Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1758: Fighting drugs

Cheng Hua shouted angrily, dissatisfied with Yue Chen's questioning of his poison technique.

He is extremely confident in his poisoning skills. Now he has a high posture, like a **** facing a mortal, a cat playing with a mouse, and his heart is extremely cheerful.

He originally thought that Yue Chen would kneel down and beg for mercy, even begging for his own life without dignity. Then he threw out a false hope, and finally watched Yue Chen busily sending out false hopes for himself, thinking that he was rescued. .

Then he was poisoned to death by himself, and he wanted to see the miserable look of unstoppable purpose.

But now Yue Chen actually stood up and questioned his poison technique, as if touching his reverse scale, making him extremely dissatisfied.

"Since I said you were wrong and you don't believe it, I will prove it to you!"

Yue Chen was full of confidence.

Turning his face towards Xia Yu who was already fainted.

Xia Yu's state at this time was extremely poor, with a trace of green blood oozing from the corner of her mouth, and she was about to attack her heart with poison gas.

Yue Chen took out the blue beads from the storage ring, but this time the blue beads were not as excited as he was facing the hundred kinds of poisonous poisons in Cheng Tong at that time.

Yue Chen shook the blue beads in front of Xia Yu, and saw a light green poison gas being sucked out, Xia Yu also opened his eyes slightly.

"This... how is this possible... what method did your kid use?"

Cheng Hua was very surprised.

He couldn't believe that his method was actually cracked by Yue Chen. He originally thought that Yue Chen was just a dead duck, but now seeing Xia Yun sober, he rushed to be extremely puzzled.

, Some even wonder if the poisoning failed?

Yue Chen sneered: "Cheng Hua, let me ask you one thing, after you joined the dark palace, have you ever harmed the people?"

Cheng Hua snorted coldly, and said indifferently: "That's natural. I still need to worry about those low-level clutter when I do things in the dark palace?

If someday the grown-ups of the demon race come, are these low-level clutters going to die? "

"I just used some people to refine poisons and do some small experiments. It can't be said to be mutilation!"

His tone was extremely indifferent, he didn't put the human race in his eyes at all, taking a bite of low-level choppy, as if he was already a demons.

Yue Chen pressed angrily and asked, "How many people have been killed?"

There was a sneer at the corner of Cheng Hua's mouth, and he said like a few Jiazhen: "I slaughtered a small town to refine poison a few years ago, but it's only a hundred thousand people!"

"Also, when the Sea Clan attacked in an all-round way last year, I was just spreading some newly developed plagues in a few small countries. I didn't expect that those low-level creatures didn't even have this resistance and would perish in three or five days!

"A few days ago..." He seemed extremely proud, as if these were his glory.

Without waiting for him to finish, Yue Chen shouted coldly: "Enough, since you have done so many dehumanizing things, it is time to send you on the road now!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yue Chen turned into an afterimage, and the thunder and lightning around his body pierced in Cheng Hua's direction like a **** descending.

Cheng Hua was startled at first, and then showed a disdainful expression on his face, fluffed his sleeves at will, and released thousands of poisonous insects from the cuffs to pounce towards Yue Chen.

"Jiejie, I want to move this elder, let's fight my little pets first!"

Cheng Huayin smiled.

Cheng Tong on the ground showed a solemn expression and reminded loudly: "Little friend Yue Chen must be careful, these poisonous insects are carefully refined by Cheng Hua, as long as they are bitten, they will hurt their strength and lose their ability to resist!"

Xia Yu also showed a worried look and whispered in a low voice: "Brother Yue Chen, don't have an accident!" The ghost boy on the side looked unpredictable, and smiled: "It's impossible for something to happen, Yue Chen, I know too well. Now, how can these poisonous insects do anything to him?"

In fact, he was careful to Yue Chen not because he knew Yue Chen, but because he knew that the immortal golden body that Yue Chen cultivated was the nemesis of these poisonous insects.

Sure enough, when these poisonous insects pounced on Yue Chen, opened his fangs and erected the poisonous thorns, Yue Chen didn't dodge in the slightest.

In the next second, there was a ding-dang...ding-dang sound from his body. No poisonous insect could break his defense. Instead, he was directly shocked and flew out, causing a lot of death.

Yue Chen didn't stop his footsteps, his body burst into thunder and threw the remaining poisonous insects to the ground, turning them into coke one by one.

"Damn... dare to hurt my little pets, you are looking for death!"

Cheng Hua shouted angrily, these poisonous insects were carefully cultivated by him, and some of them were even varieties of the Demon Realm.

No matter what kind of strong person, as long as he is bitten by his poisonous insects, he will definitely die. It was the first time he saw this kind of unbreakable situation, and he was a little horrified.

But he will not sit still, besides the poisonous insects, he has other reliances.

After all, he is a strong man at the peak of the battle sage and the half-step battle emperor, and Cheng Hua's martial arts should not be underestimated.

Martial Skills: Five Poison Phage Palm.

Cheng Hua sneered and struck out a green palm print, although there was still a distance away, Yue Chen could feel the violent toxicity on the green palm print.

Even around Cheng Hua, wherever he palmed the wind, the plants on the ground quickly withered and died, and the birds in the sky fell one by one.

"I'm afraid it's hard to resist this palm with the body alone!"

Yue Chen's eyes were tight, and he said to himself in his heart.

But he didn't plan to fight this palm stupidly. He knew that his advantage was speed, and there was no need to fight Cheng Hua.

Thinking of Yue Chen's erratic figure, he escaped hundreds of meters and stab Cheng Hua in another direction. This time the speed was even faster, and Cheng Hua didn't have time to react at all.

Puff! The spear pierced and passed directly through! "Big Brother Yue Chen won!"

Xia Yu said excitedly.

Guitong's eyes also brought a bit of pride, and even opened the spiritual world live broadcast to broadcast the scene in front of him.

This is the strong man of the half-step war emperor, Yue Chen can defeat such a strong man, his subordinate also has brilliance on his face.

But Cheng Tong's eyes were still solemn, and he shook his head slightly and said, "It's not that simple. I know Cheng Hua very well. He is sinister and it is absolutely impossible to be killed in such a simple way!"

Sure enough, at the moment Yue Chen's spear was worn through Hua's body, he noticed something wrong.

"It can't be so light, it's definitely not him!"

Yue Chen shouted in a low voice, feeling bad in his heart, retracting the spear into an afterimage and quickly retreating.

Cheng Hua, who was stabbed in the next second, was like a balloon, bursting open with a bang, and the poisonous mist filled the sky for hundreds of meters, and it did not dissipate for a long time.

Cheng Hua's voice also sounded in the air.

"Unexpectedly, your kid has some ability to crush the poisonous puppet I refined, and can escape this ambush. It is indeed the famous Yue Chen."

"I know that you are going to Zhongzhou, this matter is endless, you will have surprises at the Poison Master Conference!"

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