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From the beginning of the battle, Xu Guanyin fell into a disadvantage because of his carelessness. But in fact, even if he had the heart to guard, he would not be Lin Lang's opponent.

There is a gap in the number of people. Similarly, there is also a huge gap in hard power. Lin Lang alone is enough to solve the virtual Guanyin, let alone the three people working together.

Moreover, Lin Lang and the others had already closed the surrounding space, which made the difficult situation of Xu Guanyin even worse.

As a Yuanhui-level genius of the previous few eras, Xu Guanyin does have its advantages, even under the siege of the three masters, he has persisted for half of his time.

But that's all.

After Lin Lang Lei Ting took action, all kinds of dazzling and terrifying supernatural powers instantly turned the virtual Guanyin into flying ashes.

A generation of geniuses fell.

To death, he stared at Lin Lang with wide eyes.

He couldn't think that a genius who ruled an era in this way would eventually be defeated by two monks who had not reached the realm of the immortal emperor.

In the name of genius, the blood of Mu kings!

Historical reincarnation, someone finally stepped on his bones.

The problem is not that Xu Guanyin is careless, but Lin Lang is too strong, and Styx has made great progress in his cultivation for hundreds of years, and he has long been different from before he merged.

Moreover, even if Lin Lang is separated from Little Demon Venerable now, his true strength will not be much weaker than the Five Tribulations Immortal Emperor.

This is a huge improvement!

The virtual Guanyin was no match for Lin Lang, it was really bad in hard power.


outside world.

When Lin Lang opened the forbidden formation, a group of people had already surrounded him, including the forces behind Xu Guanyin.

Behind the growth of any genius, there is bound to be a big force to support, especially the predecessors like Xu Guanyin, who have been drawn into the royal camp early.

The power behind him is the Soul Eater.

"It turns out to be your Royal Highness, where is Xu Guanyin?"

One of the immortal emperors of the Soul Eater asked.

"He? Some ashes can still be found in the past." Yao Xi's face was cold, and no one dared to touch her in this one-third of the underworld.

But this does not mean that other people dare not put pressure on him. There are more than Raksha tribes in the underworld, and Yaoxi is not alone in Raksha.

If the situation at this time shows her half-heartedness, the cultivator of the Soul Eater will probably open her fangs. Although it is impossible to attack Yao Xi in full view, it is not an exaggeration to take the opportunity to blackmail the Raksha.

The surrounding Soul Eater Immortal Emperors were taken aback for a moment, but they also reacted quickly, and said coldly: "Princess Yaoxi, you kill people like this, is it because you are deceiving me that Soul Eater is not a master? Xu Guanyin usually treats you. It should be pretty good."

"All races have disputes with each other, and you don't need to use race to suppress me." Yao Xi smiled at the corner of her mouth and said, "It's better to say that Xu Guanyin was killed because he was fighting with me for a chance."

The faces of the immortal emperors of the Soul Eater tribe sank.

"I killed the people, you can come to me if you have any comments."

Lin Lang also faintly said. Yao Xi glanced at Lin Lang in surprise, but didn't expect that Lin Lang would take the initiative to stand up, watch the fire from the other side, and smile to see the dispute between the two major races of the underworld not fragrant?

"Since you admit that Xu Guanyin's hatred, then you can pay it back."

Several of the Soul Devourers' faces became cold, and they were about to make a move.

At this moment, a huge roar suddenly came from the world, as if something exploded.

Similarly, there are a lot of lines and textures around, and brown vines grow on the ground, with spikes with long and short nails on the top, exuding a gloomy atmosphere.

An immortal monk was standing in the same place, and the surrounding vines moved quickly, like sharp swords, shooting straight at the person's location in the distance.

"What the hell?"

The immortal monk didn't take it seriously. He waved his hand and cut out several fiery sword auras, slashing at the top of the vine one after another.

Huh huh!

The cold light flashed, and the vines broke.

But something even stranger appeared. These broken vine rhizomes fell on the ground and started to grow again. In a few blinks of an eye, they have grown to a height of several hundred meters, and then climbed into the air at a very fast speed. From the beginning of the battle, Xu Guanyin fell into a disadvantage because of his carelessness. But in fact, even if he had the heart to guard, he would not be Lin Lang's opponent.

