Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1131: Stygian Guardian Beast

at this time.

Lin Lang took a step forward, the light in his hand was like a pillar, and a blow was falling on the back of the guardian deity of the Styx. With just one blow, the guardian beast of the Styx crawled and threw it away.

That is, the skin of the guardian of the Styx is thick and thick. If you change to someone else, you will be seriously injured by this blow.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Lang bullied himself up, and the shadow of the fist in his hand fell like dense raindrops.

In Lin Lang's sea of ​​consciousness, countless heavenly paths led thunder down, almost turning his entire sea of ​​consciousness into a terrifying thunder pond.

Electricity surged, and the terrifying power of heaven swept down.

However, the ghost emperor Napo was suppressed by the two treasures, and it became extremely difficult to even move the soul. A series of heavenly silver thunders, like countless sharp daggers, continuously cut meat on the ghost emperor.


The latter cannot resist.

"Grab the spirit sword and devour his will."

Lin Lang used the power of the Snake Spirit Sword to begin to eat away at the soul body of the ghost emperor Napo. The Soul Snatching Sword was originally a semi-sacred tool that was infinitely close to the real artifact. The Lord swallowed it, and it had a great effect on the cultivator's soul.

"Damn you!"

Until this time, the ghost emperor Napo finally realized that the little devil had the same power as him. This power did not originate from the cultivation base, but was terrifying trump cards!

If you don't handle it well, I'm afraid he will have to fold here today!

"Okay, it turns out that the three of you guys joined hands to plot against the old man."

The ghost emperor Napo was full of resentment, and the spirit-snatching sword belonged to the immortal cultivator Lin Youye. Counting the little demon in front of him, how could he not understand that the two had already joined hands.

at this time.

Even Raksha princess Yaoxi was hated by Napo Guidi.

And a Seven Tribulations Ghost Emperor really recovered, and his desperate power was even more terrifying.

at this time.

In the roar of the ghost emperor Dapo, a series of terrifying magical powers burst out in an instant, almost capable of destroying the heavens and the earth. If it were not for two treasures, I am afraid that Lin Lang would have been "fragile" in the sea of ​​consciousness. The space was shattered.

"To this day, do you still want to struggle?"

Lin Lang even embedded a corner of the Immortal Gate Order. Suddenly, a vast expanse of prestige swept across the entire sea of ​​knowledge space, including Lin Lang's deity, was also enveloped by this terrifying emperor prestige.

"This is... the breath of the Great!"

The ghost emperor Napo only felt that his breathing was stagnant. Under this absolute difference in life level, he directly crushed all his will to resist.

You can't even passively counterattack.

Lin Lang's endless trump cards, each of them is enough to shock the world, but they all act on the same person.

Even the Seven Tribulations Ghost Emperor would only end up passively being beaten.

What Napo Guidi didn't even expect was Lin Lang's own cultivation.

at this time.

Lin Lang's two souls blended with each other, blooming out of power far surpassing the Five Tribulations Immortal Emperor, and even chasing the Six Tribulations Immortal Emperor.

"You still hide your cultivation base?"

Da Po Guidi's breathing was stagnant, but his eyes were full of incredible.

"No, it's impossible!"

"How can a cultivator who has just entered the realm of the Immortal Emperor possess the power of a spirit comparable to that of the Six Tribulations Immortal Emperor!"

Even though there are doubts in his heart, he has no room for thinking.

He prepared for a long time, however, this cooked duck showed a dragon-like cultivation, and all his preparations were frustrated.

"Where my body is, it is light."

Lin Lang's soul sits on the platform, doing two purposes with one heart, and stabilizes his mind with the Taoism circulating in his heart, holding the yuan and keeping one. On the other side, he chanted Buddhist scriptures, and worked with various magic weapons to suppress the ghost emperor Napo.

In contrast, the Demon Dao clone is much more domineering, directly using dark power to invade the spirit of Dapo Guidi.

When the power of darkness enters the body, the soul will become extremely filthy. It could use ten points of power, but now it can only use three points.

"Darkness and light, nature and silence, and the Great Avenue of Five Elements." Even though Da Po Guidi was unwilling in his heart, he could only sigh deeply after all: "I am not wronged!"

Lin Lang's soul entered the master, and successively extinguished all the autonomous consciousness in the mind of the ghost emperor Napo. What Lin Lang wanted was not to kill the ghost emperor Napo, but to tame the latter into his own hole card.

A strong man at the level of the Seven Tribulations Ghost Emperor came to be his thug, as long as those ancient old monsters did not show up, basically no one in the world could threaten Lin Lang.

Death is imminent.

The ghost emperor Napo finally realized something in his heart: "It turns out that Lin Youye in the fairy world and the little demon in the underworld are the same person. After all, I look down on you too much."

It's too late to say anything now, and the last bit of self-consciousness of the ghost emperor Napo has been completely refined by Lin Lang. Such a great power of seven Yuanhui that crosses the fairy world, the last ray of light of life also disappears.


A figure with a deep breath standing beside Lin Lang neatly, although the wise light had been lost in his eyes, it looked a bit like a sluggish string puppet, but no one dared to ignore it.

A Seven Tribulations Ghost Emperor, even though he has lost the consciousness of autonomous action, his combat instinct can still kill most of the Six Tribulations Immortal Emperor.


This line.

