Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1130: Legend of Styx

But from another perspective.

Similarly, no single soul planet can perfectly fit Lin Lang. A soul planet can only meet Lin Lang's unilateral needs, but what Lin Lang wants is not to cultivate a certain single avenue to the extreme.

What he wants is that all the great avenues he cultivates will be transformed into Dao principles, even the rules of the universe. Under such a premise, Lin Lang must condense as many soul planets as possible, and each one must entrust a great power.

Only in this way can he reach the strongest state in his mind.

at this time.

There have been many monks gathered near the Styx, and they rarely communicate with each other, rushing to the upper reaches of the Styx at the fastest speed.

These people are all here for Pluto's choice of disciples, and every minute, every second is precious to them.

of course.

Pluto only announced that he will accept an apprentice in the near future, but the specific speed of the progress in the Styx is still capable of walking to the deepest part of the Styx, or the best performance. These considerations are not known to everyone.

But even so, there is still a large group of underworld monks rushing, most of them are in the realm of immortal kings, and the rest are all immortal emperors.

Compared with the outside world, the Styx River Basin is extremely dangerous. It is said that it is the fairy king, even if the fairy emperor is very likely to fall, as for the true fairy realm cultivator even close to the Styx River is a problem.

Therefore, except for a group of immortal monks who plan to try their luck, most of them are genuine immortal emperors.

For some people, it is already a bottleneck period when they cultivate to the realm of the immortal emperor. If they want to survive the eternal catastrophe of a Yuanhui, they can only seek guidance and protection from the Pluto.


Worshiping under a detached person, even for the immortal emperor who has been famous for a long time, it is quite a glorious thing.

On the way forward, Lin Lang also saw many immortal emperors from all races in the underworld, including ghost kings, monks of the Yama tribe, warriors of the Shura tribe, and so on.

However, these people generally can't be considered outstanding. Most of them are newly born immortal emperors in the Yuanhui. This level of cultivation is not too threatening to Lin Lang.

Moreover, Lin Lang was also on his way, but he didn't care about these immortal emperors of the underworld. After flying for about half a month, the number of Underworld Immortal Emperors who appeared beside Lin Lang gradually increased.

The area where he had just passed by was the intersection of several surrounding rivers, and the powerful underworld from several directions also gathered here.

When I got here, it wasn't that the universe was turned upside down anymore, and the Styx returned to its normal state. In front of it was a winding and wide river with no end in sight.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a river, but it is actually called the ocean.

Everyone was flying over the Styx, and there was no end in sight on both sides. This was the real starting point of the Styx. As for the others, it was just a tributary of the Styx at best.

Lin Lang landed from the sky, his horns stepped on the water.

At this time.

Abnormal changes occur suddenly.

Suddenly a scream came from Lin Lang's feet, and then a burst of green smoke appeared, and a gruesome face appeared out of thin air, staring at Lin Lang full of spite.

"Where is the evildoer."

Lin Lang was confused by this sudden change, and immediately counterattacked. A magical power spurted from his fingertips, instantly crushing the owner of this face.

This is an incomplete soul, or called a true soul, but the purest soul body, without much attack ability.

"The legends of Styx are true. It turns out that Styx can indeed entrust the spirits and produce a steady stream of ghost repairs." Lin Lang thoughtfully.

"This is how you are ignorant, deity."

A contemptuous voice came from Lin Lang's sea of ​​knowledge.

Little Demon Venerable said lightly: "Styx is the birthplace of all creatures and souls. The so-called ghost repair is just that all their memories and cultivation are erased after entering the Styx."

"Living such a heavy life has changed into a new ghost repair."

Little Mozun has also stayed in the underworld for hundreds of years, so he is naturally clear about this knowledge. He continued: "The laws of Styx, which may also be called strict rules, also possess the power that cannot be resisted. Even if they dominate, even the emperor cannot break free."

"Like the Di Luotian you met before, he was probably the soul after entering the Styx, and with some special means, he was lucky to retain the memory of the soul."

"Of course, that's all, that's all, his earth-shattering cultivation base was also washed away by the power of Styx."

Lin Lang couldn't help taking a breath after hearing this.

Emperor Luotian, in his previous life, he was in the realm of the Great Emperor, who had survived the catastrophe of the entire ten-dimensional society. However, such a great power can only be called "lucky" out of the cycle of Styx.

Even the emperor's cultivation base can be transformed, so how terrifying is the assimilation power of Styx? I'm afraid it's the Dao rule equivalent to the power of heaven!

If this were not the case, it is impossible for Emperor Luotian alone to live out the second life reincarnation from ancient times to the present, and the other eight great emperors would have long been immortal.

"Hmph, my deity, you have a lot to learn." The little demon held his shoulders proudly.

