Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1083: Three more emperor corpses

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Jiang Xinyue's blessing on the two masters of the Saint Child, although with the power of the star animal husbandry, can enhance his combat power beyond the realm of the Saint Child.

But the two saints are not fuel-efficient lamps. The real world is one level higher than Jiang Xinyue.

Jiang Xinyue has also fallen into an absolute disadvantage since the real battle, and as the battle progresses, he is also constantly injured.

Lin Lang was stopped by Qing You and Shu Jing. Although due to Jiang Xinyue, Lin Lang and Shu Jing are very similar, but apart from Jiang Xin Yue, Shu Jing's heart is the most jealous of Lin Lang.

Otherwise, she does not need to join forces with Qingyou to siege Lin Lang.

"What about your emperor's corpse? Why haven't you called it yet?" Shu Jing looked contemptuously. She knew that Lin Lang had an emperor's corpse beside her, so she was called the son of Qingyou.

But it's strange.

It seems that Lin Lang is only about the state of mind, and cultivation is not high. But the strange thing is that Shu Jing and Qing You can't even touch his sleeve.

It's like a loach that slips without hands.

"Then as you wish."

Lin Lang waved his hand gently, and an emperor's body flashed from behind him, quickly rushing towards Qingyou. But he himself is alone to Shu Jing.

According to Shu Jing’s slight cultivation practice, there is no threat to Lin Lang, and even if the latter is supernatural, he will not hurt him at all.

There is no problem with him here, but Jiang Xinyue is different.

With the passage of time, Jiang Xinyue, under the siege of the two Saints, is already a dangerous life, and every move is full of deadly threats.

Bang Bang Bang!

The three of them collided in the air one after another, and the aftermath of supernatural powers was wanton, and the dazzling divine light ploughed the ground.

At first, Jiang Xinyue can still maintain one or two, but in the later period, even if she is still energetic, she can't keep up with the speed of the two.

"The stars belong to me and graze the stars."

Jiang Xinyue tweeted, and countless stars lit up all around him, and in the sky, stars lit up in a glimmer.

at this time.

As if there is an invisible will blessing in the starry sky, the stars gather together, shining dazzling light one after another, shining on Jiang Xinyue.

I saw the stars around her, all over her body was covered with a layer of light blue stars, and the stars around them quickly rotated.

Wearing starlight, this is Xingmu's method!

The so-called star guards and star shepherds are all a kind of inheritance of Yuehua God. In some ways, they are a kind of title. Similarly, they are also a sort of supernatural powers.

Reaching Xingmu Realm, Jiang Xinyue can already extract energy directly from the stars and bless him.

At this moment, her cultivation base climbed rapidly, from a smooth breakthrough in the state of mind to a perfect state.

"Have you used Xingmu's energy." The two sons who besieged Jiang Xinyue looked at each other, and there was no surprise in their eyes.

After Jiang Xinyue boarded the fifth floor of Xingmu Tower, they had expected this situation long ago.

One of the Sons flipped his palm and held a light round bead in his palm. The round bead seemed to be solid, but it was like a liquid. There seemed to be silver water flowing in it.

"Yue Zongzhu."

This thing is the moon wing bead that the gold-winged king Xiaopeng has been struggling to find.

Other than that.

This object is a container that can accommodate the power of Yuehua Avenue. Because it has existed for countless years, from ancient times to modern times, it has absorbed and stored the countless power of Yuehua Avenue.

Therefore, it can cure the hidden diseases of King Jinwing Xiaopeng. Unfortunately, he is not here.

After the son showed the moon, the pure and fierce will bloomed in an instant.

It belongs exclusively to Yuehua Avenue and belongs to the means of ancient Xingxiu.

"this is……"

Jiang Xinyue frowned, originally she planned to use the power of Xingmu to fight, but after Yue Zongzhu appeared, the force of force suddenly solidified.

It felt like the courtier met the monarch, shaking in awe,

"It is the power of Xing Shi. Fairy Lingbo has been promoted to half-step Xing Shi and has natural restraint on Xing Mu."

The son smiled.

Fairy Lingbo knew about Jiang Xinyue's ascent to Xingmu Tower, so she made more preparations.

In the distant ancient times, before the Emperor Nine Emperor appeared, there were no two realms of Immortal King and Immortal Emperor, and cultivation to the real immortal realm was already the limit.

The stronger than the true immortals are the monks who have been blessed by the innate gods like the Nine Gods. The innate gods have blessed the tribes or demigods under their command, instilling far more power than other true immortals.

Xingxiu in the area ruled by Moon God is such a system. Xingshou represents probably the realm of immortal king, while Xingmu is about the immortal emperor.

The power of Xing Shi is even stronger, basically only under the innate god.

Therefore, from the star guard to the star attendant, just like the king and the monarch, the rank is clear from top to bottom, and the control effect is also very obvious.

