Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1082: Seventh floor

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Jiang Xinyue was trapped on the sixth floor of Xingmu Tower, even if she thought she had achieved results no worse than others.

But still unable to obtain the approval of Xingmu Tower, and Xingmu Tower will be closed, Jiang Xinyue also lost his face, intending to give up.

However, at this time.

She looked up and inadvertently glimpsed the eight shiny characters in the sky.

What you see is not empty, what you see is not empty!

Jiang Xinyue's eyes flickered, and he bowed his head thoughtfully. Unconsciously, a force of teleportation has quietly blessed her.

Xingmu Tower will soon send her to the outside world.

It was at this time.

Jiang Xinyue's eyes were bright and bright, as if she realized what she was doing, and she was free from the power of transmission.

next moment.

She rushed to the Xingmu puppet, and the light palm fell, and she didn't know what kind of power was touched. The Xingmu puppet, which had a fighting power like a god, was like a fragile piece of paper.

Directly shredded by Jiang Xinyue's palm.

The power of teleportation came again, trying to send Jiang Xinyue away. But at this moment, she refused to stay for a moment and jumped up.

Go directly to the last floor of Xingmu Tower. At this point, the teleportation power of the sixth floor could no longer interfere with her actions.

The dark clouds shrouded again, and the star guard tower to be closed also opened the door for Jiang Xinyue again.

She entered the seventh floor, which meant that she stayed a lot longer.


Jiang Xinyue hardly wastes much energy, she refined the rules of the surrounding avenues, and the Yuehua Avenue she practiced was once again profound.

"I understand."

Jiang Xinyue's eyes flickered.

The assessment content of the seventh-floor Xingmu Tower is Yuehua Avenue Dacheng, and she already did it when she was on the sixth floor.

The content of the sixth level of assessment is not the strength of Yuehua Avenue, but the transformation.

The reason why Fairy Lingbo can climb to the seventh floor is not because her talent is better than Jiang Xinyue.

It was she who transformed the Yuehua Avenue in her body into the power of starlight. She was originally Xingmu, and the opportunity directly hit the realm of the half-step star waiter.

The limitation of the Star Mu Tower is only Star Mu, once it reaches the realm of the half-step star waiter, the sixth floor cannot limit her.

It can be said that the fairy Lingbo entered the seventh floor was a coincidence, and concealed the perception of Xingmu Tower.

But Jiang Xinyue is different.

After seeing Lin Lang's message, she suddenly realized that the content of the sixth floor of Xingmu Tower was not the strength of Yuehua Avenue.

It is Yuehua true meaning!

Only monks with the true meaning of Yuehua can walk into the seventh floor of Xingmu Tower. Fairy Lingbo takes advantage of the loopholes in the rules. Even entering the seventh floor of Xingmu Tower is of little use.

But Jiang Xinyue is not the same. She came from the rules and is a monk recognized by Xingmu Tower. After passing the seventh level examination, there will be corresponding rewards.

"I'm looking forward to how much Yuehua God has left on the seventh floor of Xingmu Tower."

Jiang Xinyue's eyes flickered,

Within the range of Xingmu Tower, everything is calm and calm, even if Jiang Xinyue just passed the assessment of the seventh floor, there is no abnormal phenomenon.

After about two or three pillars of incense.

With the two flashes of light flashing, the two rays of light directly hit Jiang Xinyue's brow. She didn't feel any inheritance, nor did Yuehua really bless.

It was as if two plain lights fell on the body.

"How is this going?"

Jiang Xinyue was stunned for a while, and could not figure out exactly what the seventh floor of Xingmu Tower did.

Anyway, give her the true meaning of Yuehua again, that would not be a trip in vain. How can there be nothing on the last floor of Xingmu Tower?

But she didn't have any time to think, the power of teleportation poured in, and when it appeared again, Jiang Xinyue had already fallen outside the Xingmu Tower.

"Is it said that there was something left by the Moon God on the last floor of the Star Mu Tower, but it was taken away by the person before me?"

Jiang Xinyue frowned, puzzled.

The problem is that the Star Mumu Tower is one level higher than the Star Guard Tower, but there is no improvement in terms of rewards and inheritance.

"Is it that I didn't reach a certain qualification, or that the fairy Lingbo walked the right path, and I need to merge Yuehua Avenue into a half-step star waiter?"

"If this is the case, then the seventh floor is taken away by Fairy Lingbo."

Jiang Xinyue shook her head. She vaguely had a hunch that Yuehua Avenue must not be converted into a half-step star waiter prematurely. Otherwise, it might affect the next cultivation.

But at this time.

She only listened to the noise in her ear. She withdrew her thoughts and saw that her surroundings were full of people. Lin Lang, Xu Fei and others stood beside her and confronted a group of people for a long time.

One of them was Shu Jing who had only recently met.

The people around her, without exception, are also very powerful helpers of the Lingbo fairy series.

Qingyou is one, in addition to him, there are three masters of the Holy Son level. The other seven are also master quasi-sons.