"You just landed directly on the surface of the Styx River, and with such a careless kick, you trampled on a creature who was going to reincarnation. How could he not resent you?"

"That's it!"

Lin Lang suddenly realized that most of the monks around were flying in the air, because they were worried about suffering unnecessary cause and effect.

"It's because your kid is lucky. It's okay to step on some reincarnation souls here, but if you dare to step on the Styx after this side, I'm sure it will send you directly to reincarnation." The little demon sneered. .

The power of Stygian's rules is extremely terrifying, and in some special sections, it can even directly pull the monks in the sky into reincarnation. Such a price, but few people can afford it!


After Lin Lang figured this out, he didn't hesitate anymore, and directly controlled Shenhong to fly into the sky.

But at this moment.

The water of the Styx River under Lin Lang's feet suddenly exploded, and a huge beast with an abominable face emerged from the Styx.

It's just a head, but it's the size of an island.

God knows how big this monster is hiding in the Styx.

"This guy is going to be miserable. He dared to step on the Styx, and shocked the guardian beasts of the Styx. He was afraid to be chased to death before he would give up."

"Oh my god, it turns out that the guardian beast of the Styx really exists. I always thought it was a legend."

The immortal emperor of the underworld in the surrounding sky talked a lot.

Such legends have indeed been circulated in the underworld. Styx is not only shrouded in terrifying regular power, but also a group of guardian beasts with extremely terrifying strength.

If someone dared to offend Styx, these guardian beasts would appear and kill the offender.

It is even more rumored that the guardian beasts of the Styx are nurtured by the king. They do not go through reincarnation, their strength can grow infinitely, and each of them is extremely terrifying.

The most important thing is that this creature has a long life.

Of course, these are just rumors, and some of them are true and false, and only the parties themselves know.

Lin Lang's eyes condensed, his divine consciousness was also locked on this guardian beast. The latter is extraordinary in strength, and should have the fighting power around the Five Tribulations Immortal Emperor.

Although Lin Lang is not afraid of this level of guardian beast, but at this moment, he does not want to expose his strength too much. Exposing strength means exposing identity.

So it is best to avoid the fight.

at this time.

Lin Lang's figure flashed, and after a few breaths he flew to the height of the Styx, a distance of tens of kilometers from the guardian beast.


However, the guardian beast did not give up because of this, its body quickly surfaced, and at this time, his whole picture was completely revealed in front of everyone.

This is a single horn with a first-born square shape. Its face is densely covered with eyes, and its body resembles a snapping turtle. The back is covered with heavy armor, just like a mountain.

The body shape is at least tens of thousands of miles in length.

Regardless of its size, it does not slow down in action. Its short tail slapped Styx, and the river splashed several kilometers in height, only rushing towards the forest.

Strangely, Lin Lang's foot stepping on the Stygian River would alarm the creatures and spirits in it, but this snapping turtle made such a big movement, it didn't alarm a ghost.

at this time.

The sky was cast with a shadow, and the huge Styx Guardian Beast flew in mid-air and directly hit Lin Lang, with an incredible speed.

"Don't worry about it."

Lin Lang's figure flashed, tearing the space apart, and when he reappeared, he was already behind the guardian beast of the Styx.

It rushed into nothing, and it seemed that the emotions became violent. It turned its head, and countless sharp cold lights shot out from the dense eyes on its face.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, countless holes were punched in the sky by these light beams, and the light swept away, attacking Lin Lang's location indiscriminately. Each one is a terrifying energy technique that can penetrate the immortal monk.

Lin Lang snorted coldly.

This level of attack could not help him.

He gently raised his hand, and a thick earth wall appeared in front of him, stopping all magical attacks. At the same time, Lin Lang's footsteps were vain, and he had already come to another direction within a few steps.

A five-element sword aura exploded from his hand, and the sword aura raged across, and hit the tortoise shell of the guardian beast of the Styx.


Lin Lang underestimated the defensive power of the Styx Guardian Beast, even if it was the Five Elements Sword Qi, it only left a wound tens of meters deep on the latter.

For its size, it is simply skin trauma.

"So defensive?"

Lin Lang was also taken aback. Changing to an ordinary Five Tribulations Immortal Emperor, he was afraid that this move would be able to damage him, but falling on the Styx Guardian Beast did not have much effect.

This defense is really terrifying!

The guardian beast of the Styx quickly turned around in the air and pounced on Lin Lang once again.

"Beast, you are looking for death!"

Lin Lang's eyes suddenly chilled. Originally, he planned to stay a little bit affectionate. One was that it was not appropriate to hit Pluto's pet in Styx, and the other did not want to expose his cultivation.

But now that the face is given, this turtle is still aggressive, then don't blame him for making his shots so hard, he won't give face to the old Hades!

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