Fairy Lingbo was a step earlier than Jiang Xinyue. Even if it was only a half-step star waiter, Jiang Xinyue, who would definitely be suppressed by a star waiter's will, could not exert the power of star waiter.

This is difficult.

The three men engaged in battle for about half a day. Jiang Xinyue was scarred. On the other hand, the two sons were born with dragons and tigers. Every move must put Jiang Xinyue to death.

Jiang Xinyue went undetected for a moment, was shot down by one of the sons, and hit a few hundred feet into the crystal ground.

"Fairy Guanghan, I advise you not to struggle fearlessly, this time not only you, but even your suitors cannot survive."

The son took a step forward and looked down at Jiang Xinyue high.

not far away.

Lin Lang fought against Shu Jing with ease, and naturally also noticed Jiang Xinyue's situation.

His face sank, and for the first time he showed murderous intent. In this case, he couldn't help but also a bit heavier, directly slap and fly Shu Jing out.

Jiang Xinyue has been seriously injured. If you continue to let it go, the result will be doomed.

"you guys……"

Lin Lang was planning to shoot, but suddenly hesitated. He knew that Jiang Xinyue should not die, at least in the memory of his previous life.

But the problem is that Jiang Xinyue was severely injured by someone, and he couldn't sit by and ignore it because of his character.

If he shot, it completely disrupted the fate of the previous life, and it is still unknown whether the two of them could come together at that time.

However, he really couldn't sit back and watch his beloved woman being seriously injured in front of him.

In addition, in case the scene in front of you is not carried out step by step as in previous life. Even if there is a little mistake in the battle, he will hold his hatred for life.

Jiang Xinyue's life and death crisis, but Lin Lang was caught in a choice.


The two Saints shot one after another, and Jiang Xinyue, who was lying on the ground, was hit by two magical powers, and the injury deteriorated again.

"Is it a scene from a previous life?"

Lin Lang's heart sank.

However, it was this trick that completely ignited Lin Lang's anger.

When he returned from this life, he intended to make his relatives and friends no longer humiliated. He also vowed to change everything and avoid the situation where his lover fell in front of him again.

If Jiang Xinyue is dead, what is the use of the fate of his previous life? !

This time, Lin Lang didn't hesitate anymore. With one palm, Shu Jing photographed the meat patties. At the next moment, he unfolded his speed and hurried to stop the two before the killers under the two sons.

the other side.

Qingyou, who was fighting with the emperor's body, was also dumbfounded. Originally, Lin Lang and Shu Jing still had the power of a battle. But in the blink of an eye, Lin Lang was so powerful that he killed Shu Jing directly?

You know that although Shu Jing is not a holy son, at least Qingyou cannot defeat the latter within a few strokes.

But Lin Lang, beheading Shu Jing simply and neatly, did not use any force at all.

what's going on!


the other side.

Lin Lang was held in front of the two sons, to be precise, it should be the three sons. Because the other person has solved the fighting on the other side, he came to the rescue.

"Boy, are you going to fight the three of us?" One of the saints sneered.

"What can I do to kill you." Lin Lang's eyes were cold, with no hint of emotion.

"Yoyo, you scared me a little bit scared." A holy son's face was full of ridicule, and a little monk of heavenly mood was inferior to him in front of him!

at this time.

Jiang Xinyue also jumped from the ground and stood beside Lin Lang, saying: "You go first, I will try my best to block them."

Lin Lang looked at her and shook her head gently: "It's not that far."

Jiang Xinyue also looked back at him. Although the two had no follow-up communication, Jiang Xinyue felt inexplicable trust from the latter.

It is difficult to defeat these people unless both sides have the same level of combat power. But now, the fairy side of Lingbo has occupied an absolute number advantage.

It is basically impossible to win.

The two saints also looked at Lin Lang sarcastically and said, "Probably we made a mistake. He still thinks of the hero to save the beauty. He just doesn't know if this guy has this strength."

"Do you think you have won?" Lin Lang stared at them expressionlessly, as if these sons were nothing in front of him.

"Not at all."

A holy son sneered, and he was about to shoot.

At this moment, Lin Lang waved his hand gently, and under his sleeve robe, suddenly burst into several blazing divine lights.

These rays of light are extremely dazzling and full of Emperor Wei, people can not help but associate this magical light with Immortal Emperor.

The fact is the same.

When Lin Lang's gesture fell, three figures appeared in front of him in succession, and everybody exuded a strong immortal might.

The only thing that seems to be different from the Immortal Emperor is that these three people are dead, and there is no vitality in their bodies.

This is the three emperor corpses!

"How could this be?"

The three saints on the opposite side were a little dumbfounded. This is a big hand. It was enough to release a corpse of emperor for the first time in battle with Shu Jing.

Now the three of them have joined forces, and they are still facing the emperor's body, and the number is no different from their number.

Where did this guy come from so many emperor realms!

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