"It seems that Ling Bo is disregarding the same friendship and intends to tear his face completely." Jiang Xinyue looked directly at Shu Jing.

Although she had foreseen this day for a long time, she didn't expect that Lingbo Fairy's patience would be so poor. She couldn't wait to start her before waiting for everyone to enter the Moon Palace.

"Sister, you are too public."

Shu Jing spoke lightly.

"Ling Bo, let her come over and talk to me. Since she has decided to tear her face, wouldn't she have the courage to meet me?" Jiang Xinyue spoke without any fear.

"Kill you, you don't need Sister Lingbo to do it yourself." Shu Jing said lightly.

Fairy Lingbo had other things to do, but did not come. She gave all the power to Shujing agent.

The four masters of the quasi-holy child class, not to mention Jiang Xinyue, is more than enough to kill anyone in the ruins of the moon.

From this point of view, being able to mobilize more than four masters at the same time, Lingbo Fairy is far from Jiang Xinyue in terms of making friends and influence.

of course.

This is also inseparable from the family history of Fairy Lingbo. The surname of Lingbo fairy is Yu, and Yu is one of the great human races in the fairy world, and also the gate valve of the fairy emperor.

For nearly a million years, every generation of the Yu family has had more than five tribes of fairy emperor sitting in town, even in the fairy world, it has a great influence.

As the second daughter of the Yu family's eldest daughter, Lingbo Fairy's identity is also exceptionally noble, and many Saints are rushing for her.

Otherwise, she won't give orders, there are so many saint child masters willing to help.


Lin Lang and others looked at the many masters around, four sons plus a series of quasi-son masters, the situation is not optimistic.

None of their group can find a true master of the Holy Child. Even if Jiang Xinyue can communicate with the power of the land under the moon as a star animal husband, he can only stop a child.

But how to solve the other sons?

This time Lingbo Fairy really took the heart of death, and would never allow Jiang Xinyue to escape.

In this case, Xu Fei is almost the same as the food delivery, which has no effect on the fighting trend.

"Sister, if you are willing to abandon cultivation, I will take you to the fairy of Lingbo. As long as you are willing to bow your head, maybe she can save you a life."

Shu Jing said.

"is it."

Jiang Xinyue smiled coldly, and at this time, Xu Fei had no meaning for this level of battle.

She just said: "Let them leave, I will stay."

In this battle without any suspense, Zheng Wentong stayed here and died. It is not as good as Jiang Xinyue himself.

"Sister, do you think I am too soft-hearted, or you are too naive." Shu Jing chuckled: "The final result of this battle is nothing more than death, leaving half a life alive."

"As for your little suitors, do you think I will leave these scourges?"

There is no room for things to turn around.

Lin Lang stared at the surrounding saints, and all the scenes of the past were vivid.

At the beginning, they encountered the same situation. At that time, Lin Lang's combat strength was similar to that of Jiang Xinyue. Even if he was strong, he would not be too strong.

that time.

The two joined forces to fight the four Saints, killing them and seriously injuring one. Jiang Xinyue was seriously injured and dying, Lin Lang also suffered an extremely serious injury.

He insisted that Jiang Xinyue, who was seriously injured, fled for tens of millions of miles, and finally got tired and released the only Qianming Dan to Jiang Xinyue, which pulled her back from the dying edge.

Lin Lang fell asleep for three years.

And this life, the same place, the same encounter. Everything is so familiar.


When Jiang Xinyue's words fell, Shu Jing had already ordered it, and the four sons shot.


Countless terrible magical powers bloom in an instant. Every holy son is the darling of heaven and earth, and has a very strong fighting power.

And the strong players of this level shot at the same time, and it was really like the destruction of the sky, almost half of the stars collapsed.

Jiang Xinyue was very uncomfortable working alone with two masters of the Holy Child. In the face of two opponents who are higher than her in the realm, Jiang Xinyue will not have much effect even if she resists. ‘

From the beginning of the battle, Jiang Xinyue was crushed by the two sons, and he was unable to fight back. Others can't help, they are more masters than themselves.

It's hard to get out.

The same is true for Lin Lang, perhaps because he once summoned an emperor's corpse to open the way for Jiang Xinyue, and he was also taken care of by Shu Jing.

Not only did Shu Jing attack Lin Lang, but Qingyou, a quasi-son master, also joined the battlefield, planning to kill Lin Lang in the first place.

Lin Lang's figure kept flashing in the air, and despite the magical powers around him, he couldn't touch his clothes at all.

"Don't you have an emperor corpse in your hand? Why don't you call out to fight." Shu Jing sneered.

This time she had taken all the circumstances into account, even if Lin Lang sacrificed an emperor's body, it could be solved.

It's not like the last time the star guard tower opened, both sides restrained each other and didn't shoot. This time, Lingbo Fairy had a killing heart, not only Jiang Xinyue, but even the people around her didn't leave a way of life.

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