Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1154: life experience

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The sea eye of nirvana finally ushered in a new group of monks, but at this time, this group of advents has become the elders of the major royal clans. Each of their cultivation bases is tyrannical, and they have all survived the catastrophe of the Seventh Dimension Society. The monk above.

This group of people did not come for the treasures and materials on the mainland, but for Dahei Mountain, for this crazy Taoist temple.

In the previous sixty years, the cultivators couldn't attack for a long time, they could only watch Dao Zang helplessly.

The news came back to the underworld, and the great royal clans and other forces quickly gathered together to discuss the excavation of the Great Black Mountain.

This is not simple, and it is not something that can be done with more people.

Therefore, the major forces have sent real masters, carrying various powerful semi-artifacts or forbidden weapons.

at this time.

Masters from all walks of life gathered near Dahei Mountain, and the ten great royal clans each occupied the top of the mountain, overlooking Dahei Mountain in the distance.

Lin Lang and the others returned soon after learning about it.

If the monks of all races can join hands to open the Dao Zang, they will indeed have a share.

The two of them stood on a small mountain in the extreme distance, and they had finished their renovations, only waiting for Dao Zang to open. Next, I am afraid that what is waiting for them will be an unprecedented fierce battle.

Time is short.

Several figures successively landed in front of Lin Lang and Lin Lang. Lin Lang didn't know these people, but Yao Xi was very familiar.

These five people are the three princes, the third princes, and the prince Taifu of the Raksha Kingdom. The other two Yao Xi do not know each other. One of them is a woman who looks quite enchanting, and the other is a fighter of the Shura clan. It should be a friend of the three princes, not a member of the Raksha tribe.

"Yao Xi, where have you been these days."

As soon as he saw Yao Xi, the third prince asked in such a questioning tone.

The three princes indeed inherited the fine traditions of men from the Shura tribe. They looked ugly and had poor skin. The craters looked like the surface of the moon.

"Such a big underworld, of course, it's five places to stroll around." Yao Xi said nonchalantly.

The third prince's face was slightly dark, and he harshly said: "Do you know how many resources are used to find your Raksha tribe these days."

"As a result, you are now mingling with a low-status kid. Do you want our Raksha family to become the laughing stock of the entire underworld?"

Yao Xi shrugged indifferently: "This is not your wishful thinking."

After Yaoxi's refutation, the third prince felt a little dull on his face, so he snorted coldly and said, "My father indulges you, but you, as a daughter of the Raksha clan, must pay attention to some influences. Don't continue to lose face. "

Finished talking.

The third prince snorted coldly, turned and left.

The prince who had never spoken from the beginning to the end also turned his head and glanced at Yao Xi faintly, and said: "I know you are good at planning, and you are favored by your father, but the Raksha clan is not you Yao Xi A word of speech."

"You do it yourself."

The figure of the big prince quickly disappeared from the horizon, and went to study Dao Zang matters with other foreign monks.

Lin Lang listened clearly, his eyes flickering.

The eldest prince and the third prince did not come out of their brother's spoiling of the younger sister, they only said these words, it seems that they came to find fault on purpose.

However, after thinking about it, Yao Xi was exclusively favored by the Emperor Raksha, and could even release part of the power of the Raksha tribe. As the elder brothers, the princes who will inherit the ruling Raksha Kingdom in the future, Yao Xi will indeed be targeted by them.

The princes had not yet flown away, and they started talking to each other.

The alien man smiled and said: "This is the rumored princess of the Raksha tribe. She is indeed a beautiful woman with a beautiful country and a hundred miles away."

The third prince sneered.

The expression of the prince is also unnatural.

"What princess, it's just a wild monkey without elders, and I don't know how to catch the father of the previous generation." The three princes snorted and said: "In the entire palace, only the father treats her as a treasure. ."


Needless to say, the ear power of the monk naturally, and the people present are all immortal emperor level characters, even the smallest voice can be clearly captured.

Lin Lang naturally heard all this and sighed inwardly. Even if Yao Xi is unique among the Raksha clan, she does not necessarily live comfortably in a real royal inner courtyard.


Lin Lang was also keenly aware of the meaning of the words of the two princes. Yao Xi's biological mother was not in the palace, or the two princes did not know Yao Xi's life experience.

Probably it was probably an affair between Emperor Rakshasa during the two Yuanhui, but the Emperor Rakshasa was extremely enamoured of that woman when he wanted to come, otherwise it would not be possible to favor Yaoxi too much.

Lin Lang quietly glanced at Yao Xi's expression subconsciously. Yao Xi's face was as usual, but she let out a heavy sigh.

Yes, even she herself hasn't figured out her life experience yet.

In just such a time, the great powers of the underworld in front have gathered together to discuss how to attack Dao Zang.

For the major forces, the ownership of this continent is bound to be impossible to monopolize, but the Dao Zang is different. If anyone can enter the Dao Zang first, the corresponding one can also get the greatest opportunity.

at this time.

