Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 109: Do you take Sichuan University?

The Wang family is looking at Lin Lang with the look of a lunatic. Why is this child crazy? Jiang's group is complicated inside, even the shareholders' meetings are not often held, because Jiang Dafeng has absolute power to control.

But this kid just said he wanted to grab it?

More exaggerated is still behind, three years mayor, five years governor, you think the official is to drink boiled water, you can drink a fat in one bite.

As a deputy director, Wang Jinglun knows better than anyone. Every step in this career path requires not only seniority, but also more important connections. Now he is faintly struggling with the help of Father Wang.

Thinking of this, Wang Jinglun couldn't help smirking. The children of the three sisters' families were too little educated, and even the most basic common sense had not been inculcated.

"Adult speak, what is your child's mouth?" Wang Jinglun snorted coldly, and the impression on the child was extremely poor.

Others looked a little lighter towards the Lin Lang family. The child ’s teaching is inseparable from the parents. In a sense, the child ’s virtue reflects the three perspectives of the parent, but now it seems that the child can With education like this, how much knowledge can parents have.

Feeling the strange eyes of others, Wang Xiaomei's face was also a little bit hot, and what his son said could be fully remembered on them.

At this moment she glared at Lin Lang and pulled Lin Lang, who was about to speak, aside.

At this time, the old lady also came out to round the field and pointed Lin Lang downstairs, and said, "Xiao Lang, your brother and sister are all downstairs. I haven't seen them for so many years. Go and tell them the old."

Lin Lang nodded.


Downstairs are a group of energetic young men and women. In fact, this is not necessarily the case. Some of them are already Ben San people, and there are teenage girls in their early teens, but this does not hinder their communication. The joy and joy were filled with joy.

These people are the third generation of the Wang family.

"Who is this little brother?" The girl wrapped in a lollipop looked at Lin Lang who came in, blinked.

Others also set their sights on Lin Lang, full of confusion. They remembered this man's first appearance in the Wang family.

No wonder, Lin Lang was only six or seven years old when he left the Wang family, and it was more than ten years old. Unless the relationship is very deep, it is impossible to recognize it.

"You are?" Wang Wen asked.

Lin Lang's eyes swept across the young people in the house, many of whom knew him as a child.

The Wang Wen who just spoke is the child of the family of Wang Jinglun, who is also the oldest in the audience. Perhaps he inherited his father's gene, a suit and leather shoes, and Sven, it was he who started working early. symbols of.

Next to him is Wang Hai. The children of Eryi's family are only two years older than Lin Lang. He has been arrogant since he was a child. He has very little dealing with Lin Lang.

Then someone suddenly exclaimed:

"You are brother Lin Lang!"

Talking is a young girl who is almost the same age as Lin Lang. The girl showed a smile and jumped up to hug Lin Lang.

"I haven't seen it for so many years, Tingting has grown into a big girl." Lin Lang petted a smile and gently shaved the tip of the girl's nose.

In this impersonal family, the only thing Lin Lang could care about was the grandmother and Tingting. He still remembers that little boy who called his brother behind his butt.

In a dozen years, the old snot baby has now become a slim and big girl.

"Brother, I'm not a kid anymore, you still pinch my nose." Wang Tingting opened her teeth to make a fierce look.

This scene fell in the eyes of the young people around Wang Wen, but it made him feel a jealousy in his eyes. His sister is not as close to Lin Lang as he is.

"Isn't this Lin Dashao, ten years apart, I didn't expect to see you again."

"Oh yes, remember, your parents have recently been promoted to manager, congratulations." Wang Hai said queerly.

Lin Lang glanced faintly at Wang Hai, and this guy was as annoying as ever.

"I said so familiar, it turned out to be Brother Lin."

Wang Wen smiled, but he has grown a lot compared to when he was a kid. Every sentence he spoke has a formal and official tone, presumably it was not influenced by his father.

"Come and come. Everyone is their own family. Don't be restrained."

Wang Wen greeted with a smile. Although he showed a warm look, his eyes flashed a slight contempt.

Disliked, this is probably why he is more mature than these little farts.

As soon as Lin Lang appeared, Wang Wen naturally led the topic to him.

After Lala ’s family, Wang Wen also casually asked Lin Lang a few words about his current situation.

"My brother is about the same age as Tingting, presumably he will be admitted to college soon?"

Lin Lang nodded.

"In a blink of an eye, a few of you are going to take college exams. Think of me having graduated almost ten years ago." Wang Wen sighed and said, "The education level of Nanliao Province is relatively poor in the country, and the ability is the best. Still have to go to other provinces to test. "

"I don't know which school my brother intends to take?"

Lin Lang thought about it and replied, "It should be Sichuan University."

In the previous life, he always wanted to be admitted to Sichuan University, but only half of it was achieved later. He successfully entered the university's affiliated college, a three school.

Later, he himself realized the importance of his education. The university was angry for four years and finally successfully entered the campus of Sichuan University as a graduate student. It was there that he met the girl who almost became his fiancee.

In this life, he will realize his ideal again.

Hearing, sucking air-conditioning around.

Chuanshu University, which is the country's 985 university, has only a worse domestic influence than Huaqing Fudan. Such a school requires real learning and practical knowledge, and it is basically impossible to go up with money.

Wang Wen was also embarrassed, and soon calmed down again, jokingly: "My little brother's goal is not small, waiting for you to enter Sichuan University, but it is my school brother."

Wang Wen's alma mater is Chuan Shu University, which is also the highest in all juniors in the Wang family in recent years. This is also the proud capital that Wang Wen can faintly lead among the juniors.

At this time, a dissonant voice sounded: "He is also worthy of Sichuan University?"

Wang Hai sneered: "Chuanshu University ranks among the top ten in the nation's famous universities and has high requirements for enrollment. As far as I know, the number of hands in Linhai City that has been admitted to Chuanshu University in the past five years is not more than hands. Brother Wen is one of them. "

"At that time, Wenge was the champion of Linhai City, and his overall score was not much worse than that of the provincial champion. I would like to ask, what is your grade in your school and have you passed the first?"

Lin Lang laughed in his heart, and the dreadful night fairy king still needed grades to go to college? Even now he makes a phone call and countless people help arrange it.

Laughing, Lin Lang shook his head.

"I haven't taken the first test, so you're in the top ten?" Wang Hai sneered, and mocked even more.

Lin Lang shook his head. His high school performance did not reach that level.

"What about the first hundred?"

Lin Lang still shook his head.

After listening to it, Wang Hai almost laughed, as if he heard the biggest joke since the beginning of the year, a trash that couldn't even enter more than a hundred in front of the school, and wanted to rely on Sichuan University?

Isn't it hard to take a second copy?

Others also laughed. At this level, they also deliberately wanted to enter the prestigious university. I am afraid that one of them can pick up Lin Lang casually. Of course, except for Wang Hai, because his father had already planned for him. In the future, when it ’s time to go to the university to plate a gold, and then inherit the family business.

It's not that easy to say.

"Hahaha, you can tease me."

Wang Hai couldn't stop laughing, and finally, after feeling that his stomach was laughing, he stopped slowly and said, "As long as you get admitted to Sichuan University, I can enter Harvard Oxford."

"If you can be admitted to Sichuan University, I will give you this BMW."

Then, Wang Hai drew a bunch of keys from his pocket and shook them in front of Lin Lang.

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