There is a gap in the number of people. Similarly, there is also a huge gap in hard power. Lin Lang alone is enough to solve the virtual Guanyin, let alone the three people working together.

Moreover, Lin Lang and the others had already closed the surrounding space, which made the difficult situation of Xu Guanyin even worse.

As a Yuanhui-level genius of the previous few eras, Xu Guanyin does have its advantages, even under the siege of the three masters, he has persisted for half of his time.

But that's all.

After Lin Lang Lei Ting took action, all kinds of dazzling and terrifying supernatural powers instantly turned the virtual Guanyin into flying ashes.

A generation of geniuses fell.

To death, he stared at Lin Lang with wide eyes.

He couldn't think that a genius who ruled an era in this way would eventually be defeated by two monks who had not reached the realm of the immortal emperor.

In the name of genius, the blood of Mu kings!

Historical reincarnation, someone finally stepped on his bones.

The problem is not that Xu Guanyin is careless, but Lin Lang is too strong, and Styx has made great progress in his cultivation for hundreds of years, and he has long been different from before he merged.

Moreover, even if Lin Lang is separated from Little Demon Venerable now, his true strength will not be much weaker than the Five Tribulations Immortal Emperor.

This is a huge improvement!

The virtual Guanyin was no match for Lin Lang, it was really bad in hard power.


outside world.

When Lin Lang opened the forbidden formation, a group of people had already surrounded him, including the forces behind Xu Guanyin.

Behind the growth of any genius, there is bound to be a big force to support, especially the predecessors like Xu Guanyin, who have been drawn into the royal camp early.

The power behind him is the Soul Eater.

"It turns out to be your Royal Highness, where is Xu Guanyin?"

One of the immortal emperors of the Soul Eater asked.

"He? Some ashes can still be found in the past." Yao Xi's face was cold, and no one dared to touch her in this one-third of the underworld.

But this does not mean that other people dare not put pressure on him. There are more than Raksha tribes in the underworld, and Yaoxi is not alone in Raksha.

If the situation at this time shows her half-heartedness, the cultivator of the Soul Eater will probably open her fangs. Although it is impossible to attack Yao Xi in full view, it is not an exaggeration to take the opportunity to blackmail the Raksha.

The surrounding Soul Eater Immortal Emperors were taken aback for a moment, but they also reacted quickly, and said coldly: "Princess Yaoxi, you kill people like this, is it because you are deceiving me that Soul Eater is not a master? Xu Guanyin usually treats you. It should be pretty good."

"All races have disputes with each other, and you don't need to use race to suppress me." Yao Xi smiled at the corner of her mouth and said, "It's better to say that Xu Guanyin was killed because he was fighting with me for a chance."

The faces of the immortal emperors of the Soul Eater tribe sank.

"I killed the people, you can come to me if you have any comments."

Lin Lang also faintly said. Yao Xi glanced at Lin Lang in surprise, but didn't expect that Lin Lang would take the initiative to stand up, watch the fire from the other side, and smile to see the dispute between the two major races of the underworld not fragrant?

"Since you admit that Xu Guanyin's hatred, then you can pay it back."

Several of the Soul Devourers' faces became cold, and they were about to make a move.

At this moment, a huge roar suddenly came from the world, as if something exploded.

Similarly, there are a lot of lines and textures around, and brown vines grow on the ground, with spikes with long and short nails on the top, exuding a gloomy atmosphere.

An immortal monk was standing in the same place, and the surrounding vines moved quickly, like sharp swords, shooting straight at the person's location in the distance.

"What the hell?"

The immortal monk didn't take it seriously. He waved his hand and cut out several fiery sword auras, slashing at the top of the vine one after another.

Huh huh!

The cold light flashed, and the vines broke.

But something even stranger appeared. These broken vine rhizomes fell on the ground and started to grow again. In a few blinks of an eye, they have grown to a height of several hundred meters, and then climbed into the air at a very fast speed.

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