In the distance, a graceful figure flew from a distance, curling down in front of Lin Lang and Yao Xi. This person is a human woman, dressed in linen, long hair and shawl, can't hide her hot figure.


Yao Xi's eyes lit up. This woman is an odd woman of the Raksha tribe who is below one person and above the 10,000 people, the master of the Raksha Kingdom, and the master of Guigua.

On weekdays, Gui Gua Master and Yao Xi had good personal relationships, and they even regarded each other as sisters. A few days ago, it was also the Master Gui Gua who left three great tips for Yao Xi, and he expected all Lin Lang's whereabouts.

"Is it here to rescue Yao Xi?"

Lin Lang's face also became more solemn, and he could perceive that the Guigua Master's cultivation level was quite good, which was far different from other monks.

It seems that Master Gui Gua looked back at Lin Lang, and all the secrets in him would be clearly understood. More than that, her cultivation strength is also quite terrifying.

"How's my little sister doing?"

Master Guigua asked with a smile.

"Thanks to my sister, it's not getting better these days." Yaoxi's face has darkened a lot. She still remembers the third kit given to her by Master Gui Gu, which not only made Yaoxi jailed and caught by Lin Lang. live.

In the end, she even persuaded her to admit her fate.

Is there such a black belly sister!

"My little girl is still angry with my sister." Master Gui Gua covered her mouth and chuckled, then turned around and glanced at Lin Lang, and said: "But then again, this Lin Youye is really a talent, and she matches her sister very well. ."

Yao Xi's face was even darker.

Lin Lang only felt that the secrets in his body would have to be penetrated, subconsciously brewing up his cultivation base, and started killing people if he didn't agree with him.

This kind of mutual restraint relationship between him and Yao Xi was actually caused by the Gui Gua Master, and more importantly, the Gui Gua Master had anticipated this ending long before the two met.

Faced with a strange woman who had a great destiny, Lin Lang had no choice but to prevent it from being calculated into a trap anytime.

But his worries were unnecessary, and Master Gui Gu didn't mean to rescue Yao Xi at all. She turned around and said, "I will leave my sister to you from now on, treat her well."

Finished talking.

The Guigua Master floated up in the air, and went to discuss with the senior officials of other great royal families to open up the Dao Zang matter.

Lin Lang was also stunned. The Gui Gua Master didn't come forward to understand and save Yao Xi, it was more like a look at him.

What the **** is this?

In the next few days.

After careful discussion and calculation, the senior officials of the major royal families finally set a date for attacking Dahei Mountain.

On this day, thunder and lightning flashed over Dahei Mountain, and huge sonic booms were endless.

The great royal clans also used their hole cards one after another, and various powerful forbidden weapons and semi-sacred weapons appeared one after another. Those who were in charge of these treasures were also the Seven Tribulations, or even the Immortal Monks above the Eight Tribulations.

Randomly picked out a super strong who is shocking the ancient and the modern.

If it is outside, I am afraid that dozens of star fields will be destroyed as a result.

Fortunately, here is the Styx, the Heaven and Earth Avenue is incomplete, and the energy is not so terrifying to spread.

If such a group of people are placed in the underworld, they can completely flatten any forces other than the top ten royal clans.

The sky is full of visions, the river is surging, and the surrounding area has turned into a terrifying little world of energy. Although it is not possible to fully bloom and leak to the outside world, it is not difficult to see from the materialized cloud formed by the energy that at this time, even if the Seven Tribulations Immortal Emperor approaches Dahei Mountain, he will die.


The result of so many powerful shots at the same time, but Daheishan remained untouched.

If there is any change, I am afraid that with every shot of everyone, Dahei Mountain will fly out an unknown number of heavy treasures. Among them are the magic canon, but also imperial and semi-sacred tools.

What is Taoism?

The source of the existence of the Dao has been able to communicate with the heaven and the earth since its birth, but everything that exists in the world can be found in the Dao.

This is the most jealous part of Taoism!

The first attack of the people ended in failure for the time being, but this did not prevent them from obtaining the treasures leaked from the Taoist.

The good times didn't last long, and with the evacuation of the top masters in front, there were no more treasures in Dahei Mountain.

"It seems that we can only use this method to slowly kill the Dao Zang, let the monks of our respective subordinates come over, and the treasures of the opportunity will be safe." An Eight Tribulations Immortal Emperor of the Yan Luo clan said.

Since Dao Zang cannot be opened, this is the only way to obtain Tao Zang treasures.

The forces quickly reached an agreement, and after the gathering of personnel was completed, they launched a second attack on Daheishan.

The Great Black Mountain is full of waves, and under countless energy fluctuations, it has evolved into a forbidden area.

There were many immortal monks flying in the surrounding sky, and every time the Great Black Mountain erupted, these people flew in all directions to seize opportunities.

"Go here."

Lin Lang and Yao Xi almost spoke in unison.

They all practiced Ziyan Divine Eyes and were proficient in the upper and lower parts of their supernatural powers, so they predicted the next place where the Taoist eruption would erupt.

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