Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1759: Cheng Tong's Enemy

After pressing a ruthless word, Cheng Hua seemed to have never been here before, and disappeared without a trace.

The only thing left is the poisonous fog in one place, as well as the flowers, trees, and various small animals that were eroded by the poisonous gas.

"Damn, the shrunken turtle with its head and tail hidden is absolutely despicable!"

"This is the first time I saw someone using a fake body in a fight, and hiding poison in the fake body, it's absolutely despicable!"

Gui Tong scolded in a desperate manner. Although he had won the battle, he was extremely aggrieved in his heart.

After being slapped by Cheng Hua, not only did he not hurt any of Cheng Hua's hairs, but he was rather ashamed by the poisonous fog.

"Hey, most of the Poison Master's personalities are rather strange. After all, they have been in contact with these poisonous insects and poisons for a long time. It is inevitable that they are a little strange!"

"Not to mention that Cheng Hua, a scumbag, has been thrown into the dark palace in order to improve his poison skills and strength. It has already distorted his mind and cannot treat him as an ordinary person!"

Cheng Tong sighed.

There was a bit of disappointment and a bit of sadness in the tone. Although Yue Chen and others had not heard him talk about their relationship with Cheng Hua, they could see that Cheng Tong and Cheng Hua definitely had some kind of connection.

Although the gap between the two is huge in all aspects.

Although Cheng Hua is tall and good-looking, his acting style is extremely strange and insidious, and he is a typical poison master.

Cheng Tong's appearance is not good, he looks like a little old man, without the slightest insidious temperament of a poison master, but more like a doctor, no matter his actions or words, he has a bit of compassionate temperament.

At this moment, he even picked up the gourd behind him, and collected the poisonous mist that Cheng Hua had spread into the gourd, so as not to harm more creatures.

After all, although this place is not a prosperous area, it can be regarded as a road. People come and go every day, and if someone accidentally inhales the poisonous mist, it will undoubtedly die.

Even those with the strength below Zhan Zun will be killed on the spot. If the Elementary Battle Sage is not with magical protection like Yue Chen, Guitong or special physique, it is impossible to resist this poisonous fog.

"Cheng Hua made a ruthless remark just now. I'm afraid there will be his team in the Poison Master Competition. We still have to be careful when that happens!"

"Those people may not necessarily join the dark palace, but they will definitely embarrass us. Senior Cheng Tong, do you have any enemies in the Poison Master Realm. Will they be used by Cheng Hua?"

Yue Chen turned to look at Cheng Tong who had gathered all the poisonous mist.

Cheng Tong scratched his head embarrassedly when he heard this question, and coughed lightly, "This...everyone will have enemies. Everyone will come out and mix. Who can have no enemies?"

Hearing his words, Yue Chen had already understood in his heart, probably, Cheng Tong would not have too few enemies in the Poison Master Competition.

So he asked: "Do you know how many poison masters will participate in the Poison Master Competition?

How many of them are enemies and how many are friends? "

Cheng Tong said helplessly: "There are probably two or three hundred poison masters, all of them are the strongest poison masters in each state. I heard that the scale of this poison master contest is extremely large, and even some forces that do not belong to the mainland of Kyushu will participate."

"The enemy should have more than one hundred accounts, and friends have at least three or five!"

He was extremely guilty when he spoke, and looked at the expressions of Yue Chen from time to time.

"Senior Cheng Tong...Didn't you make a mistake?"

Yue Chen is now a little regretful following Cheng Tong to participate in the Poison Master Competition. There are only two or three hundred Poison Masters in total, and there are more than one hundred enemies. Doesn't it mean that most of them are Cheng Tong's enemies?

As for the friends of the three melons, they are almost negligible.

Guitong even more slapped his tongue: "Senior Cheng Tong, I think you are okay in your life, and you are extremely kind, and you are not stingy with those who come to ask for help. Why do you have so many enemies?"

The others also nodded one after another.

In their opinion, Cheng Tong should have far more friends than enemies, and there are many others. He alone is worthy of friendship.

Even if he has been killed by hundreds of toxins, he will help other people detoxify for free.

Cheng Tong shook his head helplessly, and sighed: "I understand what you mean. I have indeed helped many people detoxify, but I have also offended many people!"

"The reason why I have so many enemies in the Poison Master Contest is mostly because I help people detoxify, that's why they attracted me!"

"The Poison Master's cultivation is difficult. On the one hand, one's own strength must keep up. Otherwise, the strength is insufficient and the more violent poison can not be tolerated. Naturally, there is no way to diligently work with the Poison Master."

"On the other hand, both the training of poison art and the materials require a lot of resources, like a poisonous insect. Although the fighting strength is strong, a poisonous insect consumes no less resources than a monster beast, and a person who is proficient in insect control Poison masters can at least manipulate hundreds of poisonous insects. You think how terrifying the resource consumption is. This is one of the reasons why poison masters are scarce."

"Therefore, many poison masters go on crooked roads, and even rely on their own poison to blackmail others. If the other party is willing to hand over resources, it is okay. If they are not willing to hand over resources, they may be poisoned alive."

"There are even more scums who even kill the other party after they hand over the resources, in order to verify the power of their toxins, such as Cheng Hua's psychological distortion, who likes to see people being poisoned to death. ."

"In the past few years, I couldn't bear it, so that I have been helping those innocent people who were secretly framed. Naturally, I have offended countless poison masters. Some of the toxins in my body were poisoned by Cheng Hua, but most of them were It was under the poison masters who I had ruined the poison tactics!"

After speaking, he sighed again, seeming to feel helpless with the entire Poison Master's practice.

Originally, poison masters were not a respected profession in mainland Kyushu.

It's not like alchemists and blacksmiths who are sought after by thousands of people.

Now because most of the poison masters act viciously and insidiously, their reputation is even worse.

Even if Yue Chen didn't know Cheng Tong, I might not know that Zhongzhou would hold a Poison Master Competition, but if Zhongzhou held a competition for alchemists and blacksmiths, Yue Chen believed that the entire Jiuzhou Continent would be a sensation.

"That's the case, I'm afraid we won't be too smooth this time, at least there will be a lot of obstacles in the Poison Master Competition, but for the people of Baizhou, we have to send the arrow on the string now!"

Yue Chen shouted in a final word.

Everyone nodded one after another, got on the flying boat, and flew towards the direction of Zhongzhou.

At this time, he had entered the boundary of Zhongzhou, and the flying boat only flew out for a few days, and then he saw a small town.

Although it is a small town, its scale and momentum are not inferior to that of the major cities in Yue State, and only Hongyan City can suppress it.

"This is Tiger Spring City, not far from the core Zhongzhou City of Zhongzhou, and the Poison Master Competition is also held here!"

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