This BMW was recently assigned to Wang Hai by Wang Lifeng. At this time, he took out to humiliate Lin Lang on one hand, and more importantly, wanted to show off in front of relatives.

Sure enough, all the juniors from the Wang family except Wang Wen were attracted by the car keys and looked at Wang Hai with envy. Although the other party was only a BMW three series, it also had a market value of 300,000 to 400,000. There is such a car in the age group, which is not available to ordinary rich people.

"Bet with me? A small BMW is not enough." Lin Lang shook his head.

"Oh? What do you think we should bet on?"

Wang Wen looked at him with a smile, and looked at Lin Lang with a smile, instead of seeing each other for years, it became more and more funny.

"You don't have much money, so let's lower our bet and bet ten BMWs." Lin Lang said lightly.

The sound dropped, and there was another uproar in the room.

A BMW three series will cost more than 300,000, how many are ten, three or four million! This is an astronomical number in their minds.

See if you have no money and bet three or four million? This is thinking about money and going crazy, is it nonsense?

Surprisingly, Wang Wen agreed to this amazing gamble: "Okay, I bet on you, ten cars!"

Wang Wen looked at Lin Lang with a sarcastic look. Anyway, he never thought he would lose. What if he could play with him, and then hesitated, and said, "I've made the bet, what about you? "

Hearing that the descendants of the Wang family looked at Lin Lang with interest.

This bet is made by you, and you will never hit yourself at this time. To be honest, they don't believe that Lin Lang can get the same amount of bets. After all, everyone knows how Wang Xiaomei's family is mixed. It's hard to say 100,000 people.

Wang Wen also looked at Lin Lang, hoping to see something on the other side's face, such as embarrassment, shame and anger. But he didn't, he didn't notice a little change in the opponent's face, even a little.

Wang Hai was also sneering, letting you support me with my face. This time I hit you, you will lose all your body.

At this time, even Wang Tingting felt Lin Lang's embarrassing situation. At this time, he pulled La Linlang's arm and said softly: "Lin Lang, don't gamble with him, he deliberately pitted you, we are not fooled."

Hearing that, Wang Hai stared at Wang Tingting fiercely, thinking that you stinky girl eating and eating outside, did you forget what your last name was.

However, Lin Lang didn't seem to listen to the advice. He fumbled from his wallet, and then patted a card on the table: "I don't have a car key, but I use this to gamble with you."

A plain black card is in sharp contrast to the sleek BMW.

"What kind of shit, you want to gamble with hundreds of thousands of pieces of blackened and torn paper? Isn't gold worth the price?" A young man from the Wang family sarcastically said.

"Even if you can't get the equivalent amount, that tens of thousands of dollars will mean it. Is it a fool to take this shit?"

Others also sneered. It seemed that Lin Lang was desperate to show his face, and he took out something as a national treasure to show them. Often, this kind of person who has no ability but stays dead is the most fancy.

"Can't recognize it? Then you really don't deserve to bet with me." Lin Lang said lightly.

Talking, Lin Lang will take back the black card.

"do not move!"

Wang Hai suddenly reached out, for fear of Lin Lang holding back the black card, "I bet with you, let's bet on this black card."


What the hell?

The juniors of the Wang family ca n’t see what ’s happening. So, what is this doing? Is n’t Lin Lang dead?

On the side, there was a little bit of annoyance, and he came to Wang Wen and asked his voice in a low voice. "Wen, what is the origin of this card?"

Wang Wen also came back from the shock at the beginning, took a deep breath, and said, "This is a black card. At first, it was initiated by dozens of Nanliao provincial figures and UnionPay. It was only real gold and silver circulating in the upper society. "

"A total of less than a hundred such black cards were issued, with quotas ranging from one million to ten million." Wang Wen Shensheng explained.

"Don't regret it, let's bet on this."

Wang Hai was also wondering. His father opened his eyes to do business, and he happened to have seen such a black card, but this thing is rarer than a beautiful woman who does not play with hyaluronic acid. He doesn't understand how it would appear in Lin Lang somehow. Hands.

But his intuition told him that this black card must not have been obtained through serious channels, nor must he be from Lin Lang. Perhaps this is also a kind of psychological suggestion. Who made him think that the poor thinking of the Lin Lang family has been deeply entrenched?

This farce was over soon, and even if this bet was honored, it was not now, so this matter was quickly suppressed.

A group of juniors from the Wang family got together. Most of the girls talked about brand-name bags, perfumes and the like. The boys naturally pretended to look mature and talked about the events that happened in Nanliao Province.

First and foremost, it is natural that Lin Shenyi is the most influential figure. The medical exchange meeting will be held in Linhai City, and it will naturally have the greatest impact on young people in Linhai City.

"I heard people say that Lin Shenyi appeared at the time of Yueyue's party. I can't imagine how good a person who is about our age should be," Wang Tingting admired.

"Yeah, now the name Lin Shenyi not only affects the upper-level big brothers, even if our younger generations have been affected a lot, marrying Lin Shenyi is regarded as a trend." Wang Hai was sour, I couldn't help but think of the ex-girlfriend who had just dumped him, and the reason for that peculiar breakup was that I wanted to marry Lin Shenyi.

With this in mind, Wang Hai has the urge to scold Lin Shenyi for a meal, but what can be done, even if he is eloquent, he cannot change the excellent fact of others.

"Since the Yueyue meeting, Lin Shenyi has indeed been called a giant in Nanliao Province. No one will refute the first person named Nanliao."

Wang Wen also nodded solemnly, his words were always seen for a while and won everyone's approval.

"I don't want to marry Lin Shenyi. I will be satisfied when I have the chance to meet him." Wang Tingting held her chest and punched, looking very expectant.

Lin Lang couldn't help but smile. If he wanted to marry, he would n’t know who was fired by the topic of Lin Shenyi. In the end, he even went to V blog to search. He knew this.

He smiled and rolled up Wang Tingting's green silk with his big hand: "No matter how good Lin Shenyi is, maybe he is just an ordinary person."

"No." Wang Tingting pursed her cherry mouth, blinked Lin Lang with her eyes, and said quietly, "He is my male **** ..."

"Earth, how could Lin Lin, the famous Zhennan Liao, be an ordinary person? Don't talk about money and knowledge, just talking about his connections is not what you can imagine."

Wang Hai sneered in his heart, but did not speak, he would not refute for a "love enemy".

Although Wang Wen didn't say anything, he has undoubtedly lowered Lin Lang's knowledge by a notch.

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