Lin Lang has gained the most, not only to resolve the crisis of the Demon Dao clone, but also to capture the little princess of the Raksha clan and Yao Xi who has repeatedly calculated Lin Lang's deity.

For the rest, as long as he returns to the immortal realm, all problems will be solved after Yao Xi is killed.

With the disappearance of Princess Yaoxi and several retinues, the entire Rakshasa clan was also anxious at this time. The Rakshasa emperor personally ordered that all entrances to the immortal world were blocked and every monk entering and leaving was strictly investigated.

at this time.

Almost the power of the entire Raksha tribe was activated to trace Lin Youye and Princess Raksha.

Princess Raksha disappeared in the Ghost King City, and one of the others who disappeared was Napo Guidi and Lin Youye. It is not difficult to think that this matter must be related to both of them. Some people even guess that the ghost emperor Napo and the monks in the fairy world secretly colluded and took away the princess of the Raksha tribe.

But anyway.

The entrance to the immortal realm is impassable, and no one can enter or leave the two realms except for the legions that rush to the immortal realm. Similarly, when Lin Lang came, the road leading directly to the Nine Regions Sky City was also blocked.

Want to leave the underworld and return to the immortal world, at this time there is no way to go.

"However, I may still have a way to try."

Lin Lang's heart moved.

If he remembers correctly, there is a heavenly road from Emperor Linxing to the immortal world, and this is also the way Lin Lang came to the immortal world.


Lin Lang saw several branch roads at the end of the Heavenly Road. According to the monk who was suspected of Slaughter the God Emperor, there are four small worlds connected at the end of the Heavenly Road, namely, the Immortal Realm, the Underworld, the Dao Realm, and Buddha realm.

In these four places, only the fairy world and the underworld are truly complete worlds, and the Taoist world and the Buddha world have just opened up prototypes, and the road ahead is bumpy.

The place where the Heavenly Road connects to the Underworld is also the depths of the Styx, where the Underworld is located.

"Maybe I can take this road back to the fairy world."

Lin Lang pondered for a moment, and he already had a decision in his heart.

The end of the Styx River should be able to lead to the immortal world. Walking along this road will save Lin Lang and the Raksha clan masters head-on.

After having a goal in his mind, Lin Lang also set off immediately, heading to the vicinity of the Ming River Basin.


After about half a day.

Lin Lang's figure descended near a wide river. In front of him, a turbulent river rushed to the distance, unable to discern the source of this long river.

What is even more bizarre is.

This wide river is not attached to the ground, but hangs upside down in the air. The water surface is close to the sky and the space of the earth is under the sky. It looks more like the reversal of the universe, and the space is reversed, which is very strange.

Near the river, it was shrouded in a layer of gray mist, unable to discern the direction of the river, and only the sound of the surging waves was heard.

Surrounded by strong spirit power, ghosts were constantly crawling out of the river, empty eyes moving around, familiarizing themselves with this strange world.

"Is this the Styx."

Lin Lang also looked at this endless river, feeling full of emotion in his heart.

A Styx runs through the entire underworld, allowing creatures to conceive, and most of the creatures in the underworld can get the nourishment of the breath of the river.

Perhaps the unique spirit of the underworld is related to this.

As Lin Lang approached the Styx, many sentiments appeared in his heart, as if a mysterious mood was covering Lin Lang's soul.

That is the breath of reincarnation.

"Perhaps you should really bring Wudaozi to Styghe to see." Lin Lang gently shook his head, of course, he was just feeling it.

Wudaozi, as a great power before the Yuanhui, has spent his entire life doing research on Samsara. Naturally, it is impossible to have never been to Styx. Perhaps Wudaozi in the depths of Styx has been there.

However, what kind of bottleneck Wu Daozi encountered in his own research, unexpectedly he deeply questioned the existence of reincarnation.


Right now.

A winding Styx does not know where it leads, and there are still some underworld monks around who are constantly exploring along the upper reaches of the Styx.

They came for the inheritance of Pluto.

As one of the eight detached persons in the world, Pluto has survived countless years from the age of the king to modern times. The strength of such a character is naturally beyond doubt.

Pluto is still alive in the world, and being accepted as a disciple by him is almost the strongest shelter in the world. With such a background, who would dare to provoke it easily?

I am afraid that even these masters in this world dare not speak lightly to move a master disciple. Annihilating the family at every turn, no one can afford the price.

Lin Lang didn't have much interest in this so-called disciple of the Pluto. To some extent, he was already the inheritor of the Hongmeng Sans. In that respect, it is not suitable to worship under the Pluto.


The depths of the Styx River can trespass, not just to leave the underworld, Lin Lang's other purpose is to go to the depths of the Styx River, where there are not only rich opportunities, legend, there is also a place closest to the Xinghai.

The deity of Lin Lang cultivated the Tao of the World, and he has now condensed a unique Tianxin. He wants to go further and reach the Consummation of the Soul Planet, but it is still much worse.

Taking the current practice of Lin Lang's practice, he can find a planet at will as his natal star, because the world is all-encompassing, and any kind of avenue can perfectly fit himself.

But from another perspective.

Similarly, no single soul planet can perfectly fit Lin Lang. A soul planet can only meet Lin Lang's unilateral needs, but what Lin Lang wants is not to cultivate a certain single avenue to the extreme.

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