaven to a certain extent. When he released the pressure of heaven, the pressure around him suddenly lightened, and his toes hit the river sharply, quickly approaching the long river of time and space.


Lin Lang's figure flashed, he directly pushed open the door of time and space and entered another time and space.

at the same time.

When Lin Lang opened the gate of time and space, a large number of ancient monks flew out from the other side, as if they had explored a new world, full of longing in the strangeness.

"I look forward to your return as the tenth emperor." Xi He murmured and turned his head. The smile on his original face disappeared instantly, his hair fell apart, and his face began to twist.

"Next, it's time to take care of these wastes and get it."

A scream fell, Xihe rushed into the crowd, whether it was the ancient gods, primitive ancestors, or the ancient elk quickly fell in a pool of blood.

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